Saturday, March 30, 2024

Happy Easter from the Piggyville Girls


We are the girls from Piggyville, North Carolina, and we are here to wish all of our friends a very Happy Easter.

I am Shannon ( on the left ) and my friend, Ceilidh, is on the right. She never shows up well in photos just like Fionn Piggyfriend as they are both black piggies with black eyes. They even have the same little patch under their mouths.

We think that our Slave is going to share out these chocolate eggs and we are going to have something yummy for posing for this pigture.

                                              HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Wishing our readers a Happy Easter!


"Come with me Benedict," says Slave.

"Oh no!" says Benedict. " I am in the bathroom. Rafael and Valentine told me about being brought here the other day. I hope that I am not going to have a bath"

"Not this time sweetie," says Slave. " We are going to do something special and afterwards you can eat that carrot."

"We are going to wish a very Happy Easter to our readers so please keep still."

"I will eat the mini eggs," says Slave "and you can have some of that carrot for being a good boy. Thank you Benedict."


                                       HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE AND EVERYPIG!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Spring Cleaning

 Slave says that Spring has sprung. There are flowers in the garden.

Slave says that we should apologise to the Prairie Piggies, who still have snow.


We are lucky to have grass all year round, although it is still too cold for us to go out and pick our own yet. 

Slave says that it is time for Spring Cleaning. Well as long as she doesn't expect any help, that is OK by us. 

"Where are we going Rafael?" asks Valentine. " I am not sure but I think that Slave is carrying us upstairs so that can only mean one thing....the BATHROOM!!" Eeek!!



"We didn't think that she meant that kind of spring cleaning," say the boys.

Both the brothers get messy grease glands and are going to be cleaned up with this jar of Swarfega.

Rafael tried to escape by climbing up a towel that was hanging over the edge of the bath.....

......but it fell on his head.

Now they are back downstairs drying in a box of towels and will be rewarded with a slice of juicy melon.


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Spring, Glorious Spring!

Hi everyone!  I am Ernie from the Prairie Pigs and I am here to wish you all a happy first day of Spring. That part is perfectly sincere, but wearing this silly daisy costume is not my favourite thing in the world, to be honest.  Slave tried it on Charlotte first, but wily Charlotte kept tearing the head-dress off and making sure her eyes were closed when the picture was taken so Slave went looking for other spokespigs.

I don't like it either, but I know that there are rewards (EDIBLE rewards!!!) if a pig behaves himself for a few minutes, so I put up with it.  If we ever find out where she hides this costume between photo shoots, it will meet a violent end.  A few nibbles here and there and it will not be quite so photogenic.  HAH!!!

I mean it about wishing everyone a happy first day of Spring, though.  Winter is very long up here in Canada and while the ground is covered with snow, there is no grass for our afternoon snack.  When Spring comes, the snow melts and the grass grows again, and we will get a pile of it everyday, not to mention chickweed and plantain and all sorts of other tasty weeds.  Mmmmmm!  I can almost taste them already.  Come on Spring!!!


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

 On behalf of all the Piggyfriends, Rafael is here to wish everyone a very happy St. Patrick's Day.

Orla was going to be in our photo this year as Slave's pendant would have showed up well on her bright, white coat but I was picked up to have my nails trimmed and, as Slave had her camera at the ready, I became victim. Not that I minded as I was rewarded with a carrot for being a good boy.

Please join us in raising a glass on this special occasion....

.......filled with fresh, green grass of course.

                                                   Slainte! Cheers! Good Health to you all!

Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Prairie Pigs Light Our Candle

 Here is Attila, standing guard over our Peter Gurney Memorial Candle.  So many piggies and friends of piggies now at the Rainbow Bridge to think about!  We spent a quiet hour watching our candle and remembering.  Thanks to Cindy, Audrey, Oliver, Scottie and Coke for organizing this event each year.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Candle Lighting at the Piggyfriends

Some piggies do not behave very well on what should be a solemn occasion.  We wanted to use Peaches this year, as she is the very image of the piggy on Peter's book, but first of all she tried to light her whiskers on fire.

Then she was more interested in the boars in the pen behind her, but it does make an amusing out-take!

We can always rely on Bella to pose nicely for a photo, so here she is showing how it is done.

In memory of our dear friend Peter, who loved piggies as much as we all do!