Friday, August 5, 2011

Piggysnap; Punky Peruvians

Agent Master of Disguise at the Rainbow Bridge

Mystery Agent Mystery

Slave tells me that you are looking for Peruvians for a Piggy Snap.

I am a pure bred Peruvian, my father being a champion show pig, but I was unwanted by my owner as I have a slight head tilt and a black patch around my right eye. She wanted a pure white piggy so I came here to be a Piggyfriend, where I am loved instead of being placed on a board for a show.

A Peruvian's coat parts down the centre and should be brushed straight forward over the eyes but Slave trims my fringe so that I can see out. For showing, I would have had my coat spread out all around me but Slave cuts it to floor length so I can run around and play with my friends.

In these pigtures you can see me from either side so you choose which one to use. Clue. When you can only see white that is my left side. There is also one of me with my fringe cut. Slave isn't much use with a camera but I really do have ruby eyes.

I have chosen the Agent name of Mystery as you cannot tell which end of me is which.

Agent Mystery's real name is spelt the same backwards and forwards is that over the top? He also shares the first name of a man refered to as "the most dangerous man in Europe"

Mystery Agent Campfire

Hello, I am Agent Campfire, a white and red long-haired Peruvian boar. My favorite food ever is carrots! I love carrots, and will often continue wheeking loudly at my slaves if they do not give me my favorite snack. But I also like to eat grass, corn husks, carrot tops, celery leaves and timothy pellets. My slaves always think its funny because I enjoy napping with my face in my pellet bowl. When I’m not napping with my pellets, I like spending time with my best friend Agent Java. Even though whee can’t be in the same cage because she’s a sow, I nap next to the divider so whee can be closer to each other. My secret agent name is Campfire because my real name is a snack humans traditionally make over a campfire – can you guess it?

Get guessing.............

PS we would really like another Peruvian so anyone out there send us your pigtures!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Agent I Cute Nail Cutting Cuddles

This is how Mummy has to hold Iron Hamster to cut his front nails we are glad to see that this technique works with Agent I as well.

Iron Hamster refuses all treats while his nails are cut but Agent I in true piggy form munches the whole time.

In this pigture Agent I is being held by his auntie while his mummy cuts his nails.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Warning Gentlemen Cute Overload

We did warn you....

Agent Addytudy shows us her favourite cuddle position.

What a cute patchwork tummy she has

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Playing Food ball....

Totally forgot to add our Uncle Professor Igor wrote a PLAY (Piggies like Activities and Yummies) article about playing food ball...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Stormy weather...

Just now we heard a crashing noise, the chestnut tree in front of our house was blown over by the current stormy weather..
Mom and dad really liked this tree as it blocked the view to the newly built
Apartment building behind...
Luckily nothing was hit, but we will miss this tree. Especially as it survived the whole building process..

Agents Wheeker, lily'Explorer, lil'Woop and Valentino

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Yet Another Mystery Visitor

Agent Firenze reporting.

We have a visitor here at Piggyfriends and it is eating OUR veggies!

I can't make it out as it seems to be carrying its pigloo around with it. Some of the older agents tell me not to worry as they have seen it here before but it always goes home again before the veggies run out.

It certainly eats very slowly and I am sure that I could snatch that cucumber away before it notices.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sleeping method in the hay rack

Agent Wheeker in the Hayrack, in the front the top of
lil'woop, and in the back Agent Valentino
Our cousins agent Chanel, Bo Peep and uncle agent I came to visit as auntie Janneke was on holiday.
We both liked the hay rack, they had in their sleep-over cage, as the pictures all show...

Agent Chanel in the hayrack, on the right Agent I
on the left Bo Peep
Agent Wheeker in rack, Valentino and Lily'explorer
Agent Wheeker in the hay rack again...

Agent lil'Woop in the hay rack