Tuesday, September 4, 2012

#Olympigs 50 Yard Nap Agent Ripple

Agent Ripple covers the 24th Lap nearly half way there come on Agents


  1. My pigs refuse to sleep in front of a camera, could you please have a word with Agent Bo peep, Chanel and Sjeuf

  2. You need to sneak up on them very, very quietly.

  3. Those feet! He looks very comfy.

  4. That little footie sticking out!! So cute!

  5. The Surrey Squeakers09 September, 2012 11:00

    I never get to see any of the Squeakers asleep! If they are outside then they are running around, and if they are in a hutch then they wake up when I open the door. I need a secret webcam.

  6. Piggyfriends' Slave10 September, 2012 15:36

    That's a shame. I love to watch my Piggyfriends when they are asleep. All those twitching ears, whiskers and little feet as they dream their little piggy dreams.
