Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Strange Days

Pavarotti from the Prairie Pigs here, reporting in from Western Canada.  Are other piggies out there observing that their Slaves are behaving very strangely these days?  Because our Slave certainly is!   

For years we've been trying to convince her that she should stay at home more, that guinea pigs really require room service 24/7 and she should be restricting her trips into the outside world to urgent errands like buying more groceries for us.  Well, either there is something very weird going on out there in the wide world or our arguments are even more eloquent and persuasive than we thought, because suddenly that is exactly what she was doing --- staying home almost all of the time and only going out when the piggy (and human) snacks are running low.

(Here we have an example of the good part of this change: me, enjoying an "Early Mid-Afternoon Snack", a meal we only invented after Slave began staying home more!)

This all seemed like a wonderful idea at first, but unfortunately, the story gets darker.  There's an old saying: "Be careful what you wish for."  Well, now we're thinking that there might be a downside to Slaves staying at home all the time: sooner or later, even with all of the piggy chores they could be keeping busy with, they are going to get bored and start looking for ways to amuse themselves.

Look what she did to Sundance!  She dressed him up like a pirate!

And poor Heathcliffe had to wear this bumble bee costume!  He was sooooo embarrassed.  The Piggyfriends' Slave, our Aunty Penny, is growing a little indoor garden of parsley and lettuce for her piggies.  Why, oh why, can't we have a Slave who spends her time on useful things like that?

Slave claims she just "happened" to come across our Halloween costumes when she was cleaning the closet in our room and thought we might like to try them on.  A likely story!   Did she ask us if we wanted to do that?  I don't think so!  It seems that the Human/Slave mind can be a dangerous thing when left to its own devices, without proper piggy oversight!

Do other piggies out there have any good tips on keeping their Slaves under control?  We could use some help!


  1. OH Prairie Piggys let us assure you that your Slaves have not gone batty. They have what we call "cabin fever". It is not a disease or contagious. But it causes them to spend all their energy coming up with ways to pamper their piggys. They should recover in about 3 years. So hang in there and remember that the Piggyville girls understand what you are going through.

    1. Thanks for the reassurance, Piggyville Girls! More pampering does sound like a great idea...

    2. Those lettuce seedlings that you saw in our post about our Parsley Farm have grown and grown and we are going to eat the first ones for our afternoon snacks today. We have even more pots of parsley coming along so we are very glad that our Slave has done something useful with her time.

      We loved seeing you in your costumes even if you were not so keen on wearing them. It is a long time until Hallowe'en so they can go back in the cupboard until then.

    3. Thanks, Aunty Penny! We thought Sundance and Heathcliffe did look handsome in their pigtures, so maybe the photo session was worthwhile.
      We're still hoping Slave might take the hint and grow us some lettuce, though!
