Friday, October 17, 2014

Agent Chanel checking out

Coco smiling prettily for Mister R.
We're sorry to bring you bad news again. Our Coco left for the rainbow bridge today. She had been suffering from kidney failure for a while now, but today she was feeling so bad that we went to the vet and helped her make the final journey.

We might write more about the kidney failure and the diagnosis another day, but for today we would like to remember our little diva as she was (and we do mean 'diva' in the sweetest way possible. Every member of our household loved Coco and her antics, even Bo when nobody was looking).

This morning, while Coco, Bo and Ties were waiting for their cage to be cleaned, Coco was lying comfortably on a soft towel. Since she was obviously not feeling well, J wanted to make the cage as comfortable as possible for her. So she made her a nest of hay. In the other corner of the cage she put a wooden house, to make sure that Bo and Ties would leave her be and play with the house.
Huh? Where's Coco?
Coco was lowered into the nest and immediately started looking very annoyed. Next thing we knew, she was dragging her tiny body to the other side of the cage and then sat in front of the house. Every once in a while throwing J a dirty look.

Come on! I'm waiting..
Finally J caved, put a towel in the house, and little miss diva made herself comfortable. Needless to say, no cage mate was admitted into the house. Weak as she was, her pigsonality made up for that (she even got herself a tall, handsome bodyguard)
(Ties) nothing to see here, people. Please move along..
Coco sweetie, we'll miss you. Try to go easy on the other pigs at the rainbow bridge, there's plenty of chicory for everyone


  1. So sorry to read the news about dear Coco, I'll miss reading about her adventures and diva antics.

    Sending hugs to you and the Winky Team piggies.

  2. Of course we already knew she wasn't feeling so well.. And kidney failure was no good news either... but we had hoped that the meds would have helped you... Say hi to all our friends at the other side of the bridge!
    Hugs to J, R and Bo and especially for Ties!

    The Guinygirlz: Woopy and Roos and boar Bérke

  3. Penny and the Piggyfriends17 October, 2014 10:28

    We are so sorry that dear Coco has left for the Rainbow Bridge. Such a beautiful piggy, who will be sorely missed by you Janneke and the Winky Team.

    We don't post when we lose a Piggyfriend as there are so many of them that it would depress the readers but that doesn't mean that we don't share your grief at losing Coco.

    Sending love and hugs.

  4. Goodbye dear Coco we didnt even know you were ill :( run free at the rainbow bridge free of pain and with friends old and new

    Big hugs to J and the remaining Winky Team

  5. Aww Coco such a beautiful girl you are. Run free of pain at the bridge and know you will never ever be forgotten. Hugs to the J and the Winky team.

  6. What a beautiful ode to Coco. We miss you too girl!

  7. Such an adorable, little girlie! We are so sorry for your loss, but know that Coco will live always in your heart, and in memories and smiles.

    Ann & Purdy Piggy in CT, USA
