Monday, October 21, 2013

Creative ideas: Bed

A while ago, we wrote a post about our very cool pot/portable garden/tunnel and we got the idea to share more pigtures of our more unusual 'toys'; the ones that weren't initially intended for guinea pigs, but work quite well.

Very recently J bought us a doll bed, because she saw it in a video on youtube and it just looked so cool (we're so sorry we're not referring tot this video because we cannot find it anymore. Who ever you are, thank you so much for this idea!)

Let the games begin!

This is a guinea pig sized bed,
and it needs 2 humans to assemble it? Hmmokay

Putting shelf paper (or actually shelf plastic)
to piggy proof the bottom

More piggy proofing


Since we didn't immediately take to the bed,
J put veggies on top. Lucky for us,
Coco just pulled the blanket off the bed

But nowadays we all use it, and we like it a lot!
We love sitting in the bed and staring down J until she gives us veggies. Sjeuf likes to popcorn in it, Coco sleeps in it, and Bo eats breakfast in bed. Hiding under the bed was great from the start, even though it got us a new nickname (the monsters under the bed)

You probably saw in Woopy's birthdaypost that the Guinygirls have a bed like this too, so we couldn't resist adding more of their pigtures (courtesy of the Guinygirls)
Lovely Lily
Roos snoozing in bed
They've added pink shelf plastic

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Video: another commercial with guinea pigs

So. If the humans can make the house do things, why are they not making the fridge give us food? Seriously.

Have a nice Wheekend!

p.s. wheels like this are meant for hamsters, not guinea pigs. Learn the difference, commercial humans.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Agent lil'Woop is 5 1/2 years old today!! Calendar piggies October

This months Calendar piggies are my Guinygirlz:
Agents lily'Explorer, Tortoise, Wheeker and lil'Woop

AKA Lily, Roos, Daisy and Woopy

Today is also a special day because our girl Woopy turned 5,5 years old today. This also means she is the oldest piggy I ever owned! She seems pretty healthy and active for her age, so we hope for many more years with her. So a small party for as today, please join us in congratulating Woopy on her half birthday, Carrot beers all around!!

Woopy after a bath...

Because I think you already know my piggies a bit I wanted to show you their house.

Recently we got a bunkbed, we got this idea from the Cali Cavy Collective:
Here is a tutorial on how to make one.

Lily on top, Woopy below, Daisy on the right
Our new drink bottle in empty cage, see the floating carrot?
Daisy snuggling in the hay (food) next to overturned hay rack and new waterbottle

We also love boxes, this is a beer house.. with Daisy peeking out
Recently we got a doll bed, great to eat hay off the side...
... snuggle below it ...
Or sit in it of course! Roos is modeling a birthday hat for Woopy,
as she doesn't like hats, and Roos doesn't mind
Mieke of this blog and of the Guinygirlz ;)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pigtures wanted! Calender 2014

Hey dear guinea pig loving readers,

We had a small poll about whether we should make a new Undercover Guinea Pigs Calendar 2014. The results showed that you are all in favor and want to buy a calendar, contribute a pigture or do both!

This months Calendar Piggies: My Lily, Roos, Daisy and Woopy

So, it's time to send in pigtures again!
It would be nice if the pigtures are of a reasonable resolution, If you only have low res pigtures, you could have more than pigture on a month. That way the pigtures don't have to be that big to look okay, and together they will fill up the page! Plus it gives us as viewers more piggies to watch.
You can do (month) themes, like halloween, christmas or easter, or ,
but cute, funny pictures or just pigtures are fine too! It can be a pigture of just one pig or of a group, it doesn't really matter, so surprise us with your piggies gorgeousness...

Like previous years there are 12 pages to fill, and one to go on the front, which so far has been filled by our beautiful late Agent F, who started the idea for this blog.

Like the other years the calendars will be available in desktop and wall calendar, but if possible I would like to try to ship the calendars before the end of the year, because I noticed the shipping goes up quite a lot towards Christmas...
Any money that is not paying for the calendars itself will be donated to a guinea pig shelter. You can suggest a shelter and then can vote at all the nominated shelters.

If you have a nice pigture let us know, we have an email how to contact us on the  contribute tab (second one below the pigture of Fugly).

Looking forward to your entries!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Video: Good Guinea Pig Toys

What kind of toys do you guys like? These girls made a video and they are very concerned about our safety (which we appreciate very much!)

Have a nice Wheekend!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

September Calendar piggies: Mr Kiss Kiss, Weasel, Mirabella, Amelia biscuit & Maisey

Hello all, its Mr Kiss Kiss pigcipant of the September calendar pigture.

Sorry the post is late, whee have just come back off holiday from our local rodentologist.

I'm the boss of my herd and its a hard job looking after the girls. Whee are all rescue pigs from Windwhistle Warren in Gloucestershire where we used to live. We don't know how old we are but that doesn't bother us.

Its been a difficult year with the passing of the Weasel and Mirabella but we do our best. I'm now a dental pig, requiring regular work with rodentologists trained by the Cambridge Cavy Trust. I wouldn't be here without them, but still wriggle when I go to see them. I'm doing better now and starting to eat on my own again. Amelia Biscuit is still the behemoth of the group, stealing all the food and best places to sleep. Maisey is the more serious pig, and the biggest lover of grass.

We are sad now that Summer's over and there will be no more grass until next year. The picture shows us celebrating the bringing of the cattle in from the Summer mountains for the winter, celebrated in alpine countries.

Piggie kisses to all,

Mr Kiss Kiss, Amelia Biscuit and Maisey.

In about 3 months it will be the end of the year again. We could do a Calendar again for 2014.
So far we usually gathered about 150 euros to donate to a piggy shelter...

What do you think: Should we make another calendar? Would you contribute your pigture? Would your slave buy one?

Mieke of the undercover guinea pig blog

Friday, September 27, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

This Little Piggy

We don't know if this little nursery rhyme is known outside of the UK. We are sure that it was written about pink oinky pigs but guineas are a good substitute. We had to cheat with the line about roast beef as Slave is a vegetarian and we used a packet of veg based slices instead.

This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home

This little piggy had roast beef
This little piggy had none
And this little piggy went wheek, wheek, wheek all the way home

Starring Agents Gemini, Plantagenet, Minty, Firenze and Mystery aka Susie, Bosworth, Polo, Florence and Otto Piggyfriend. No piggies were harmed in the production of these pigtures. Agent Minty did not eat the packet of Quorn or even the carrot as he is a rarity at Piggyfriends in that he does not like them.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Agent Zeppelin Mystery

A few days ago Agent Zeppelin posted this photo of his lovely self (and his hair) on twitter. Which way is he facing? Get guessing!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Video: Flight of the Bumble Bun

Just watch this. We love these buns, the humans that made that humongous play area and the soundtrack.

Have a nice Wheekend

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August Calendar Piggies: Mo and Larry

Hi all,

Unfortunately I have no more information about Mo and Larry, aka Agents Pellets and Shyness who are this months Calendar piggies.
Maybe they are to shy to share?
But I wanted to at least share their calendar pigture, and maybe their owner can add some more info about them to this post...

Agents Pellets and Shyness

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Friday Video: Runaway

We love this little video. It has something we weren't sure it existed. A walking fridge!!!!!
We want one.

Have a nice Wheekend!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday Video:

We're a bit late, but since March this year, it is no longer allowed to test any component of cosmetic products on animals in Europe. Hurray for the people who made this happen *happy popcorns*

Have a nice Wheekend!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Cavies with tails?

When we have a new arrival at Piggyfriends, our Slave tries to find out which food he or she had in their previous home so that she can gradually change it over to our own feed. Our new boy, Toffee, was used to having Wagg guinea food, so she bought a small packet of it for him. Here he is with his Wagg. Can you read the words on the packet? It says " Healthy from nose to tail"! Do the people at Wagg think that we have tails or have they used the same label that they put on their dog food?

As you can plainly see, Toffee has no tail and upon careful inspection, neither do any of the rest of the Piggyfriend herd. We suspect that none of our readers have tails either. Deduct points from Wagg for a silly package but Toffee says that their food is yummy.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday Video: Dinner Time

These two twisted sisters are getting ready for their dinner. And we love it!

Have a nice Wheekend!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Guinygirlz' not-so-New Cage (DIY)

Slave is pretty sure we posted this before, but maybe slave is just affected by the heat here, cause
we can't find a post about our not so new cage on our blog... So here it is!
We have been enjoying this cage for quite some time now!


Our daddy slave has been quite busy lately with a big piece of wood, and many smaller pieces, nails, glue and corner profiles...

So a small preview of our new cage and how it is being made

This is the big piece of wood, it measures around 122 by 125 cms (around 48" by 49")

Dad was clever and used spare Ikea shelves
(slaves used glass shelves in part of their closet)

Here you can see the frame of Ikea shelves together,
which is going to support our new cage,
in the sides slaves can store boxes of pellets, hay and bedding

This is it on top of the smaller pieces of wood, and
maybe the shelve frame (we can't see for sure)

Here strips were glued in the openings,
to hold the pieces of plexiglass (hobby glass)

This is how the cage looks by now, all front strips are in place...

...Should be finished soon, right?
Slave has shared this video before, but maybe you wouldn't mind seeing our cute faces again?
Woopy enters first, followed by Lily, Daisy and Roos. Mind you it's a pretty long video...
And the finished cage, here we get to be in there for the first time:

Friday, August 2, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Calendar Piggies: July 2013

Our Oz Granny Glynis tells us about her lovely girls! Unfortunately Velvet left us earlier this year ;'(

Well Velvet RIP was a beautiful gentle sweet natured baby girl. She adored her food and when little she and Onyx would roar around their house and look for treats that i'd hidden. When she lost her sight she'd still manage to zoom around but not quite as much, but she sure knew where all the food bowls were!!
Velvet loved nothing more than a chinny rub first thing in the morning when i'd greet them both with " goooooooooood morning good morning my beautiful babies" and she'd often be sitting out in the open (totally unawares of course being blind) and i'd tap the ground near her and speak softly and say 'chinny chinny' and she'd raise her head and let me scritch that beautiful chinnie of hers. Being a long haired girlie she had to be groomed, this was not a favourite thing, but if some lettuce was on offering when having to go thru the humility of yet another butt bath and nail trim she'd be happy as a little piggie :-)
Her quiff was an amazing lilac/grey with under skirt being tan. She had black nails. Her eyes used to be deep pools of black, but then sadly became blue opaque. Her blindness never hindered her, i kept up the routine of morning feeds in the house, but would remove Onyx cause if Velvet missed some food (as it might be hidden under her volumous quiff LOL) cheeky Onyx would zoom over and nick it!!
When she was ill with her cancer Onyx did take care of her, but once she started to improve after her big op she would shoo Onyx away. When her time was coming, the last few days, Onyx was allowed to groom her and sit very very close, just like they used to when small piggies. I think she found this very comforting knowing her sister was looking after her.
Velvet Duchess was one of a kind, a diabetic and blind little girl who never complained and was so good about taking her medications.

now Onyx

Onyx was always the one first to the bowl and the first to run away! It took me way longer for her to calm down and allow me to do chinnie chinnies with her LOL As you all know Onyx has black nails except for ONE her 'tan glove' She is silky black with undertones of tan. She was always the slimmer of them both. So when she got ill and i nearly lost her it was really hard to get her back up to a reasonable weight again.
Onyx adored to reach up and try to pinch the parsley and the cucumber from the hanging treat bar. She could and still can to this day do 'standing piggie' :-) she loves to get up on her hind haunches and reach up for a treat. She is also very clever and can do 'up up' when i put my hand in and she will come and reach up and stand on my hand so i can get her out and put her into her house for dinner.
She too doesn't like butt washes or nail trims. Luckily she doesn't need too many cause of having short hair, tho she does have a cute little 'tail' when it's winter as she gets whisps that grow long on her bottom and on her ears.
Onyx is also blind in one eye cause of cataracts, her diet had to change also when Velvet got the diabetes. I used to sneak her bits of corn but then Velvet would come up and sniff her mouth, which didn't impress Onyx. Tho if Velvet was eating Onyx would go right up and sniff her mouth and try to pinch her food.
When Velvet went to the bridge, Onyx was bereft...... i was very very worried and she lost a lot of weight. I had already had a little stuffed sock toy in with the girls and thought this might help but no way she didn't want it in there anymore. It took about a month before she would move around the whole house again...... even months later one day i saw her run up the ramp and brrrrrrrr like she used to cause Velvet would be sleeping upstairs...... then Onyx realised she wasn't there so she just came back down stairs, so i hurriedly gave her a little snack to brighten her up again.

I'm blessed to have these two little girls in my life.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday Video: How to Keep Guinea Pigs Cool in the Summer

A nice tutorial on how to keep us cool in the summer.

Have a nice Wheekend!

P.s. see also our PLAY report from the archives

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Life on the Balcony

We've been watching you garden-dwelling pigs for years now. And we've been jealous. But now we have the balcony. Okay, not exactly the balcony since mom thinks that's too high (and hot). But today the balcony was brought to us during play time. And we loved it!

Hurray! It's food and a tunnel

(Coco) Nomnomnom

(Bo) Hey, this helps

(Bo) Coco! Move your big butt!


(Coco) Victory!

(Bo) Mine.

(Sjeuf) Hey girl

And while our gentleman finally gets to eat, the girls sleep..

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Introducing Bugzy and Links



We received these very cute pigtures this morning. Bugzy and Links, welcome to our blog and thank you for contributing such lovely pigtures! We hope you don't mind that we edited this post a bit. We'd like to know more about you guys (Bugzy looks like Bo's long lost brother). So if you have any more information, feel free to put it in the comments below. We'll tranfer that into this text.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Revenge of the Guinea Pigs

We did a slightly different type of photo shoot. Instead of looking as adorable as possible, we got into the characters of villains (undercover agents come with evil guys, right?) And what would be more appropriate than taking it out on the humans?

We want 24/7 access to the fridge!

Accessorize this!

Lab rat
Lab rat?
P.s. No guinea pigs or humans were harmed during this photo shoot. The pig in the fridge is a stuffed toy ;-)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Friday Video: Pinky and the Brain

We're so sorry that we've forgot to post a friday video yesterday! So to make it up to you, we're posting one of our favorite cartoons this wheek

Hope you're already having a nice Wheekend!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Video: Bunny Mission Impossible

We're sticking with the buns this wheek. Apparently they are secret agents too..

Have a nice Wheekend!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Video: the Binki Returns

No, we haven't forgotten about Friday Video, we just liked the fourth of July pigtures so much that we gave then some extra time in the spotlight. But, for your viewing pleasure, here come the rabbits!
To make up for our untimely behavior, we're also posting a video with 2 humans that channel the awsome happiness that makes us popcorn. We especially like the enthousiasm in the male human (and we're laughing like the female human) Have a nice Wheekend!