Hello, everyone! I'm Pavarotti from the Prairie Pigs. I just wanted to wish everyone and all of the piggies a Happy Easter.
I think everyone would agree that things are a little different this year, but my two friends here hopped by for a visit and they brought dandelion greens which I think are the very best way to celebrate Spring. I haven't seen dandelion greens all winter, so this gives me hope that Spring is on the way at last.
Our slave is complaining that she didn't get as much chocolate as usual. I offered her some dandelion greens, but she said I should eat them all myself (she did not have to tell me that twice!).
I hope everyone is relaxing at home and giving their piggies some extra attention and hugs. Don't worry --- the sun is shining and it's a little warmer all the time: Spring is coming !!!