Hi there, I'm Butch from the Prairie Pigs and this is me wreaking havoc on Slave's Easter photo shoot!
This is what it looked like before I and my brother Sundance arrived:
I guess we were supposed to sit nicely in that middle spot, but as soon as she put us down, Sundance remembered an urgent personal matter he had to attend to back at home and tried to jump off the edge of the bed, so he was excused. Slave had told us that all of the "props" were just decorations, not edible, but you can't fool a piggy about food --- those carrots are real!!!
Yup, just as I thought (munch munch munch) !
Then Slave thought she would try something less elaborate, maybe just me and the bunny...
Hmmm...you're not the kind of bunny I heard about from the Piggyfriends, are you? The kind who eats the veggies out in the garden before us piggies have a chance at them?
Maybe I'll eat up these carrot greens right away, just to be on the safe side...
I hope everyone had a lovely Easter and is enjoying springtime wherever they are.
Better luck next year, Slave!