Monday, May 5, 2014

May Queen

The first Monday in May is a holiday in England and is called May Day.
Years ago, people would gather May blossoms and a May Queen would be chosen from each village. Children would dance around a Maypole - a tall pole festooned with ribbons. No doubt festivies ensued which would have included a lot of fun and drinking. Now it is just a day off work.
Our May Queen is Agent Firenze aka Florence.
She was chosen as she was guaranteed to sit still for a photo but Slave did not expect her to gorge herself on May leaves instead of facing the camera!  Don't worry readers, May is safe to eat. When Slave was a little girl, she and her friends used to eat May leaves and called it the bread and cheese tree. She tried some just now and thinks that tastes change with age as she could not pick out the flavour that she remembers from her youth.
May is also caled Hawthorn.
Happy May Day from the Piggyfriends.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday video: Shh, Bérke is sleeping

Our new boar Bérke will flap with both ears when sleeping...

We would love to see pigtures or videos of you(r piggies) sleeping, cause who can resist that utter relaxation and furry cuteness?

Love the Guinygirlz & Bérke

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Video: 8 things your new guinea pig is trying to tell you

What do you think about these tips? Do you have more and/or even better tips for new guinea pig owners? We like how this was filmed, the pigs are very cute, and even though we never wait 2 weeks until introducing us to each other. It can never hurt to err on the side of safety.

Have a nice Wheekend!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tall, Dark and Handsome

Dear readers of the undercover guinea pigs blog,

My name is Ties (pronounced as Tees. But you can also call me Mister T) and I am the new boar of the Winky team! Allow me to introduce myself. The ladies love me, and I love them even more. I am very cool an nothing much bothers me. Scissors, nails clippers.. No worries. The length of my hair or nails is of no consequence to my attractiveness.

My hobbies are eating, sleeping and wooing girls, and I have to admit, I have Coco, Bo and the waitress firmly wrapped around my cute paws. Mind you, my paws are rather big. The girls have informed me that I qualify as a LAPS pig. I currently weigh 1380 grams, and I fully intend to get larger.

Scissors don't bother me
I checked out this blog, and saw that there is already another very handsome boar who contributes to this blog. But I am sure that Agent Zeppelin (aka Jimmy) and me can peacefully coexist. Maybe we should go out for carrot beers and join forces (ladies beware.. WOL).

Yours truly,

Monday, April 21, 2014

Agent Zeppelin Strikes Again

Agent Zeppelin strikes a pose! Which way is he facing?

Get guessing..

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Calendar piggies of April: Amaris & Addison

The piggies of this month are Amaris and Addison Misfit. On our calendar they have a nice Easter pigture!

The misfits would like to share some pigtures of what the girls like to do.
They love to sit on Andy (their daddy) when he comes home from work.
All the misfits get turns. They love the extra cuddles.

Their misfit best-est friends are Riley, who lives  in the cage on the right.
And Charles in the cage on the left side.

  Amaris I think is in love with Riley and Addison is in love with Charles. They love to have long  brrrr brrrrr conversations about hay, fresh water, and carrots!
These two girls are such sweet little ladies. They both came to live with the misfits on Sept 1, 2012. When  the girls first came here to live, they would trim each others hair all the time. Now they are letting their hair grow out a bit. Its very pretty and so so soft.

Happy Easter to everyone from all the misfits.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Happy Easter Everyone from the Piggyfriends

We have been given our very first mission as Undercover Agents! We have the honour of wishing everyone a very Happy Easter. It is not very covert but we are new Agents and we have to start somewhere.
As you can see in our pigture, we got to meet the famous Algernon Rat, who called in to wish us a Happy Easter but it seems to us that he was more interested in Slave's chocolate Easter Eggs. Slave says that we sat very still for our photoshoot and she only put the kale in front of us to prevent us from eating the flowers, which would have been dangerous. We both love kale.
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter and if you do not celebrate this festival, you can at least enjoy a yummy egg.
All the best from Agents 88 - part of the Piggyfriends clan.