Thursday, February 10, 2011

Guinygirlz DIY cage: Hobbyglass cage

Building a Hobby glass cage, owned by Agents Lily'explorer, Lil'woop, Agent Wheeker and Agent Valentino
- 5 hobby glass sheets (for example: 2 50x50cm sheets for the sides, 3 150x150cm sheets for back, bottom and front. In the Netherlands Hobby glass is also know as plexi glass, it is not real glass, but hard plastic.
- 2 sizes (small and bigger) of corner strips (we used plastic)
- hard plastic glue

The following pictures show you what is in our cages. from bottom to top.
By the way we also have a top floor that is not really in the pictures, we'll ask slaves to write a post about that as well. The stairs in the pictures is used for getting to the top floor.
Our cage empty

A corner, picture taken so you can see the construction of smaller and bigger strips

Papers to soak up the fluids

Covered with drybed (shrank a bit in the washing machine)

Our improvisation brick staircase

the corner House

Willow 'twig' tunnel

Hanging Ikea 'hay' rack

Our Wooden hayrack

Our webcam (yes it's upside down ;)

Our netbook used for broadcasting us!

How to make:

- First: saw the corner strips to the right lengths. The biggest corner strips go on the outside of the cage. The smaller corner strips go on the inside of the cage. (see the picture on how we sawn our strips for the corners).

- Second :decide where to put which glass panel. Set them up in a way they are supported.

- third: start glueing the strips to the panels, first do the outsides, measure the space for the front panel, a small piece of glass panel will work for that, or use a smaller side panel. DO NOT leave the front panel in while waiting for the glue to dry when you want to be able to get the front panel out! Let the strips dry.

- fourth: glue the smaller strips on the inside of the cage. Again measure the space needed for the front panel and get the panel out before the glue dries!

- Fifth: After all the glue has completely dried, this does take quite a long time, look in the desciption of the glue how long it needs. You can put the panel in, and put the cage in place.

Some points of attention:

When glueing make sure you put something beneath the glued pieces, so you do not get glue on your floor, table or whatever you have the cage on while assembling.

This cage is fairly stable, but not good to keep it in the middle of a room. A wall or two for support are very welcome. Our cage is in a corner with the back and one side supported!

Hope this was helpful, if you have any questions let us know!

Our cage was made by mom and dad.

They want to make a step by step photo instruction for the next bigger cage they are planning to make for us...


Woopy, Lily, Daisy and Chico

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Girl in Town

Igor and Coco
It is I, Agent I, and I would like you all to meet my new cagemate Coco. She looks like chicory on legs (yum) and is only 6 months old. I selected her personally from a group of 4 lovely ladies at the shelter in Haarlem (if you click here you can maybe still see her pigture together with her sisters Yaya and Bibi.. yes, you read that correctly; sister of a Yaya..)


Her hobbies are popcorning and chasing me around the cage. When she sits on J's lap (the human) she really enjoys being petted and she stretches out sooo much that she looks like an enourmously hairy piggy puddle. She has red eyes and is a white and lilac coloured coronet guinea pig (a coronet is a longhaired pig with a single rosette on the top of her head).

 Without further ado, I give you mademoiselle Coco!! *drumroll*

Photo Coco:
Photo Igor and Coco: 

Agent Piggy Galore

Agent Piggy Galore (aka Yaya) went to the bridge on friday the 28th of Januari 2011.

Photo: Yaya a week before she went to the bridge, 
still very lively and vocal (edited with instagram)

During her life, Yaya was both a LAPS and a SCAMPS pig, and she was very proud of that. As she became older, she became more vocal and she never hesitated to put a young boar in his place during one of the GPDD virtual events (her cane was feared by all boars, especially Igor).

Her agent name was Piggy Galore.

This little lady was a very charming pig, and especially in her later years she became very good at putting her spell on innocent male humans (which included the vet).

Yaya, we miss you very much!

Igor and J

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Undercover Guinea Pigs Question

What is Agent Weight and why is there a need for one?
I have several agent prospects who want to know!
Wheek! Thanks!


At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.    Lao Tzu

Yoga is learning to tolerate the consequences of being yourself.     Bhagavad Gita

Live a Love Beyond Imagining.    Lola Jones

Monday, January 31, 2011

Piggy Snap; Even More Crested Piggies

Its an invasion LOL

Mystery Agents Addytude and Tiny

Addytude's favorite food is any food that her cage mate Amanda has first! LOL her favorite toy in the double hut in their cage as she likes to drive it around the cage. she weighs in at 1064 grams. She is a sweet heart and has a tude!! so her nick name we call her is Addytude!!

Tny's favorite food is carrot. His favorite passtime is taking the hay out of his bin and making a lovely bed out of it. He was the smallest pig when he first arrived here. I gave him the nick name "Tiny". He now weighs in at a hefty 1500 grams!! He is a very very gentle pig.

Addytude and Tiny are part of a mixed herd living in Illinois, Addytude's real name starts with an A and the first part sounds very similar to Addy the name is English in origin and means noble.

Tiny's real name is the same as the first part of a type of quilt made from little squares, you may remember I mixed him up with another agent a while ago ooooops.

Get guessing

Sunday, January 30, 2011


> Greetings my fellow secret Agents, Agent Lettuce here reporting on my crib. This is a smaller version of the pod I used to live in with my sister (R.I.P Agent Thumper). The most notable features are my beloved hut which I like to disguise with hay and my food bowls, 1 for dry food and 1 for wet food. Aunty Loosy puts lots of things in my pod, don't know why she bothers as I just ignore them. I get floortime every day and scamper about the bedroom, there are lots of things to explore and I like to gallop around as it annoys my Daddy.
> My pod is in Aunty Loosy's room, we have always lived in her room because we went to live with her when she was a student and our Uncle Ned was very nice but did tend to come home late at weekends and pick wah up. Boys are often silly, methinks.
> I also have a duvet (goose down from somewhere called Peter Jones) to cover my pod and keep me extra snug in winter!
> Agent Lettuce out

Agent Porkchop here, as you can see I am a stunning crested Guinea Pig, so I thought I would include my lovely self in the crested piggy snap!