Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas at Piggyfriends.

 "Help!" says Dara."What is all this stuff and where is Declan?"

"Don't worry Dara," says Declan," I am coming!"

The two piggies look bemused until Slave tells them all about Christmas.

"So, if we have been good piggies, we will all get a treat in the morning?" asks Dara. "We are always good," says Declan, " because we are Peruvians."

Slave tells all of the piggies that Father Pigmas will come in the night and leave gifts.

"Sounds good to me," says Dara. "I can't wait until morning."

Friday, November 1, 2024

Hallowe'en Photo Shoot Goes Horribly Wrong

 Dear Readers, if you have ever attempted to do a photo shoot with a guinea pig, especially one dressed in a very cute Hallowe'en costume (which the guinea pig may not have --- strictly speaking --- agreed to wear) and a collection of props, you may have already learned what I found out today.  

Sometimes things do not go according to plan.

Here we have a basic set for a photo shoot: the letters are all still affixed to the background (that "a" in Happy may be backwards, but who pays attention to details like that?) and we have a few basic props appropriate to the holiday in the foreground.  No piggy in sight, but that comes next...

Charlotte. the piggy model, has arrived!  Not looking too pleased, but you can't keep everyone happy, and now the "w" in Hallowe'en seems to have fallen off and put back on a bit hastily upside down...

Now we have lost a few letters from the sign and Charlotte's headgear has slipped down over her eyes...

It looks as if the Director has figured out how to turn on those little pumpkins and they are now flashing, but not quite properly synchronized...

Ah!  I'm afraid this might be as good as it gets, Readers!  We have lost a few more letters but both pumpkins are flashing at the same moment and Charlotte is in the middle, still wearing her costume and glaring at the camera.  Shall we quit while we are ahead?  Perhaps that is for the best!  

Happy Hallowe'en to all piggies and piggy people out there, and we hope no one dressed you up against your will and made you pigticipate in a photo shoot!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Happy Hallowe'en!

Slave's son made this Hallowe'en scene out of Lego and we borrowed it for our photoshoot. It even lights up!

We do not have a black cat for Hallowe'en but Heidi is the next best thing.

 Here she has some of her favourite chickweed for posing nicely. She is such a good girl.

Here you can see our two mops...er Peruvians...Declan and Dara with the pumpkin. The leaf on the top has to be pressed to make it light up so we used a phone to hold it down. Much less dangerous than a real flame with all those whiskers around. 

Happy Hallowe'en to all of our readers. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Two New Piggyfriends!

Slave took our Peaches to see Pauline at Pooh Piglets Rescue as she needed an extra pair of hands to deal with a sebaceous cyst. She had seen two lovely Peruvians on the rescue's Facebook page the previous week and never expected to find that they were still there but.....

.....there they were! A family had been to see them at the weekend, picked them up and cuddled them and then went home with two other pigs. Slave can never pick up a pig at Pauline's and leave him behind. 

They had been handed in at the rescue all tangled and matted and Pauline had shampooed them and given them good haircuts. 

Slave had gone to the rescue with her son as her car was at the mechanics so he held one piggy and she had the other. Then they swapped pigs. He went back to his car to fetch the extra carrier that always accompanies Slave to the rescue " just in case ".....and in they went to come home.

She has named them Dara and Declan. In the above photo, Dara is at the front. He is alleged to be eight months old and has some white hair in his coat so it is easy to tell them apart.

In this photo, Declan is at the front. He is reputed to be two years old. They are not related but are the very best of friends. Slave has trimmed their fringes so that she can see their dear little faces and they can see out. They are lovely little guys who are obviously used to being handled and are the typical laid back Peruvians who are easy to pose for a photograph but, having dark faces, their eyes do not show up that well.

Please welcome these little fellows to Piggyfriends.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Padraig Becomes a Prairie Pig

Hello, everyone!  I'm the newest Prairie Pig and my name is Padraig, which is an Irish name (you say it something like "Porrig" unless you are Auntie Penny who speaks Irish and can somehow also sneak a "d" in there through the back door).  Actually, it was Auntie Penny (even though she lives thousands of miles away!) who alerted Pig Mum that there was a guinea pig on the website of her local humane society shelter.  And of course, Pig Mum loaded her carrier into the car right away and went out there to get me! 

So far I really like it here.  I have friends now, and I get to visit with the other six Prairie Pigs twice a day at cage cleaning time.  Also, the food is pretty good!  See?  We get red pepper twice a day!!!

And Ernie loaned me his extra little wooden house so I have a cozy place to sleep.

Do you folks know about this stuff?  It's called grass and it is the most delicious food I have ever eaten!  It's my new favourite thing in the world!

That's my story so far.  I am looking forward to meeting everyone out there in Blog Land, so write in soon to say hello and tell me about yourself!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Slaney has a Photoshoot.

 Hello Readers, Peaches Piggyfriend here.

Our new friend, Slaney, at Piggyville had a photoshoot and she sent us some pigtures. We voted on which were the best and here they are.


The sun shows off her lovely red coat very well. Below you can see her other side, which is exactly the same.... just like me. She even has red eyes the same as mine.

Her mum was going to take her outside to have her pigtures taken but there was an evil hawk hovering over the garden so it was safer to stay indoors. The hawk was after the baby turkeys but they ran away. Can't be too careful out there!

Friday, August 16, 2024

A New Piggyville Girl!

"Hey, Ceilidh, is that our Pink Piggymobile?" asks Shannon.

"Yes, Shannon, it is!" replies Ceilidh. "And there is a copy of the Journal of the American Cavy Breeders' Association right next to it!  Maybe Mum and Dad are going to a guinea pig show?"

"Oh my gosh, Ceilidh!" cries Shannon. " A piggy must have arrived in the Pink Piggymobile!  We have a beautiful new red satin sister!  What do you think we should name her?  What about "Slaney", after the River Slaney that flows into the Irish Sea near Wexford?  She looks like a lovely Irish lass!"


Dear Readers, please welcome Slaney to the piggy blog. 
