Friday, February 2, 2018

Our Slave's Tiny Piggy Ornaments

Our dear friends, Eddie and Nugget asked on the GPDD if we could show them some photos of our Slave's collection of tiny piggy ornaments so here goes.

First of all there are these four fat piggies.
They are only one inch high and they came from a wonderful online store called the Winking Cavy. Piggies of all colours and breeds could be ordered and the man who made these could even make a model of one's own piggy from a photo. Sadly this store no longer exists.

Here is another trio of little porkers. The middle one was a gift from our pigsitter and the outer ones came from the Winking Cavy. It was hard to get a good photo of those two as they are made of glass, which reflected too much, They are both the same design but one is opaque and one is clear. The middle one is a little bit bigger than the first four and the glass ones are smaller.
Here are some more. The outer pair are Wade whimsies ( people in England might know of these ) and the one in the middle is from a German zoo set. Slave found him in a garden centre one Christmas.

We love these next ones. They are made of wood and are really tiny. Slave found them at the South of England show, where there were many stalls selling all kinds of goodies. There was a man who made Noah's Arks and hordes of different animals to go with them. Slave was amazed to find these piggies amongst the other animals and bought them all. We know that they should go two by two but she could not leave  any behind.

These are fridge magnets courtesy of the Winking Cavy. The white one does not show up very well but we could not reach the fridge to take them down.

These last ones are not really ornaments but we thought that Eddie and Nugget would like to see them anyway. Our Slave has a doll's house, for which she makes furniture and other items. This house has a garden full of flowers made from paper and Fimo, which is a modelling clay. The garden had to have piggies in it so Slave made this family and their veggies. They have a little pen and a hutch, of which you can just see a bit of the doors.

We hope that you enjoyed seeing these photos Eddie and Nugget. Does any other pig's Slave have little piggies that we could see. Please send us a photo if you can.

Slave does have a tiny silver piggy, which hangs from a chain and she never, ever takes it off so you will have to imagine it.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Slave's Guinea Pig Mugs

We had a request from Eddie and Nugget with Slave Cindy for a photograph of Slave's Christmas present piggy mug. We omitted to include this in our post about her piggy gifts so we are remedying this right now.

Below you can see the new one complete with matching spoon.
She has a similar one made by the same company in which she stores her paint brushes. She does not want to use them for coffee in case they get chipped. You can see them both below.

These piggies also appear on cards and calendars in the UK and we expect that readers from here will have seen them in shops or may own them too.

Whilst we had the camera out, an intrepid piggy climbed onto a stool to take a photo of Slave's row of other mugs on a very high shelf in the pig room. We thought that we would share this photo too. Here they are.....

Friday, January 12, 2018

A Piggy A-Z. F is for Fresh grass. The Finest Food for Piggies.

After a day when our grass was frozen, we were very pleased to have some lovely fresh grass for breakfast this morning. Fresh grass is the very best food for piggies and we all love it.

Above you can see Ivan Piggyfriend tucking in. " Eeek, Slave is going to take my pigture!"

" I am F for Full," says Magnus.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Look what Slave received at Christmas.

We wanted to share pigtures of some piggy presents that our Slave received at Christmas.

Her son, Sean, our pigsitter, sent her this card ( below ).

Santa Pig has goggly eyes.

A box of delights arrived from Connecticut from our erstwhile Junior Slave. There were presents for all but in her goody bag were these socks.

Whoever designed them must know about piggies because as well as pigtures of adorable piggies, there are carrots and............little piles of poo! Look below for a close up.

We do not think that Slave will wear them as she would not want them to wear out and, at the moment, they are pegged to the Dangermice's pen so that the photos could be taken.

She received this funny plushy piggy. His name tag says that he is called Norman. Apparently he was in a film. He has tiny, little pink feet just like us. ( pigture below ).
Aren't they cute? ( just like us again ).

Look at these tiny little piggies! They came in a box with their own pen, a pig cave, some lettuces and a carrot plus their very own Slave to care for them. They even have a water bottle.

Slave loves her silly presents to add to her vast collection of piggy plushies, ornaments and other delights. We hope you all had lots of lovely gifts too.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happig new year!

Happig new year from us too!
Any new year's resolutions? We will beg for more treats and eat more veggies (wouldn't you want your kids to eat more veggies?)

Here is Binky giving you guys his sweetest smile getting his first hugs of the new year (@lobsanglei is one of auntie Janneke's pigs)
A post shared by Lobsang Lei (@lobsanglei) on
The guinygirlz Raani and Cookie and boar Binky

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year Everyone!

All of the Piggyfriends want to wish our readers a very Happy New Year 2018!

We cannot all be in a pigture but here is Niamh at our party.

It looks like Algernon Rat had a good time anyway.

We hope you will all join us in 2018 to read more about the Piggyfriends, the Piggypals, the Guinygirlz and Binky. Take care everyone and stay safe.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Happy Christmas to our Readers

On behalf of all the Piggyfriends, Otto wishes you a very happy Christmas. We know that many of you have different holidays to us so we wish everyone a happy time whatever they celebrate. As you can see, Algernon Rat is here for the holidays.

My friend, Niamh, has joined me for this photo. Slave knew that I would still but Niamh disappeared amongst the tinsel before she would pose. Unfortunately we do not have an outtake as Slave had to put her camera down before rescuing her from the hearth, which is behind us in the pigture. Don't worry, the fire is not lit.

We hope that you all have a wonderful time with loads of yummy veggies. We were rewarded with parsley for posing for our photos.

If you have any holiday photos, we would love to see them.

Nollaig Shona Dhaiobh. Happy Christmas EVERYONE!