Sunday, September 23, 2018

Everybody Loves a Capybara

Mummy and Daddy had a short break away from us recently, luckily they got to see some Capybara's with their babies so they didn't actually miss us too much. We made the most of them being away and had parties everyday shhhhhhh

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Where is the Real Food

Mummy saw this fun display at a local garden centre, while we think it looks great we also think they could have made this out of edible plants and flowers and then we could have sat at the table and eaten them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Curious Piggy.

Our Slave tried to take some photos of us being Curious Piggies like Mieke's. Unfortunately her camera makes a little "Click" before, a second later, off goes the flash. This Click is enough for us to hear it and run away resulting in lots of out-takes.

Here is one of Cosmo Dangermouse.

Then she tried bribery but this is not quite the photo that she was seeking although Cosmo did get an extra piece of cucumber.

Finally success ( of a kind ). It is lucky that Cosmo is white as the photo is a bit dark, for which she apologises. You can also see that he ate that piece of cucumber as his coat looks rather green under his chin.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Guinea Pig Heaven?

Whenever Mummy and Daddy see a field like this they always think this is what Guinea Pig heaven must be like.

We don't have the heart to them that we think the bales are actually straw and that guinea pigs don't like that as it is sharp and can scratch our eyes.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Machu Picchu and Kiwi come home

We have two new friends here at Piggyfriends. They are going to introduce themselves.

"Hello readers! I am called Machu Picchu. The nice lady at Palace Piggies Rescue said that my previous owner named me after somewhere she had visited. My new Slave has always wanted to go there too so she is keeping my name. I came here with my brother, Kiwi."

"Hello. I am Kiwi. I got my name because our previous owner thought that my colour is like that of a kiwi bird. I have never seen one so I do not know. Slave says that I am an agouti pig. Machu Picchu is much braver than me and lets our new Slave pick him up without any fuss but I am rather nervous although I will allow her to stroke me. I do like sitting in this box of hay, from where I can see what is going on."

"There is some delicious grass here," says Machu Picchu in between mouthfuls, " but the other piggies here tell us that there was a grass shortage recently due to a heatwave. How terrible. I am glad that the grass is growing again."

" If I reach out far enough," says Kiwi," I can just eat that grass."

"Don't be scared," says Machu Picchu, "It is very safe here. Our neighbours are eating grass too and just look at the size of them. If we eat up all of our food do you think that we could grow that big?"
Fernando and Martin are in the next door pen to our new friends and they are enjoying the grass too.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

G is for Green Grass which is Great

Our friends around the world who follow this blog will know that a few weeks back the UK was hit by a heatwave and while this was fun at first it soon began to drag on even sun worshipping humans were get fed up at the lack of the rain.

For us guinea pigs it was horrible as this is what became of our lovely Green Garden.

Luckily after what felt like forever the rain finally returned and now our Garden is Green and Great once again.

We have also decided that the so called human Tom Jones is really a guinea pig. Why do we think this? Why would a human be singing about the Green Green Grass of home??? Think about it do your humans sing about missing Grass?

Friday, August 24, 2018

Are you a curious pig?

Mom is saying we are very curious. Yesterday she gave us a piece of home grown cherry tomato, that was very good. So we were trying to get her to give us some more.... That resulted in these pigtures of us, and not more tomatoes so far.
How about you, do you have curious piggy pigtures like ours? We would love to see them to convince mom this is perfectly normal behavior!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

New Piggyfriends are coming!

We were very sorry to discover that our lovely Rodentologist at Palace Piggies Rescue is moving to Yorkshire, which is a long, long way away from Piggyfriends. All of the piggies for adoption need to find homes quickly so that the Palace Piggies people do not have too many piggies to move along with them.

If you look at their website..... will see that the top two piggies, Machu Picchu and Kiwi, are reserved. That is because they are coming to live with us! Slave cannot pick them up until next Tuesday so watch this space for more news.

P.S. If any Slaves in South East England have room for a piggy or two, Palace Piggies would love to hear from you. They always have more piggies than they have room to show on their adoption page. Contact details on their website.

Monday, August 6, 2018

A Piggy A - Z. G is for Guinea Pigs!

After that one wet day, the heatwave returned and it goes on and on although the weatherman has just said that we might be getting some rain in a few days time. We cannot go outside as it is so hot but we thought that it was about time we made a post and decided to move on to G in our alphabet.

What else could we possibly start with other than the most important G of all - GUINEA PIGS of course.

It being too hot to do anything that required exercise, we had a look through the Piggyfriend archives and found these photos, which were for a little friendly competition about who could make the longest line of piggies.

Our senior piggy Otto, on the right, remembers this photoshoot from his younger days. He says that Slave made a line of celery both to keep all the piggies in order and also to stop them from falling off the sofa whilst she took the photos.

Then she took the celery away and, very quickly, took this photo. Otto says that he was replaced by Fennel for this pigture.

This was the longest line of piggies that Slave was able to make as they filled up the sofa.

Otto remembers that were a lot of outtakes during this photoshoot. Here is one....

Not all of the piggies would stay in line.....

Anyone reading this will know all about Guinea Pigs so we do not need to tell you any more but we would love to see any photos that you might have. Use the Contribute button at the top of our page.

The above pigture shows some of the Piggyfriends waiting to be lined up. As you can see, we come in many different shapes, sizes, hairstyles and colours.

Now we are waiting in earnest for that rain to come so that we can show you some photos of G for Grass.

Sunday, July 29, 2018


"What is that noise on the roof?" asks Niamh Piggyfriend.

" Hey, look guys! It is raining! Does this mean that our grass will grow again?"

" Yes," replies Slave," but it will take a few days before I am able to pick any for you."

The Piggyfriends are relieved that they will soon be able to enjoy their daily ration of grass and will put up with veggies in the meantime. They are also delighted that it is not so hot today.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Hard Times

The dreadful heatwave continues here at Piggyfriends. We cannot go outside to forage as there is nothing there to eat and even the humans have been advised to stay out of the sun between 11 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. Not that our Slave needs any such advice.

She did come home with this box of pseudo grass yesterday. It looked quite like grass so we were willing to give it a try.

Unfortunately it was very coarse and the dandelions were not up to our normal juicy standard but, in the circumstances, we were willing to forgive our Slave, who had made the effort to find us something that was nearly grass.

Cosmo Piggyfriend thinks that this is more like a doormat than grass but he is giving it his best shot ."This is better than no grass at all", he says between mouthfuls, "but it takes a lot of chewing."

Carter, Aoife and Saoirse will have a go at anything that looks like grass and every Piggyfriend tried some although it was not quite so relished as the usual lush supply.

There has never been a day when no grass has been served at Piggyfriends, even when Slave has to brush off the snow to find it so we have been very disappointed in the weather that has ruined our favourite food.

We have all been moved into Slave's dining room, which is the coolest room in the house and we have lots of fans to keep away the worst of the heat. Some of us are in smaller pens than usual to fit us all in but who wants to run around when it is hot? We wish that it would rain!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Grass, or what used to be grass...

We just wanted to share what our grass looks like... It's been rather warm outside, inside has been okay so far, and it hasn't rained for quite a time... Dull brownish 'grass' is all we see what looking out the window.

Guinygirlz Raani and Cookie and boar Binky

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

A message from our newest Pigpenpal, Noodle.

Hello Piggyfriends,

My new Slave has taken some more photos and I thought that you would like to see them. First of all, here is another one of me. When I was taken to the shelter, my nails were about an inch long and my new Slave immediately trimmed them so I am able to run around properly and have fun.

Can you see my nice neat nails?

Here I am at home, being weighed.
I am going to get fat with all this good food.
Our Slave grows veggies in the garden and we all got to share the first of the carrot crop.

We all ate the leaves first and then we finished off the carrots.

It was all very yummy and we cannot wait for more carrots to be ready to pick.

Love and oinks from your PigPenPal, Noodle.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Praying For Grass!!!

Hey Mum said Squirly! Did I hear you say that there are piggys that do
not have any grass to eat? Yes some piggys live where there are heat
waves and droughts. Their slaves can not collect grass for them. Well
Honeydew and I are going to pray for all of our Piggyfriends around the
world. May Mother Nature Bless them with grass.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Look what they've done to our grass!

This is a photo of a field where Slave often collects lovely fresh grass for us. It sometimes contains dandelions too.
This heatwave just goes on and on and we have had enough of it ( so has Slave ). She just managed to find a little bit of rather dried grass around the edge where there is a bit of shade from the horrible sun. It was not up to our usual standard but needs must.....

Saturday, June 30, 2018

We have a new PigPenPal.

We have just had an email from our one time Junior Slave, who has adopted another piggy to be a friend for Rin, Maki and Nico so we have a new PigPenPal.

She is called Noodle. She was bought as a present for a little girl, who dearly wanted a piggy but she proved to be allergic so Noodle was surrendered to the Humane Society where Junior Slave works.

Noodle comes home.
Our new PigPenPal.
Inquisitive Piggy.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

It is TOO hot!

We are having a heatwave here in SE England. It is far too hot to do anything. We cannot go out on the grass and Slave has fans all around us indoors but it is still too hot for our liking.

Magnus Piggyfriend thinks that it is far too hot to sit in the haybox so maybe it will be cooler to have a nap in this tube.

Slave is having difficulty cutting fresh grass for us. Her friend, Roly, is mowing all the grass in his fields for hay and what is left has all gone to seed. Plenty of stalks but no nice, green blades of grass.

Just as well that our supermarket has lots of lovely fresh veggies instead but Magnus is too hot to finish his carrot.

What is the weather like where you live, readers?

Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday video: Hungry piggies!

It's Friday again, so time for another little video. Does this look familiar to slaves out there?
Happy wheekend

Sunday, June 17, 2018

A Piggy A - Z. F is for Friend

We have not been able to take any pigtures for the blog until today as Slave has been out and about and she took her camera with her but today she is at work again so we have pigtures to share.

Us piggies are social animals and, much as we appreciate the love of a kind Slave, nothing beats the friendship of another piggy.

Someone with whom to share a pile of grass.

Fernando and Martin on the left.

And after eating, a post prandial nap with our best friend.

Here, on the right, are Otto and Niamh fast asleep.

As always, we would love to see your pigtures. Follow the instructions on our Contribute button at the top of our page. It is very easy.

Friday, June 15, 2018

We Love Carrots!

Hey Honeydew do you think our slave can take a video of us eating
carrots? No way says Squirly. Our slave is not as smart as her smart
phone. Oh well maybe you can convince her to post a picture of us eating
carrots from the Piggyville garden. Ok says Squirly. Honeydew thinks to
herself...I am such a smart piggy. I have all the carrots for myself.
Squirly returns and says "What happened to the carrots"? I left the tops
for you they are the best part replies Honeydew.