New Years Eve Cage, phase III
Friday, December 31, 2010
New Years Eve Cage
New Years Eve Cage, phase III
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
My Crib: Where do I live?
We think it is time for a new series, as we have shown you lots of available veggies around here now
in the 'Veggie of the Wheek' series. Of course if you have any suggestions or entries in that category you are very welcome to send in your posts or emails...
Our new series will be My crib, and for this we will need your pigticipation!
Some of your slaves might know the My crib tv programme which we think is on MTV, with celebrities who show your slaves their homes.
Of course, we can do the same and show you our cage!
So you are all invited to send us pigtures and some info about your cages, like what's your bedding, interior of your cage, favorite toy in it, maybe your view...
If you have a Do-It-Yourself cage, we are very interested how it was made. Then we can also do a series about C&C and other DIY cages.
Well, for the kick off we will show you our cage made by mommy and daddy.
Well, this is our crib! We have a cage with drybed (like vetbed) on the floor, which is nice and soft. We usually have an assortment of houses, soft baskets, tunnels and/or cuddle cups in it. At the moment we have two hammocks, which are nice to hang in!
Things that are always in our cage are the wooden hayrack (we sent one to our friends the Surrey Squeakers, us being their secret santas), and a hanging hayrack, which actually comes from the kitchen department at Ikea (thanks, auntie Janneke for that idea ;), water bottles (three actually!) and of course our selections of pellets (three kinds as well). Are we spoiled or what!?
Latest addition to our cage is the extra floor, with a very cool brick staircase our mom built
All of the girlz know how to use this, but Chico would rather stay safely on the ground level...
Our cage was made by our mom and dad, and is made out of hobby glass (in holland also known as Plexiglass), glued together with white plastic corner strips. The front glass can easily be lifted out of it for cleaning. It measures 150x50x50 cm (approx. 59x19.7x19.7 inch). Mom and dad are planning on making a bigger one, but they been talking about that since getting Lily and Daisy, and they've been here for half a year now, so that could take some time... We will ask mom to devote a post to the construction of our cage in a Do-it-Yourself (DIY) section.
the Guinygirlz and Agent Valentino
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Puppy the Guinea pig wins the Christmas mouse crown!
It was a head to head race featuring Puppy, Dobbie Jones and Cedric this year...
Congratulations, Puppy!!!
Look here for the results
Merry Pigmas from the Puffs
Agent DJ

Merry pigmas from the Guinygirlz and Agent Valentino
And a special thanks to our secret santas Amelia Biscuit. Weasel and their slave Elizabeth! We love the noms, and the piggy size post card (on bottom right) and slave likes the guinea pig towel and purse a lot. Snow bites are almost finished...
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Pigmas from the Piggyfriends
Merry Pigmas from the Surrey Squeakers
Merry Pigmas from Agents Cannonball, Butterloaf, and RudderRump!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Pigmas from the Winky Team's Archives
We didn't make Pigmas pigtures this year, but we sure have a lovely archive with pigtures from the past.
1. Auntie Lotje in the 'snow'
2. Snowflake Susie (when she was really young) in the 'snow'
3. Suus dreaming of a white Christmas with chicory (which is Witlof in Dutch; literally white-leafage)
4. Aunties Guiny and Lotje on a Christmas/move house-card
5. Yaya wishes you a Pawsome Christmas
6. Igor sends his love and kisses as Santa Paws
Merry Pigmas!
Igor and Yaya
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Bobtails Win £1000
Well done Bobtails
Friday, December 17, 2010
Piggy Snap Black and White the Girls

Charlies Angels

Mystery Agent Venezia
I was rescued with three other piggies, one of whom is already an agent. She chose the name Firenze for her secret name so I have decided to pick the name Agent Venezia. There is a reason for this and will leave it to you to figure it out.
My favourite food is fresh grass too. I think that most of the piggies that live here would pick that as their favourite. I eat everything that is on offer but am particularly partial to cucumbers. When we first came here, we did not know about veggies and it took us a while to realise that they are edible and tasty but we saw all the other piggies munching away and decided to join in.
My hobby is running through pipes and I also anjoy tearing up cardboard boxes.
Agent Venezia's real name is the same as the heroine in Shakespeares the Merchant of Venice, get guessing ............

Mystery Agent Mouse
The next agent is Agent "Mouse"
She gets her name as she is the most quiet piggie we have. She never speaks.. or squeaks...
She came from a horrible breeder that was going to use her for snake food.. she was thrown in a cage with the other piggies he thought were unworthy to sell... She had her ears chewed off and she was so tiny and small like a mouse... We didnt know it at the time when we brought her home but she was pg as well. She is the mom of Agent Chaplin!
Her favorite food is broccoli.
She really doesn't have a favorite toy or item she likes to play with.
Agent Mouses real name is latin and means to strive, excel or rival, she shares her name with a very famous female aviator
Get guessing.......

Mystery Agents Ice Cream and Pizza
Hi Agent Ghost
We would like to play Piggy Snap for the Black-and-White team please!
I am the one who is more white than black, and I would like to become Agent Ice Cream. Another clue to my real name is that there is "Just One..." of me.
I am the one who is more black than white. I got my real name BECAUSE I am black and white, but another clue to my real name is that I would like to become Agent Pizza.
Do you know who we are?
We dont think you need another clue to Agent Ice Creams real name but Agent Pizza's real name is also a game involving rectangles with spots or rectangles that are lined up and then knocked down.
Get Guessing.............
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Piggy Snap Black and White the Boys

Agent Badger

Mystery Agent Brock
My dad is already an agent and is known to you as Agent Badger so I was delighted to be asked to join up too.
I have chosen the agent name of Brock to follow in the family tradition.
My favourite food is fresh grass but dad and I enjoy eveything that is on the menu.
We are not the youngest of agents and do not play very much but we enjoy eating and sleeping whilst keeping a watchful eye for any food that may be approaching.
We are part of a family of five that was rescued from a horrible hutch 5 years ago and have enjoyed living here with many other piggies.
Agent Brocks real name is the same as a town in East Sussex and a grain used to make flour, beer, some whiskies and some vodkas, get guessing .......

Mystery Agent Rudder Rump
I am going to pick the Agent name “Rudder Rump” because I have a tuft of fur on my big bottom. I live with Agent Butterloaf and Agent Cannonball.
I love green pepper, it is my favorite snack.
My specialty in human watching is moving pigloos around so they can’t see me. Most of the time I put the pigloos in a corner next to Agent Butterloaf, but sometimes I move one over the foodbowl.
Agent Cannonball is like my little brother. One time Agent Cannonball poked me in the bottom and ran away, so I had to get him back. I saw him eating in the hay pile so I got in my pigloo, starting driving and tried to get him. He moved before I got him, so once I hit the wall I ran out, saw where he was, turned the pigloo around, and started going for him. This time I bopped him in the bottom with the pigloo! That showed him.
Agent Rudder Rump
Agent Rudder Rump's real name is a tough one to think of clues for so we have broken it into 2 words like the human game charades, so first word clue is lightning does this its also the name of a cleaning product in the UK, second word clue guns make this noise. Now put the 2 words together and you have his name.
Put your thinking caps on ...........

Mystery Agents Nervous *** and Chaplin
Agent "Nervous ***"
His name is chosen because he is the most nervous piggie ever! He had belonged to a family that had kids that would take him out and put him in moving toy cars! he was used as their "live" toy... so needless to say he has earned his name due to his past.
His favorite toy is his wooden house.. he loves to hide in it and peak out the windows at the world.
Favorite food is Apples
Agent Nervous *** (cant give him his full name until you have had a guess at it) your clues his name is the same as a famous Australian outlaw with the surname Kelly.
Get guessing............
Agent Chaplin
He got his name due to the only two colors on him are black and white!Like the old time movies.
His favorite food is strawberries.
His favorite toy is his chewy tube.
Agent Chaplins real name is almost the same as a famous type of quilt minus the work part.
Get thinking..............
Friday, November 26, 2010
Rodent-run Power
guinea pig poo (!) here...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Agents Milk Tray and Gingerbread reporting
I live with my brother who will be introducing himself shortly. Our human is best friends with Mopsy, slave of Dido, Agent Lettuce. I like sitting with my brother on my Mummy or Daddy and eating my favourite treats such as sweetcorn, spinach and the odd bit of carrot.
My actual name is the same as a well known fictional bear and I share his love of pic-a-nic baskets.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Misfits Thanks Giving

In the United States, Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November. On this holiday, a Thanksgiving meal is prepared with all the trimmings; families gather together and talk,laugh, eat, while others watch a game or a parade filled with pilgrims, Indians and other colonial figures. Some families may even have their own yearly Thanksgiving traditions.
What is the history of Thanksgiving in United States? The initial "Thanksgiving" feast, held in 1621, was really a traditional English harvest celebration. The Pilgrims shared it with the Native Americans because they had taught the colonists to plant crops and hunt wild game. Without the Native Americans, the Pilgrims may not have survived the harsh winter and been able to celebrate their first harvest of plentiful crops in the New World. The colonists' first harvest feast lasted for three days. Food was served all at once, instead of in courses, so people ate whatever they pleased in the order that they desired. The more important members at the feast were given the best pieces of meat, while the rest of the diners ate whatever was closest to them. The history of Thanksgiving demonstrates that feasts like the one at Plymouth were held throughout the colonies after fall harvests. However, all thirteen colonies did not celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time. In 1789, George Washington became the first president to declare Thanksgiving a holiday. By the mid-1800s, many states observed the Thanksgiving holiday. Meanwhile, the poet and editor, Sarah J. Hale, had begun lobbying for a national Thanksgiving holiday. During the Civil War President Abraham Lincoln looking for ways to unite the nation, discussed the subject with Hale. In 1863 he gave his Thanksgiving Proclamation declaring the last Thursday in November a day of Thanksgiving.
In 1939, 1940, and 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt, seeking to lengthen the Christmas shopping season, proclaimed Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November. Controversy ensued, and Congress passed a joint resolution in 1941 decreeing that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November, where it remains. What is Thanksgiving today? At its heart, it's a holiday where family and friends congregate to catch up, reminisce, tell jokes, share scrumptious food and generally give thanks for all the good things in life-exactly what they did at the very first Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving All!
Misfits (Patches our spokespig)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving Report from Agent Butterloaf
Thanksgiving is a day where human beans get together with family, relax, and eat a lot (I'm an expert in relaxing and eating.) It originated back in 1691, when the Pilgrims set a day to celebrate harvest bounty after a successful growing season. The harvest was helped by advice from Native Americans, who taught the settlers how to grow crops in the new land.
Turkey is the main meat at the Thanksgiving dinner. Other common foodstuffs include: gravy for the turkey, green beans, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie. One of my human beans bought a butternut squash for Thanksgiving and said it looked like me (not true, I'm much more pleasing.)
Happy Thanksgiving to all agents and their human beans!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
It worked: Endive feast!!
The recipe for endive our aunts Yaya and Janneke posted worked!
Daddy slave didn't want to eat endive for another day,
so we got the leftovers:
P.S. Can you see how big Lily'explorer (top right) and Lil'wheeker (top left) have gotten?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Interviewing Caplin Rous using Twitter

@caplinrous Okay first questions for the interview came in on our blog.
@caplinrous The piggyfriends, little piggy sanctuary in the UK, say they love you and wish they had a capybara friend! 9:44 AM Oct 11th via Echofon
@caplinrous The piggyfriends adore the video that shows your cousins being tickled and falling over. (Do we have link of that?) 9:45 AM Oct 11th via Echofon

@Guinygirlz Here's the link to best capybara video EVER:

@caplinrous First question from Ghost, a piggy living with the Hamster in UK: What is the weirdest website you have found about capybaras? 9:46 AM Oct 11th via Echofon

@Guinygirlz: Gosh, I don't think I've ever found a weird capybara website! There aren't that many of them.

@caplinrous Surrey squeakers, UK, think they eat a lot, they want to know what sort of quantity of food you munch your way through in a day? 9:48 AM Oct 11th via Echofon

@Guinygirlz I don't know how much I eat since mostly graze. Reports say 5 lbs of grass per day but I don't know. Plus 4 popsicles, 4 yogurts

@caplinrous Last one now, Ghost again: Mummy is making us new bedding tomorrow so we would like to know what sort of bedding a capybara has? 9:49 AM Oct 11th via Echofon

@Guinygirlz I don't use bedding. I have dog beds around the house and on the porches. I urinate/defecate in a bowl of water in the bathroom
If you have more questions for Caplin, please comment here.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Endive; the Recipe
Since the veggie of the week is endive, I thought I'd write down a recipe for endive, so here we go:
- (Broad-leafed) Endive
As soon as the endive is dropped into your cage, it is important to start slicing and dicing right away since endive is at it's best while it is still crunchy. Endive is always a tasty veggie, but at it's best when fresh.
Eat whatever is left after you're done slicing and dicing.
A crop of endive is kinda big, so it is okay to share a bit with your humans for the following traditional Dutch recipe:
Andijvie Stamppot
(endive 'mash pot')
Ingredients (serves 4 humans)
- 400 gr. broad-leafed endive
- 1200 gr. potatoes (preferably floury)
- 80 gr. butter
- 4 cups of water (500 ml)
- pepper, salt and nutmeg
- warm milk
- Rookworst (Dutch smoked sausage)
- mustard
Variation tip: stir little pieces of bacon and Dutch cheese into the stamppot. My human likes old dutch cheese, but it has a strong taste so if you're not sure a young dutch cheese might be better.
Put the potatoes into the water and boil them until they are soft (about 30 minutes). Cut up the endive into small strips. Boil the rookworst. Drain the water from the potatoes. Mash the potatoes with a bit of warm milk, butter, a pinch of salt, pepper and nutmeg. Stir in the raw endive and serve with the rookworst and a bit of mustard.
For the non-dutchies: rookworst and dutch cheese (e.g. Old Amsterdam)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Christmas Fayre at Raystede Rescue
Friday, November 12, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
GPDD got problems again
M and me were discussing whether GPDD had spam problems again, or that no one hadn't posted for a few days now.
As I wanted to know what was going on, I wrote an email to the GPDD and also to Tex.
Hi there,
I haven't received the GPDD again for a few days now.
I also don't see any new posts in the archives,
so i'm wondering if the GPDD got problems again,
or that just no one posted lately...
Slave Mikey and piggies:
Guinygirlz: Woopy, Lily and Daisy (almost same weight as 2 year old Woopy,
and they're only 6 months!)
and Valentine Chico
Yes, the same problem that happened a week ago seems to be happening again. We have a ticket in on it, and hopefully it will be resolved soon.
Well, let's keep our fingers crossed, they fix it soon!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Veggie of the Wheek: Endive
As you can see, the Endive looks like a big crop of Salad, the taste is quite bitter,
and we get to have a whole leaf per guinea pig!
According to the Guinea lynx vegetable chart below, it's also known as Escarole.
Here is a table with it's nutritional values:
Guinea Lynx' VEGETABLE CHART 100 gram portions | Percent Water | Energy (Kcal) | Protein (g) | Ascorbic Acid (C) | Calcium (mg) | Phosph. (mg) | Ca:P Ratio |
Endive (Escarole) | 93.79 | 17 | 1.25 | 6.5 | 52 | 28 | 1.9:1 |
Here you see me and Woopy sharing a leaf. Can you see, it's as big as me!
Slave says Endive is also very nice for people te eat, she likes in raw, mixed with mashed patatoes, and a sausage. What makes it really yummy is adding small chunks of Cheese (she's Dutch, huh?) and a little ketjap (soy sauce)...
Okay, those humans are weird, we just eat it raw.
Please send in your pigtures or stories about how you eat Endive!
Also i'd like to know if it's available in for example the US. It seems like a very Dutch veggie to us...
Green Wheeks,
Lil'Wheeker (aka Daisy)
Btw, Because of the Great Piggyfriend Slave Penny tips, our slave is now growing Endive and carrots inside (as it's cold outside)! We hope it will work, one of the seeds sprouted, but as slave planted both in one pot, we've no idea wether it will be carrot or Endive...
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Piggy Snap; Tort and White Tricolours

Agent Vroom

Agent Lettuce
This is me with my little sister Snuggles (I'm on the right) we are both Tricolour or Tort and White piggies. Plz to note I am not named for the hoomin singer but after the queen of Carthage-I'm a regal peeg. Home is my pod in my Aunty Loosy's house, Snuggs lives next door with her hoomin. I enjoy long cuddles, using Twitter to talk to other peegz around the world, floortime (especially for chewing on Aunty Loosy's shoes) and being told how lovely I am. Sometimes I miss my big sisty, Irene, who died in the summer.
Veggie of the week is one of my fav things cause it has broadened my nomming horizons, Endive is now a favourite nom, still think carrot is a bit rubbish though.
Dido out

Mystery Agent Watercress
Hi Agent Ghost. I would very much like to become an agent and to play Piggy Snap for the Tort and Whites team! I have chosen the name Agent Watercress, because I was named after the long-haired girl in a famous fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. A near translation of her name from German to English is "Watercress". I love having my hair trimmed (and it can get a bit knotty at the back) but the comb - oh no no no. I think my performance was once nominated for an Oscar.
Agent Watercress has given you the best clues to her real name so get guessing...

Mystery Agent Cox's Orange
Hi from me Agent Ghost. I'd like to play Piggy Snap for the same team. I have chosen the name Agent Cox's Orange, after England's most famous apple variety. I am very bold, friendly and inquisitive. I have a pointy nose and I like to stick it into everything! Whenever the slave comes into view, I march straight up to her to see what she's got for me.
Agent Cox's Orange real name is also a popular variety of apples as well as the name of a hobbit get guessing.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Eating Tomatoes
Monday, November 1, 2010
Veggie of the Wheek: tomato
We like tomatoes but our late friend Lotje used to adore tomatoes, watching her eat tomatoes was hilarious according to our slave. She would take a bite then her face get a disgusted look. But then she did like the taste and took another bite, get another disgusted look on her face and take another bite...
Guinea Lynx' VEGETABLE CHART 100 gram portions | Percent Water | Energy (Kcal) | Protein (g) | Ascorbic Acid (C) | Calcium (mg) | Phosph. (mg) | Ca:P Ratio |
Tomato | 93.76 | 21 | 0.85 | 19.1 | 5 | 24 | 0.2:1 |
We don't get tomatoes often, but we do like them. Here you can see Chico enjoying a piece of tomato.
Here's some points to take notice of when feeding tomatoes:
1) Be sure to remove the green tomato plant tops, tomato plants are poisonous!
2) We just read that if you have big tomatoes you should remove the seeds. We never did that, but also don't get big tomatoes...
3) We are doubting whether tomatoes can be a bit acidic like apples, which are not nice to eat when you have a mouth sore.... and can even be the cause of mouth sores when given in large quantities!
4) We don't advise the really small very sweet tomatoes (also called snack tomatoes in the Netherlands) for your piggy, or at least in very small amounts, cause since they are so sweet they must be high in sugar! Which is not very good for piggies...
Okay, well I hope you enjoy tomatoes, do let us know how you eat them, and feel free to send in pictures or videos of you eating tomatoes (see the contribute tab on top of the page).
Friday, October 29, 2010
Halloween Pigture Report
Agent Cannonball - Me was put into a box and couldn't find a treat at first. Me sat quietly but still no treat. So me ran around and bulldozed the entire set to find it, but me still couldn't find the treat! Then me was put back into my pigloo. Then me received treats! Finally!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Halloween Pigtures

Agent Momma with her babies Ariel on the left and Agatha in the Pumpkin
Haven't the babies got big, we wonder how much they weigh now?

Agent Bumblebee in the Pumpkin and Agent Dinosaur in Front
They look like they enjoy halloween but do they like pumpkin?