Friday, February 10, 2012

An Agent Zeppelin Mystery

Our Agent Zeppelin is a master of disguise. Can you tell which way he is facing?

Well done Agent Zeppelin! Keep up the good work.

p.s. err.. Agent Zeppelin, can you help out with revealing the answer (after the guessing) we don't know which way you are facing either..


  1. We think that he is looking towards his bell.

  2. We agree with the Piggyfriends

  3. awww that is to cute!!!we would love to see your lovely face! We think you are looking at the bell as well. Good disguise! well done secret agent!

  4. Well done all! You can see that my furry behind is a bit wider than my front :-)

  5. Agent Zeppelin, you are such a handsome Peruvian :) Whee were also going to guess that you were looking away from the camera.
