Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Suus and Dunya's citytrip : The Hague - part 2

Where to go next? According to Suus' little touristguide there used to be a veggie garden on Plein ('the square'). Of course the girls had to check it out.

Unfortunately, there are only a lot of big buildings like the Department of Justice on Plein and a lot of bars. And it's too early to get a carrot beer. 
Lets go and see if we can get something to eat somewhere else.

Now they wander into the Binnenhof ('Inner Court'). This is where the Dutch Governement works. Maybe they have some leftovers for us?

Hello Mr. Balkenende ((former) Dutch Prime Minister), 
do you have some veggies for us?
Hmmm.. no answer...

Hey Suus, there is a fountain. Lets get something to drink.
Heehee.. it's a good thing we didn't bring Igor ;-)

Yum! These flowers look kinda tasty..

Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Video: Pet Interviews

This wheek a tip from auntie Mieke. It's an interview with a guinea pig.
We love the message in this video:

Pets need a Pal to talk to
Yeah we do! And sniff butts, steal each other's vegetables, make a pile of pigs in a tiny tiny house.. human butts just aren't the same ;-)

Have a nice Wheekend!

British designer makes guinea pig silver rings

Hi there!

My name is Holly and, i thought this guinea pig ring i made might interest your blog readers?

I have recently begun creating silver jewellery and this is my first piece: An original design by A Little Stranger, handmade in .999 fine silver. Two tiny guinea pigs on-top a plain band. Each guinea pig is a teeny 11mm long.

I am a full time artist / designer working from my studio in London, UK. I am also the creator of super cute plush line (based on my pet guinea pigs!) Cavey. I mostly work with plush, with a bit of sculpting/model making thrown in, and, more recently, fine silver jewellery making.

Thanks :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Internet memes: LOLpigz

Are you guys familiar with internet memes? In boring human explanation: it's a concept that spreads through the internet (source: wikipedia). It can be a video, a hyperlink, a picture etcetera. What usually happens is that someone makes or does something and that other people pick up this concept and create their own stuff with it. Then they share it online and this is how it becomes social and a part of popular culture. And hence an internet meme is born.

A famous example is the LOLcatz meme. LOLcatz are picture of cats with misspelled titles, and usually (intended to be) funny. Since everything here is guinea pig, we found some LOLpigz for you ;-)


1. http://icanhascheezburger.com/
2. http://icanhasvegeburger.wordpress.com/

p.s. J's favourite meme is 'Rickrolling'. Huh.. humans are so weird..
p.p.s. got some time to kill? Go to google images and search for LOLcatz + guinea pigs (or anything else that you can come up with). Share your favorite finds (links) in the comments below

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


We had a haircut.

(Coco) I usually really enjoy getting my hair cut, but this time the stylist cut it too short. I'm seriously considering going to a different stylist. Seriously. Madonna wouldn't put up with this. Neither would lady Gaga.

Hey stylist! I'm ready for some pampering

I hate you!

(Sjeuf) I never liked getting a haircut. I do not get Coco with her silly talk about me-time and relaxing. I just bolt.

And don't try distracting me with veggies; I'm too clever for that!!

Scanning the perimeter. Coast is not clear

Okay.. I have a weak spot and the stylist somehow figured it out. I am a real sucker for cuddling. Now I'm almost bald, she looks like a Yeti

The eating does not imply forgiveness!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Video: the Guinea Pig Way

This week we have a classic as our Friday Video. Since most of you probably know Bing and his Guinea Pig Way, we'd like to ask you to get off your furry behind and DANCE!!!

It's almost wheekend so a little exercise will help you to get through the rest of this friday. Feel free to insert popcorns ;-)

Have a nice Wheekend!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Suus and Dunya's citytrip: The Hague - Part 1

This is a little story me (Mieke) and my sister Janneke made a couple of years ago.
I thought it would be nice to share something from the 'days of Yore'...

Suus and Dunya visit the Hague in the Netherlands

Suus and Dunya were nibbling on some nice basil leaves.
'Hmm, it sure is sunny outside, shall we go sightseeing in The Hague?' asked Suus.
'That's a great idea!, I'm already wearing my sunglasses', replied Dunya.

So the girls went to the Tram Stop.
Suus was eagerly waiting for the tram to arrive

'Suus, hurry up the tram is coming!!'
They both climbed aboard, and travelled to the city centre of the beautiful city of The Hague.

When they got out at the city centre's train station, the two little pigs sat down on a bench.
'WOW!! Look at all those bikes!!!' Dunya yelled.
'Those Dutchies must be very environmentallerly friendly...;-)'

They named a street after Princess Snowflake, I knew she was famous!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Video: Undercover Kitten

This kitten has a very nice camouflage technique, and he mixes it up with some extreme snuggling. Bet the humans are racing towards the fridge when they see that.

Well done kitten, well done ;-)

Have a nice Wheekend!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Video: to the Guinea Cycle!

Dr. Trouble has done it again! This time he has stolen the guinea mobile, so the girls head to the guinea cycle!

Have a nice wheekend!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Final call: vote for the Dutch Guinea Pig Foundation

Hi All,

The guinygirls wrote about the Dutch Guinea Pig Foundation and asked you to vote so that they would have a shot at winning a Camper (last day to vote, so if you haven't, please do! We voted on every computer we have). We asked the guinea pig herd from Almere to write something about the Dutch Guinea Pig foundation, since many among their ranks come from the stichting cavia shelters, and they've been to the cavy-village in Bakkeveen.

Caviabende Almere

We, that is CaviaBende Almere, would like to tell you something about the shelter we came from. Pom used to live in a big herd (about 60 piggies!) because somebody let his/her piggies breed without limits. Sofie, Melissa and Darwin were signed over to Stichting Cavia because their former owner didn’t want them any more :-( Our new owner found Pom in the shelter in Bakkeveen, the girls in the shelter in Haarlem… and we are very happy together! Since we hope more piggies wil find a good home this way… well, we like to tell you something more about Stichting Cavia!

Stichting Cavia (Guineapig Foundation) was founded in september 1997.
The goals of the foundation are:
  • To offer a shelter for guinea pigs and attempt to find a suitable new owner for them
  • To supply information about guinea pigs in order to increase their well being and pleasure in life.
    Stichting Cavia headquarters is located in Bakkeveen (Friesland, Netherlands), but has many smaller shelters throughout the Netherlands and even in Belgium.
If someone is no longer able to look after their guinea pig, looking for a temporary care solution (ecc holiday), or looking for a new piggy at your home they are welcome here! Stichting Cavia also provides people with information about piggie healthcare and daily care. Stichting Cavia offers a shelter for guinea pigs from people that can no longer take care of their them  (regardless of the reason). Stichting Cavia doesn't charge the previous owners, they only ask them to fill in a declaration stating that Stichting Cavia is the new owner of the guinea pig. 

If the guinea pig is healthy and not too old, the foundation will try to find a new owner.
If they don't succeed in finding one, the guinea pig will spend the rest of its life in the cavy-village (Caviadorp) in Bakkeveen.

Most of the time Stichting Cavia has a large number of piggies available, so if you are looking for a piggie: check Stichting Cavia first before you go to the petshop…!

Caviabende Almere enjoying their forever home
With getting a new piggie from Stichting Cavia you also become a contributor of the foundation for 1 year and you receive the newsmagazine “de CaviaKrant” (Guinea pig newspaper) twice a year.
Amongst the many guinea pigs that are brought to Stichting Cavia there are also old animals and animals with a weak health. In principle, these guinea pigs can still have a good life despite their shortcomings. However, due to the time and costs involved in their caretaking, they are not suitable for the average pet owner. These guinea pigs stay in the cavy-village for the rest of their lives.

You can support these guinea pigs by financially adopting them for the amount of 16 euro a year (you can deposit this amount on account 7741751 or bank account of Stichting Cavia in Bakkeveen). You can choose the guinea pig on this page (in Dutch). 

Of the guinea pig(s) that you decide to adopt financially, you will receive an adoption certificate. If you extend the adoption with another year, you will receive a card with a short description of how the guinea pig is doing. Additionally, you will receive our newsmagazine "De Caviakrant" (Guinea Pig Newspaper, in Dutch, only delivered in the Netherlands) twice a year. Thanks to your help, the guinea pig can enjoy the rest of his or her life in the cavy-village.
If you are interested to support us by financially adopting one of the guinea pigs in Bakkeveen, you can send an e-mail to: informatie@stichtingcavia.com

Caviabende Almere

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Vote for the Dutch Guinea pig foundation (stichting cavia)

Hi all,

We have a request for you, the dutch ebay, called 'marktplaats' is giving away a camper. Many groups and foundations have signed up to become the new owner of this camper.
We just heard from our friends of the Guinea pig gang Almere (@caviabendealmer on twitter) that the Dutch Guinea Pig foundation (stichting cavia) is competing.
They have guinea pig shelters in the netherlands, and a big guinea pig village where they take care of loads of unwanted guinea pigs. They pick up about 3000 guinea pigs a year, and their van unfortunately is old and broken at the moment...
Please take a minute to vote for them!!!
Vote here and click on the 'Steun mij' button, which means 'support me'
Thanks from all the Dutch guinea pigs
and us,
The Guinygirlz (who luckily have a forever home):
Woopy, Lily, Daisy and Roos

P.S. you can vote until the 10th of May
p.s.2 Also don't forget to vote for the caption contest!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Video: to the Guineamobile!

Dr. Trouble has stolen the lettuce from the fridge. Such evil cannot go unpunished so these two awesome guinea girls go 'to the guinea mobile' and rescue the poor lettuce

Have a nice Wheekend!

p.s. don't forget to vote for the caption contest

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Caption Contest Vote

Vote for you favourite caption to chose Agents of the months for May.

Monday, April 30, 2012


As you can see from the video we love floor time especially Roos.

To make play time interesting for piggies we highly recommend toys our favourite toys are simple and cheap to make, empty boxes!!

You can make tunnels or hideys out of empty boxes, you can stuff them with hay or hide nibbles in them or just use them to make a chicane to run around.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Videos: the Shelter Pet Project

We totally agree with the dogs and cats, humans are so weird!

Poop already! WOL WOL

Ours has the same deficiency *sigh*

The gathering of the toys.. yep. We don't get that either

Ow and we love the message that these videos are sending:
"A person is the best thing to happen to a shelter pet
Be that person!"
Have a nice wheekend!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Caption Contest

Whats in the Mail?

A Piggy Special Delivery!!

OK had Enough I'm Coming Out

Meet mystery Agent Blaze so called due to her Blaze of white. Agent Blaze lives in Illinois as part of a mixed herd and her real name in Hebrew means favourite of God and is a variation of the name Anne. For those in the UK who recall Eastenders from years ago her real name is the same as that of the actress who played Dirty Dens wife.

Get Guessing..............

Monday, April 23, 2012

An Agent Zeppelin Mystery

Our super spy is trying to improve his techniques (getting a smaller bottom doesn't seem an option), So this week he is using props.

Pigture 1. An easy one as a warmup

Pigture 2

Pigtures 3
Trying to confuse the humans by hiding in their favorite food (a wrap to hold beer bottles togethers), well done agent Zeppelin!

Get guessing

Caption Contest

Only One of us is the Real Deal but Which One?

Meet new Agent Triangle we will leave you to guess which pig is Triangle and why

Triangle lives in Illinois as part of a mixed herd her real name means Oak Tree in Hebrew and Halo of Light Around the Moon in Turkish. It is also the name of a medieval city on the Red Sea.

This is a tough one so get guessing.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Camera shy

J taught us not to be afraid of the camera, and she taught us well. Every time she comes up with the thing, we stop sleeping/snuggling/eating, run up to the bars, and strike a pose.

That silly human however, is not happy at all. Apparently she wants photos of sleeping/snuggling/eating instead of close ups of our nostrils.

Coco says 'veggies, please?'
Pretty please?
a smile from Bo
Caption this pig!
We'd like to enter the last photo of Sjeuf for the Caption Contest. Our submission is:

I pity the fool who tries to deny me my carrots!

Friday, April 20, 2012

This is What Your Kind Donation Bought

Hi all have heard from Suzy of Glynneath Guinea Pig Rescue who won the vote for our calendar money and here is how the donation has been spent.

An update on the funds given to the rescue thanks to all your votes.

150kg (10 sacks) of guinea pig food has been delivered and paid for by the donation by Undercover Guinea Pigs. This feed makes up 50% of their daily dry feed and should last the rescue around 12 weeks.

JohnnyPig sends his love too - big blurry kisses for everybody!

A huge thank you from me too of course for the tremendous support given to the Glynneath Guinea Pig Rescue

Suzy xxx

We would like to say again thank you to everyone who voted, everyone who bought a calendar and most importantly thank you to the GuinyGirlz for making it happen.

New calendar for next year... watch this space

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Caption Contest

Last month, when the weather was warm, Slave took us out into the garden to take photos. It was not until we viewed them all later that we noticed this one of my friend, Elliot, looking disapproving, like those rabbits. He is normally a very jolly fellow but he could not have liked the sun in his eyes. Slave's son said that Elliot was auditioning to be the next Bond villain, so allow me to present " Dr. Evil Pig". All he needs is a fluffy white cat or maybe one of our fancy mice.
From Agent Storm.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter Everyone

This is Agent Wizard, on behalf of the Piggyfriends, wishing everypig and every Slave a very Happy Easter.
Don't worry about us piggies eating unsuitable foods. - the chocolate is for our Slave and her human family to enjoy and the flowers are just for show. I could just have a munch of that tasty cardboard box though.....

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thank you for voting

Sally and Susie Piggyfriend want to thank everyone and everypig who voted for Palace Piggies, from where we were rescued. Palace Piggies did well to come second.
NB. Slave was very careful to watch that we did not eat the daffodils. We just wanted some flowers to make our pigture look pretty.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

An Agent Zeppelin Mystery

Agent Zeppelin is always improving his craft. He enjoys outsmarting the humans (huh.. like it's hard) and his cagemates by confusing them. Is he facing the food bowl or the hay rack? Which station should be guarded from the jaws of this ambitious LAPS pig?

See if you can find out. Get guessing!

Food bowl or hay ball?
Cardboard box or camera?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Top of the morning readers!
The Piggyfriends want to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day and I have been chosen as their representative.
Slave says that every pig here can be a secret agent. How exciting is that! Beats living in a cardboard box anyday.
She gave me an Irish name when I came here so I have chosen to be called Agent Shamrock. I live with my best friend Domino, who has shared my life through the hungry cardboard box years and the outdoor living and is now safely indoors with me here at Piggyfriends, where veggies are plentiful and there are pens of beautiful sows nearby.
We spent time recovering at our Rodentologists before moving here and our favourite food there was carrot but Slave forages for yummy leaves for us and we currently are enamoured of dandelion leaves.
Slave says that unless, like her, you are into Irish mythology or garden design, you are unlikely to guess my real name. If you read the GPDD, you might have seen me and my friend collecting trash aboard the Black Pearl in the current virtual story. The only clue that I can suggest is to think of an Irish name beginning with  D and don't worry about the spelling.
Have a great day. Glasses of carrot wine all round. Slonshal.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Adopt Rescued GPs Month

Agents Pirate and Magician want to show their support for Adopt Rescued Guinea Pigs month, as well as their favorite rescue organization.

The slogan they have come up with is:

Save some guineas, adopt rescued piggies!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We had a bath

We shouldn't have said that we'd never had a bath..

Miss Bo
Agent Chanel
For those of you who are still wondering how J tells Coco and Sjeuf apart, here are some hints:
  • Coco is actually white, with only two lilac spots around her eyes 
  • Sjeuf is lilac all over 
  • Coco is a coronet. This means that she has a crest on her head and long hair everywhere else. Or as she likes to say; I wear a crown, since I am a queen ;-) 
  • Sjeuf is a sheltie, no crests
  • And most of all, Coco is a girl and Sjeuf is a boy!! When in doubt (as if..) check underneath ;-)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hat poll

Thank you to all our wonderful Agents who joined in with the hat competition now its time to chose who gets to be Agents of the Month for March.

Voting is open until the 10th March so get voting now!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Glynneath Guinea Pig Rescue

The Glynneath Guinea Pig Rescue

The rescue was set up in '03. Started because I felt guilty sitting on my backside watching animal rescue programmes feeling sorry for the animals and when I had the knowledge and experience to do something about it! So I got off the sofa and started organising. Had a shed built, constructed cages and runs, read and learnt as much as possible and let local rescues and vets know about me. The first guinea pigs arrived very soon and since then the rescue has grown every year. I now rescue over 150 guinea pigs a year, this year could be my busiest as I have already taken in 45 in the first 6 weeks of the year, with many on the waiting list for space.

Uncle JohnnyPig

JohnnyPig has poor dental health and requires trimming every month so is a lifelong resident at the rescue. He has earned his place at the rescue by becoming the resident Uncle Pig to all the baby boys that have to leave their mothers at 3 weeks old so no accidental pregnancies occur. He has a kind and gentle nature, is very sweet with the boys and teaches them guinea pig manners. Despite being the heaviest pig in the rescue at over 1.5kg he plays with the babies and popcorns as much as they do.

Vid of Johnny with his latest assignment

1000th pig and the Piggy Bank

In response to the need for more help for piggies across the country than a single rescue or individual can provide I founded the Piggy Bank, a collective of volunteers for guinea pig rescue support, made up mostly of members of The Guinea Pig Forum. There is a central database of all contact details of the members so that when a rescue situation occurs, we have a response team in any area that can be called upon. For the larger scale rescues we work as a network to locate rescue space and transport the pigs to the rescues. The Piggy Bank is still in it's infancy but has helped with small and large cale rescues already, very successfully.

Piggy Bank

Since the first rescue pig, Mr Binkie, arrived on 6th July 2003 The Glynneath Guinea Pig Rescue has now welcomed it's 1000th piggy. He arrived on 18th February 2012, one of the '285 rescue' - Thanks to the Piggy Bank for their part in this rescue, finding rescue space and transport for 120 boars.


1000th Piggy

Thank you Suzy for this informative update about the rescue, we would like to raise our paws and clap for the wonderful job you are doing.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Who should we donate the calendar proceeds to?

Many of you have pigticipated in the making and buying of the Undercover Guinea Pigs Calendar 2012.
Now we need your votes, who should we donate the profit to?
Read the motivations of the people who nominated their shelters, and why they should win here.

Voting is open until 30th March winner to be announced 31st March.

One a side note that are still a few calendars left, which you can still order. Click on the link in the right column to order yours...