Showing posts with label Charitable Works. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charitable Works. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Piggie calendars for 2017?

Dear readers,

In the past years we've done a yearly calendar and a card game with pigtures of piggies from this blog. This year I decided to not do a calendar, because it is a lot of work and it as also pretty late to get started now. But I always enjoyed supporting the shelters with the small profit we made from selling the calendars or card games.
So I would like to provide you with some other options. These are either small businesses enthusiastic about guinea pigs or shelters that make yearly calendars.
Found this pigture on Google, as far as
I know it is in none of the calendars below

We ordered this calendar of Mieps the guinea pig, she is a Dutch piggie, but her owner ships her calendar worldwide, please check their site for shipping costs. If you are in the Netherlands shopping will be at the end of November, for the rest of the world's it will at least be before the end of the year. There are two front cover designs to choose from, but if you want to order you have to be fairly quick, you can order until the 5th of November! Order here:
Mieps can be found on instagram, her owner was going to see a possible friend for Mieps on monday, so exciting times !

Every year Tammy of Cavy madness assembles a nice small desktop calendar with pigtures sent to her of piggies from around the world. These are fairly inexpensive little calendars, Tammy is in the USA so shipping is also good if you are in the US. As they are small I imagine shipping to other countries is also not too bad.
Our reader Jocelyn's piggies Apollo and Dante wigglebottom are featured in the Cavy madness calendar of 2017!

In our quest for calendars we found an old post by Happy Cavy about calendars, it even mentioned our 2014 calendar. As it was old most calendars are no longer available but we were glad to see the Real Men Love Guinea Pigs calendar can still be ordered! This features Orange County Cavy Haven shelter male volunteers with guinea pigs, and you can decide when the start date of your calendar should be!
Order it here:

A couple of years ago we got a calendar from the UK- based Bobtails Guinea pig & rabbits rescue from one of our readers the Surrey squeakers, looks like they are making another desktop calendar this year:
They have a rabbit and a guinea pig version for sale via eBay.

So do you know of any other small businesses or shelters selling calendars? we would love to hear about them, if you send us a link (or put it in the comments below) we will add them to this list!

Mieke of undercover guinea pigs blog, slave to the guinygirlz and Bérke

We found another calendar made by the owners of the late Fuzzberta:
She was supercute, her owner now has a new fuzzy piggy named Jennifuzz. Turned Jennifuzz was pregnant and she had 3 adorable fuzzbabies, if you are on instagram give her a follow (or simply have a look following the link below) , the babies are so cute!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Piggy A-Z: D for donation made to the Excellent Adventure Sanctuary in Northampton!

As mom was a bit to early with the friday video yesterday (Maybe it was friday already in Australia?), we have some other news to share with you today!

A donation of 46.66 USD was made today to the excellent adventure sanctuary in Northampton, UK!

Thank you to everyone who bought a game and/or supplied a pigture, for making another donation possible!

Monday, June 20, 2016

And the winner is...

The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (TEAS) in the UK!!
 Soon we will let you know what the amount of donation is, we just received 2 more orders for the card game (at time of writing this there are only 1-2 games left!)
Here are some more statistics of the vote:
Where did your votes come from (Geographical responses)

The vote results in a Pie chart

Votes on a timeline, as you can see at first Sharna's cavy sanctuary was in the lead,
but eventually TEAS took over..!
Congratulations to The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary in the UK!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Voting Closed - Vote for a shelter!

These are the nominees, click on their names to read a bit more about them:
Sharna's cavy sanctuary, AUS
Het Knaaghof, NL
Eastpeckham guinea pig rescue, UK

By selling our undercover guinea pig card games (btw there are still a few available) we made a little profit which we want to donate to a shelter somewhere in the world.

Please cast your vote for one of the shelters. The voting will be open for a week, you should be able to vote once a day, on monday 20 June I will count the votes.... So start voting!

Vote for you favorite shelter

Sharna's Cavy Sanctuary, AUS
Het Knaaghof, NL
Eastpeckham Guinea Pig Rescue, UK
online quiz maker

Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday video: Another shelter to vote for: Knaaghof, Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Our Peaches came from de Knaaghof, in Rijswijk, the Netherlands, which is not very far from our home. We would like to give the keyboard to Peaches as the spokespig who lived there.

A photo posted by Mieke (@pandameisje) on

(Peaches) Hi all, Peaches here. I was found in a patch of nature with some of my friends. We were living in the wild there and I can tell you this can be tough with all the rain, wind, cold and other animals. Luckily we were captured and taken to the Knaaghof before the winter really kicked in (Note from slave, I was adopted from the Knaaghof in November 2014). There they took good care of us and healed us if needed.
The Knaaghof, in dutch it translates to something like the 'gnaw court', is mostly populated with bunnies. Unfortunately there are way more bunnies needing a home, then guinea pigs are other rodents... But when our Roos had to leave us (my cuddle buddy), slaves contacted the Knaaghof to find us a new friend, but they only had 4 guinea pigs and all boars at that time. As we already have Berke slave looked further and eventually found Raani. So I guess the point I am trying to make is that this place has mostly rabbits and if this cause wins, the money will probably be going to rabbits mostly (which is not perse a bad thing, just want you to know this)!
We were taken good care of, the place is clean and seems organised, volunteers that work there are nice and seem knowledgeable. The bunnies have a great setup you can see that below in the video. There is a big play area in between the cages at the edges of the area. Every so much time one or more of the bunnies hatches are opened to let the bunnies in the big play area. It looked great. Us guinea pigs have sort of a big cabinet which can be divided in smaller areas. When there are not to many piggies in the shelter they will get as big a set up as possible. I had a rather big patch to myself with a house that I loved... I still love houses I have to say.
The Knaaghof is part of the Dutch Animal protection, I guess it is like the RSPCA, so they do loads of good work for animals, not just for bunnies and rodents.
The Knaaghof itself is located near a school where kids can learn about animal care, and part of their activities can involve helping out at the Knaaghof.
I hope I have given you a bit of insight into the Knaaghof, unfortunately their website is all in Dutch, so probably not very understandable for most of our readers, that I why I choose to add the video below to give you an idea of the shelter. The video has the purpose of getting more sponsors for the animals there, so it has a bit of a sad music, but it gives a rather good impression of the place!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Another shelter to consider for your vote.

Tyrion Piggyfriend here again.  When I was at Palace Piggies collecting my new friends, Slave asked the girls if they knew of another worthy shelter for whom you could vote. They told us about East Peckham Guinea Pig Rescue, who helped them in a recent rescue of over 300 piggies. They told us about a lady who had dementia and insisted on putting all her piggies together regardless of sex and the resulting explosion of piggies needed all the help that they could get. They were all collected and distributed amongst any rescue that could help.

Palace Piggies and East Peckham have many pregnant piggies because of this.

East Peckham have a Facebook page, which you can look at.

And here is their web page.

They have a news page and here is a link to one page that tells a bit about this huge rescue from Bracknell. The poor piggies were just packed into various crates and boxes for collection and you can see a few pigtures of the victims here.

I think that my new friends might have been part of this rescue but there were piggies everywhere. The rescues were overwhelmed by this piggy disaster and whomever you decide to vote for, anywhere in the world, will welcome the profit from our card game sale.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Friday video: Vote for Sharna's cavy sanctuary

Hi there,

Some time ago we asked for your nominations, and one of my nominations was Sharna's Cavy Sanctuary. The sanctuary is in Australia (Brisbane, I believe), and I do not know her in person. But she has been very active on social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, making me feel like I have an idea what she does for guinea pigs. She seems a nice lady who cares a lot about her rescues, but sometimes other people will not be so nice about what she is doing... I am not sure why though, as I have seen her try to get piggies back that went to someone who then did not want it anymore because they were not babies... I hope we can donate to her as she (as all shelters) can need a little help in feeding all those piggy mouths.

From their website:
"We are a small family run, home based, guinea pig sanctuary .
​We believe education is the key to changing the future for guinea pigs everywhere.
​Our aim is to educate people wherever we can, whilst rescuing, rehabilitating and re homing happy, healthy and bonded guinea pigs.
We offer a sanctuary to guinea pigs that are not able to be rehomed, whether due to old age or re occurring illnesses.
We offer boarding and grooming services as well as food, hay and other piggy products including cages .
​We want to support you and your piggies .
​We are self funded and every single cent goes straight back into the sanctuary and the daily running costs for the guinea pigs in our care including vet bills.​"
"We have been helping guinea pigs for 2 years now and have learnt so much in the process and continue to learn more and more .
I kind of just fell into it, you could say i was a little lost at the time with the recent passing of my mum.
Once i saw the huge need for help in the area of re homing and rescuing guinea pigs, i couldn't turn my back .
Once my eyes were opened to the huge problem Australia wide (worldwide too), i couldn't be blissfully ignorant anymore.
Now i just have a burning passion inside for the little fluff balls.
They're amazing pets if you can get off on the right foot with them.
​With lots of contradicting products and information floating around, we like to make ourselves available to anyone with questions or help regarding their guinea pigs."

Here's video of (part of) her setup

I enjoyed this video of a piggy jumping:

Happy friday!

Mikey and the Guinygirlz Peaches, Tijger and Raani and boar Berke.

p.s. If you still wish to nominate a shelter.... be fast in doing so by commenting here or in the original nomination post who you nominate and why.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Piggy A-Z C is for Charity: Vote for TEAS

What is TEAS?
The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (TEAS) was established in 2011, to provide permanent care for guinea pigs with additional needs, chiefly dental. We are lucky to have two exceptional vets nearby, who are both knowledgeable and skilled in guinea pig dentistry, with many success stories to their names. It is for this reason that we exist, as the only dental sanctuary in the country.

We are currently HMRC registered, in the process of applying for registered charity status. It has always been important to us to be registered as we wanted everything we do to be official and transparent, rather than just be a ‘back yard’ operation.

Where are we located?
Contrary to popular belief, TEAS is not a large, multi-staffed centre.
The charity is run predominantly by Debbie from her modest, semi detached house in East Hunsbury, Northampton, which is where all the hard work happens. Additional permanent places and supportive care are provided from another modest, semi detached house in West Hunsbury, Northampton.

Who runs TEAS?
There are currently four individuals who form the board and are involved in the decision making at TEAS, two of whom work directly with the pigs. The day to day running of the charity and care is carried out primarily by Debbie Postles, who
accommodates the majority of the residents at her home. Emma and Andrew Hartley currently have nine permanent residents at their home. Steve Turner is the TEAS Sanctuary Treasurer.

What do we do?
As well as providing care for poorly piggies, the board members of TEAS also have to make time for full time, paid employment

No mention of TEAS would be complete without mentioning the Lethals.
A Lethal is usually the product of breeding where both parents have the Roan gene. The result in 25% of offspring is a Lethal which usually suffers blindness, deafness and often has dental issues. There can also be other physicsl issues.
TEAS was founded on looking after Lethals and currenly has 10 Lethals as permanent Residents.
With loving care they can enjoy as long as any normal Guinea Pig.

Stanley came to the Sanctuary from The Littlest Rescue in Bristol, who had rescued several
lethal pigs. Stanley was sent to TEAS because of the specialist veterinary treatment he is likely to need.
Stanley lives with Albert and Basil.

Permanent Residents
Archie - Archie came to the Sanctuary from Cavy Corner. The vet in Doncaster had said he had lost the swallow reflex and he was booked in to be pts. He was brought to see Simon as a last ditch attempt to get help for him, and he began to make progress. Archie lived a wonderful life, but needed ongoing dental care. He survived two abscesses, but his health began to fail over Easter and he was pts. This was almost two years to the day he had been booked in for euthanasia in Doncaster.

Kevin - Kevin was brought to the Sanctuary after being found with his brother Perry in a back garden and taken to BARC. He was in a dreadful state and weighed just 365g. After just three dental treatments from Simon he was fully recovered and is now a strong, healthy piggie, weighing 1.1 kg.

Temporary Residents
Skye - Skye travelled from Wrexham to the Sanctuary to enable her to receive treatment from Simon and the supportive care the Sanctuary offers. She made steady progress and returned home within three weeks.

Cornflake - Cornflake travelled from Exeter. He was a very poorly boy when he arrived but after the first dental treatment he began to eat for himself, and after two more treatments he was ready to return home.

Rose - Rose travelled from Cardiff. She had just started to develop a head tilt in addition to her dental issues and by the time she arrived at the Sanctuary her eye was also starting to bulge. She was immediately seen by Simon who diagnosed a retrobulbar abscess and he feared she may lose her eye. He added lubrication and stitched the affected eye closed and treated her dental issues. Rose needed three further dental treatments and the swift action to close the eye meant her eye was saved. She returned home after spending 6 weeks at the Sanctuary.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Piggy A-Z: C for Charity

Some time ago we sold guinea pig card games, featuring our agents on this blog. By selling these games we made a little profit that we would like to donate to a guinea pig shelter somewhere in the world, like we did before with the money we made from selling our guinea pig calendars.

We do still have 5 games left in stock, so if you are interested order you game by filling out the form here. The is based on the dutch 'Kwartet'(quartets) game, similar to the Go Fish! game. The goal is to collect as many sets of 4 card as you can. A set of 4 cards, a kwartet/quartet, always has a theme. In our guinea pig game it can be the type of breed (smoothhaired), the color (white piggies) or something else (like piggies with Flower names). See our previous posts (with some pigtures and a video explaining the rules) about the game here.

So you can still order a game, but we want to start the nominations for possible guinea pig shelters (anywhere in the world)! So please send in your nomination! If you can, send in a little accompanying text about the shelter and why you think they deserve a nomination, that would help in getting votes.

Next step would be to all vote on your favorite shelter. The shelter with the most votes will recieve our donation.

So please, add your nominations to the comments below, or make a post with your nomination. Read how to add a post to the blog yourself, on the 'Contribute' tab below Agent F's pigture.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Piggy A-Z C is for Card Game.

Look what our Slave has made using the Card Game.

She hobbled around the local Hobbycraft shop and bought a frame, some backing paper and two packs of stickers with stars and hearts. Then she assembled all the cards in their sets with Spooky in the middle, glued them to the green paper and fastened the acrylic sheet over the top to hold everything in place. This will keep all the cards nice and clean for us to admire forever. For those of you who have not yet bought a pack, Spooky is on the back of each card.

Our pigture is hanging above Cosmo and Casper's pen. The pegs in the pigture attach cards to the top of the pen.

Here is the centre showing Spooky's pigture.

The camera flash kept reflecting on the acrylic sheet so here is a sideways pigture without no reflection so that you can see it better.

Maybe one of our readers would like to make one of these. What do you think of Slave's pigture?

Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday video & Piggy A-Z: C for card game


My name is Peaches, also known as Agent Boo.

I want to tell you something about what my slave, with a lot of help from our readers here, has made.
Our readers have send in pigtures of all kinds of lovely and handsome piggies, which slave bundled in one card game.

You(r slave) can order this card game! If they want to order it right now, have a look here.

The dutch game 'Kwartet', also know as 'Quartets', was used as a basis. The goal of the game is to collect as many kwartetten / quartets as you can. Every player starts of with 7 cards in their hards. On the table the rest of the cards are kept on a stack with the pictures facing down, so no one can see what the next card on the stack is.
The game has 11 different categories, most categories are piggy breeds, like smooth-haired piggies, US teddies and Rexes and so on. Other categories include some members of one herds, like the Piggyfriends, Indiana piggies or my herd, the Guinygirlz. There are also other themes like piggies with Flower names and white piggies.

Mom still has 7 games in stock, and hopes to sell those too. So please buy one (or more)! Once those are sold we can make another donation to a guinea pig shelter somewhere in the world. Everyone can suggest shelters and then vote for their favorite shelter. So next to getting a cool game you also get to support a shelter!
Read a bit about the price and order here, send us an email for shipping, but Mikey will contact you with the pric for the game plus shipping before sending the game to you. If you have doubt after ordering and hearing the total price just let her know. Great thing about the card games is though, that they are quite small and fit in an envelope quite easily making them less expensive to send by mail.

Slave was looking for a nice video about playing the 'Kwartet' game, but apparently this is a really dutch game, it is similar to Go Fish! But mum thinks it is slightly different from what she understood from the videos explaining how to play Go Fish!!
But she did find this rather nice very stereo typical dutch/english video for the dutch airline KLM. This game has dutch historical houses, but the idea is the same with our guinea pig game...

Hope we get to sell the last 7 games, and possibly even more...
Agent Boo aka Peaches

P.s. all buyers of the game so far, maybe you can comment below what you think of your game? Hope you are all enjoying it.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Go Fish! Card Game: 11 sets of guinea pigs

Hi all,

As mentioned before we are planning to have a game with pigtures of all our lovely guinea pigs for sale, instead of the Calendar we have done before.
Mieke just recently received the try-out print of our card game, and she is thrilled to show it to you!
Here you can see all 11 sets of Guinea Pigs. The categories are:
Smooth-hairs, (Indiana) Smoothhairs, Smoothhair Piggyfriend,
Smoothhair Guinygirlz, Smooth-haired Agents, White Smoothhairs,
Rex or US Teddy, Rexes or US Teddies, Flower Rexes and Teddies,
Crested piggies, Abbies & Alpacas

Spooky, our late spokespig of the piggypals,
can be admired on the back of the cards
As we did before we want to sell as many of these sets as possible, and all the 'profit' that is made will be donated to a guinea pig shelter somewhere in the world. You can nominate shelters and vote for your favorite as usual.

So if you are interested, you can sign up now!
We hope to be able to sell them at a price of 12,50-15 euros plus costs for shipping form our home in the Netherlands. The game includes a full colour card game with 11 sets of 4 guinea pigs. The card are nice and firm and a normal card game card size. You also get a box to put the game in with the logo of the printer (Gozi) on it, unless we get to order 50 or more sets at once then we can have Spooky on the box...

The size of the cardgame allows Mieke to send the games in an envelope, so costs should be around 5- 6 euro to the US, UK, around 3 euros for neighbouring countries like Belgium and Germany.

As Mieke hasn't given you the exact price of the game yet (depends on how many orders we get), you can sign up conditionally. If the eventual price is too high, let us know and you will not be bound to taking the order. You can find the sign up form here

Monday, April 14, 2014

PiggieDating: Our visit to t Kuufke

When we arrived we were put in this big cage and
a black, brown and white boar came in...
The first attempt at matching us was succesful: So this is our new friend Bérke,
which means 'little bear' in southern dutch dialect
Alright mom, stop taking pigtures... (Of course she took loads more)
One of the volunteers at t Kuufke had a soft spot for rexes and US teddies, so she also took pigtures of our girls with Bérke... They are now on t Kuufke's facebookpage! The text above the photo says 2 boars were rehomed (our Bérke and a new friend for our cousins Bo and Coco ;), a bit about what was done that day in the shelter and about the calender and thanking everyone who voted for them and the people who made the calendar possible.

So as you probably remember t Kuufke was the shelter who won our donation for this years' Undercover guinea pigs Calendar proceeds. We donated a total of 150 euros to them, they were really happy with it, and let us know that 6 boars can be neutered with our donation (Sorry guys!). This will help those guys find a new home with one or more nice sows.
Thanks everyone for making the calendar possible again by sending in lovely pigture, and buying the calendar. I want to send a special thank you to the people who donated extra, you know who you are ;) Of course we couldn't not show you a bit of the shelter, so here is a short impression

Some of the cages at t Kuufke....
The big pen with elderly piggies and other piggies that will not be rehomed
Spencer, he reminded us very much of our late Chico
Farouk, Piaras in the back
One of the piggies in the elderly group
The shelter also takes care of gerbils, hamsters, mice, rabbits...
And these two Chinchilla's...
and Degus, this is the ladies group: a big pile of degus...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

And the winner is....

Dutch shelter: 't Kuufke!!!

We would like to thank everyone who voted for them, and the other shelters.
We will have to do the precise maths, but we think 150 euros were raised by selling calendars, plus some extra donations.  You know who you are, thanks!

As the Guinygirlz wrote in their post, we will visit the shelter in April, hopefully we can them let you know what they did with our donation.

A very big thank you again to everyone who contributed pigtures, bought calendars, nominated shelters, voted for them and told others to vote!!

The blogging trinity
Mieke, M and Janneke

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Vote for the shelter who will recieve the 2014 Calendar proceeds

You nominated the following shelters:

You can vote on your favorite shelter until the end of the month!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Vote for 't Kuufke shelter

We are reusing last years 'why you should vote for the dutch guinea pig shelter 't Kuufke?', since everything in this post is still current and true.
Both Mieke and Janneke lost one of their piggies recently (Lily and Sjeuf) and they are planning to visit 't Kuufke to look at a new friend for their remaining pigs.
't Kuufke has been the second runner up for 2 years now and we hope they win this year! Would you please consider voting for them?


On behalf of the Dutchies we would like to nominate 't Kuufke for the proceedings of the calendar. Guinea pig shelter 't Kuufke in Limbricht is the only guinea pig shelter in the south of the Netherlands. Kuufke totally depends on donations and the hard work of it's lovely volunteers. Over the last few years Kuufke has suffered a lot of bad luck. All of their computer equipment was stolen and the roof was blown off the shelter. We really think they deserve to have a bit of good luck.

They have a lovely website. They really do a good job showing us pigs at our best to help us find our forever home. Even if you don't speak Dutch, check out their sowsboars and neutered boars. They also have a blog where they post mail from the pigs that have found their forever home and a Facebook page with lots of pigtures.

There are 3 other reasons why you should vote for Kuufke.

1. Igor
Need we say more?

2. Sjeuf
Just like Igor, Sjeuf also found us through Kuufke. Even though we moved to the other side of the country, we still wanted a pig in our herd from Kuufke, just like uncle Igor. We like their southern swagger and we enjoy going to Kuufke. So with the help from Pepper and Jimmy, we went to Kuufke and asked for the sweetest beaux they had and they sent us on a speed date with Sjeuf. He came home with us and has been a gentlepig ever since. Unfortunately he left us quite unexpectedly on Christmas morning...

3. Jimmy
Jimmy is maybe better known as agent Zeppelin, from the agent Zeppelin Mysteries. Jimmy has a very sweet and docile character. That might be because he ended up in t Kuufke almost right after his birth in July 2009 and they took really good care of him. Jimmy is currently very happy, living with (a rather lively) Pepper, who also happens to come from Kuufke.

We know Kuufke is not very well known amoung our readers since most of you are not from the Netherlands. But without Kuufke, our Igor, Sjeuf and Jimmy wouldn't have found their forever homes and their voice on this blog. So from the bottom of their big hearts, these boars ask you to give Kuufke your vote.

Vote for the Critter connection (CT) shelter(s)

Above are the CT Guinea Pig Rescue's new year mission statement followed by a link to their website. I would strongly encourage any so inclined to at least read Whitney Potsus' mission statement, and better yet visit the main website as well. I don't think I can improve upon Whitney's mission statement in my own words.

I would like to highly recommend once again the CT Guinea Pig Rescue in Durham, CT, a non-profit group dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abandoned and neglected guinea pigs. Both Joanne and I have adopted many piggies from Cindy in years past. Since its founding in 2004 by Cindy Kuester, they have placed more than 1000 guinea pigs in good homes, not to mention provided the best of veterinary care for all the piggies in need who have come into the rescue. Some special needs and senior pigs stay on for their entire lives as sanctuary piggies.

I sincerely hope that folks would consider giving the CT Guinea Pig Rescue your vote. They have survived through a roof collapse, tough economic times, and their president's health issues. As Whitney details in her new year mission statement, because of Cindy's health issues this past year, they have reorganized, with a renewed dedication to their mission. They are smaller than they were at the beginning, but they are truly passionate about helping piggies in need despite discouragement at times.

I sent the text of this nomination to Whitney to review before I submitted it. Here are some of her words: "We are grateful for whatever help we can get. Financially, things just aren't getting better." Would you consider helping this rescue with your vote?


Ann & Purdy Piggy in CT, USA

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Nominate a shelter!

Hi All,

Thank you all who bought an Undercover Guinea Pigs Calendar 2014! And of course every piggy and slave who supplied gorgeous pigtures making the calendar happen again.
If you haven't gotten a calendar yet, and still want one, you can still order! Use the form on the 'Order calendar 2014'

It is time to nominate the shelter to whom we will donate the money from selling the calendars...
So let us know who you want to nominate and why!

Last year we made posts for all the nominated shelter to tell you why you should vote for them, it would be nice if we can do that again!

Hugs to all the piggies,
Mieke, Janneke and M of this blog

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Buy a piggy Calendar and support a shelter!

Dear Guinea pig lovers,

Thirteen calendars have been ordered so far, some of them have already arrived!
Do you want one too, order here!

Like the previous 2 years, we from the undercover guinea pigs blog in cooperation with you as our readers and suppliers of cute piggy pigtures, have made the undercover guinea pigs calendar again!
You can order either a wall or a desk calendar, which will have a new cute pigture every month,
and of course our inspirator Agent F on the front.
Prices are 15 euros for the wall calendar and 12,50 for the desk calendar, plus additional shipping to your country.

If you have not ordered a calendar yet, but you want one, and you want to support a guinea pig shelter, buy one (or more)!
If you still want to recieve them before the end of this year, I advise you to order soon, unless you want to go for the more expensive 7 day shipping option...

Here is a preview of the wall and the desk version. You can click on the pigtures to enlarge them..

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pigtures wanted! Calender 2014

Hey dear guinea pig loving readers,

We had a small poll about whether we should make a new Undercover Guinea Pigs Calendar 2014. The results showed that you are all in favor and want to buy a calendar, contribute a pigture or do both!

This months Calendar Piggies: My Lily, Roos, Daisy and Woopy

So, it's time to send in pigtures again!
It would be nice if the pigtures are of a reasonable resolution, If you only have low res pigtures, you could have more than pigture on a month. That way the pigtures don't have to be that big to look okay, and together they will fill up the page! Plus it gives us as viewers more piggies to watch.
You can do (month) themes, like halloween, christmas or easter, or ,
but cute, funny pictures or just pigtures are fine too! It can be a pigture of just one pig or of a group, it doesn't really matter, so surprise us with your piggies gorgeousness...

Like previous years there are 12 pages to fill, and one to go on the front, which so far has been filled by our beautiful late Agent F, who started the idea for this blog.

Like the other years the calendars will be available in desktop and wall calendar, but if possible I would like to try to ship the calendars before the end of the year, because I noticed the shipping goes up quite a lot towards Christmas...
Any money that is not paying for the calendars itself will be donated to a guinea pig shelter. You can suggest a shelter and then can vote at all the nominated shelters.

If you have a nice pigture let us know, we have an email how to contact us on the  contribute tab (second one below the pigture of Fugly).

Looking forward to your entries!
