Wednesday, December 16, 2015

B is for Brownie

Our current herd has no piggies who's names begin with B.
But we did have a Brownie once - she was sweet as could be! 
She'd snuggle and kiss and never would miss
A chance to show off her great piggy lips!

Brownie was a pig we had for only a short while but she was awesome!  

One of our piggies died unexpectedly and the two remaining pigs were very sad.  Brownie's friend had also died the same day as ours, and she was so sad she stopped eating.  Her family was looking to find a home where Brownie could live the rest of her days with other piggies, as they weren't able to add more furry family members at the time (brownie was 5.5 years old at this point).  

She integrated very easily into our small herd and was loved dearly.  Sadly Brownie had a heart condition and she passed away as a result of it just two short months later.  We didn't have her for long but she made a big imprint on our hearts!  She was so sweet and outgoing and had the cutest bum we'd ever seen!  One tuft of brown fur curved left and one tuft of orange fur curved right, giving her the perfect heart-shaped bum!  We could never get enough of it.  Don't you think it's cute?! 


  1. Aw, brownies bum is very cute!!!
    So glad to see a piggy with a B, and we just realised our current boar Bérke also has a name starting with a B. That means slave needs to make a post for him and we also have another agent to be introduced whose agent name starts with a B...

  2. Pat and the Prairie Pigs18 December, 2015 00:10

    Brownie was just beautiful --- I don't know if I've ever seen that colour combination without some white thrown in, too. How wonderful that you could make her last few months so happy!

  3. Such a lovely piggy. Thank you for sharing Brownie's pigture and story with us.
