These are our November Calendar piggies
Wendy |
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Fergie |
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Jaina |
Hello from Agents Schilling & Peanut!
Hello, I am Agent Schilling but my slaves call me Fergie, and Agent Peanut is my buddy, but slaves call her Jaina (pronounced jay-nuh). Whee are sad to say that Agent Kelly (aka Wendy) must say hello from across the Rainbow Bridge. She passed away in August 2013 and whee miss her greatly! Agent Peanut can give some more details below.

As for me, I am 2.5 years old and was adopted about 18 months ago from North Star Rescue in Napa, California, USA. Let's see what do you need to know about me... My slaves always laugh and tell me what a bad "hunter" I am. When they put food in the cage or on the ground during floor time, I seem to never be able to find it! Even when they set it right in front of me - I just end up standing on it and wheeking very loudly in protest that I haven't been fed yet. It makes the slaves laugh but I don't see what's so funny! When I finally do find the food they "hid" from me, I burwaggle and loudly complain about the poor service.
My favorite activities are cuddling, sleeping, eating, cuddling and eating. In fact if the slaves don't read scriptures with me and tuck me in at night, I get very cranky and I take it out on everyone - my poor sister Jaina (I might make a habit out of dominating her...) and the slaves (with loud rumblings and stomping around the cage making a terrible racket). I love watching TV with my daddy, and helping him work. My dad is definitely my favorite - he has facial hair I can nibble on if I get hungry, and he knows just the right way to scratch behind my ears. He also doesn't make fun of my excess chubs the way mom does, she's so mean!

Hello, this is Agent Peanut, but as Agent Schilling said I go by Jaina in my day-to-day life when I'm not out saving the world as an Undercover Agent. My primary powers are being adorable, and being scared. My nick-name here at home is Scaredy-pig and it's quite suitable, I am sad to say! I was adopted from Cavy House guinea pig rescue in La Honda, California, USA!

As you know by now, my best buddy in the whole world, Agent Kelly, passed away a few months ago. Whee were planning a big fancy party for our 6th birthday which was the first weekend in September, but Wendy got very sick and after being rushed to the vet, there was nothing the slaves or the vet could do for her. Mom says she got bloat - something very scary that neither us nor our slaves ever want to encounter again! Mommy and daddy cried for days, and I did my best to comfort them. Slaves were worried that I would be so sad - you see, Wendy and I were adopted together and have been friends since we were about 2 months old. We were very bonded, and I got sad if I was separated from my dear Wendy for more than 30 minutes! But slaves were very surprised to find that I was OK after only a few hours, whereas Agent Schilling had a hard time - she kept sniffing around the cage trying to find Wendy. After a few days, she felt better and we are now on the market to find a new friend. With Agent Schilling's "strong personality" (she's a bit of a brute!) it has taken us some time to find someone we can get along with, but we have several play dates in the next few weeks to find someone! Hopefully Agent Schilling will be nicer to them than she is to evidenced by this picture:

As for me, my favorite activity is eating food - especially the fresh peppers dad grows for me in the garden. YUM! I also love to sleep in very odd positions which makes the slaves laugh. I'm not big on snuggles but sometimes I give in and let the slaves hold me for a few minutes, but when it gets too scary I ask to be put back in my comfy cave.
So we'll leave you now with a picture of Agent Kelly participating in her favorite past time - hiding out in a brown paper bag full of scrumptious hay!