Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Pigture for 2013 Calendar

Agent Shyness (Larry)when reporting with a  Christmas photo of us with Santa!

   Did he know he used to wear a green suit?

  Agent Shyness and Agent Pellets out

Picture for 2013 Guinea Pig Agents Calendar

This is Agent Pellets (Mo) reporting.Here's a picture of me and Agent Shyness (Larry) when we were 6 months old.We're ten months now.

  Do you think we could be in the calendar?

   Agent Pellets and Agent Shyness out

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Calendar 2013: Another Cute contest

Hi guys,

Again we received some pretty pigtures to use for the calendar, and we can't choose which one we like better!! So help is needed, which one do you like best, A or B?

For the month of March we have Diarmuid celebrating Saint Patrick's day (March 17) and Agent wizard celebrating Easter at the end of March

A. Diarmuid
(due to lower resolution Diarmuid, can only be combined with Gandalf on the wall calendar...)

B. Agent Wizard (Gandalf)

p.s. We could still use one or 2 more pigtures for the 2013 Calendar, so all you gorgeous Agents, put your slave to work!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Video: two Hamsters

What happens when you give two hamsters just one wheel:

Have a nice Wheekend!

p.s. we recommend that you keep hamsters just by themselves (no matter what the pet shop says) they are not herd animals like us guinea pigs.

Introducing Agent Schilling!

Real Name?  Fergie
Secret Agent Name?  Agent Schilling.  My dad named me this after Curt Schilling, a famous baseball pitcher, because I am great at throwing things!  Mostly I just throw my poop over the edge of the cage to get my humans' attention, but sometimes I throw other things, too.  Piles of hay, pellets….my entire pellet bowl.  Throwing things is fun!
Where do you live?  I live in California with my 2 piggy slaves and 2 piggy sisters, Agent Peanut and Agent Kelly.  
Favourite Food?  I only eat healthy food – I can be kind of a snob.  I love my KMS pellets and fresh hay, along with various lettuce types.  But don't stick junk food in my face like apples or fruit – no way! 
Favourite Hobby?  I like to harass my sisters and throw poop.  Sometimes mom calls me an "angry little nugget" when I harass my sisters or give my slaves The Stink Eye. 
Favourite Toy?  Poop?  I sure do love to throw that stuff!  Mom says this is not a good habit for a princess like me to have, but I just can't help myself!

Introducing Agent Kelly!

Real Name?  Wendy
Secret Agent Name?  Agent Kelly, which is short for Machine Gun Kelly.  I LOVE to machine gun rumble around the cage and act angry!
Where do you live?  I live in California with 2 piggy slaves and my 2 piggy sisters, Agent Peanut and Agent Schilling. 
Favourite Food?  I like to eat lots of fresh hay and I sneak Oxbow vitamins as often as I can.  Crunchy food is the best, I don't really like soft stuff like red leaf lettuce. 
Favourite Hobby?  Rumbling!
Favourite Toy?  I love my hay tube.  I carry it around the cage and snuggle with it, and I even use it as a pillow.   Fresh hay tubes are the best. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Introducing Agent Peanut!

Real Name?  Jaina (pronounced Jay-nuh; I am named after a beautiful princess in World of Warcraft!)
Secret Agent Name?  Agent Peanut, thanks to my colors and how cute and little I am….er, was, once upon a time, before all this extra chub showed up!
Where do you live?  I live with 2 piggy slaves and 2 piggy sisters (Agent Schilling and Agent Kelly) in California. 
Favourite Food?  What food isn't good food?!  I love pellets, fresh hay, lettuce, carrots, and especially fresh peppers from the garden.  I will eat anything…I especially love when my mom lets me sneak a piece of apple or lets me lick banana off her fingers – YUM!
Favourite Hobby?  Sleeping and looking cute. 
Favourite Toy?  My cuddle cups.  They are comfy to sleep in, and fun to hide under!