Sunday, May 6, 2012

Vote for the Dutch Guinea pig foundation (stichting cavia)

Hi all,

We have a request for you, the dutch ebay, called 'marktplaats' is giving away a camper. Many groups and foundations have signed up to become the new owner of this camper.
We just heard from our friends of the Guinea pig gang Almere (@caviabendealmer on twitter) that the Dutch Guinea Pig foundation (stichting cavia) is competing.
They have guinea pig shelters in the netherlands, and a big guinea pig village where they take care of loads of unwanted guinea pigs. They pick up about 3000 guinea pigs a year, and their van unfortunately is old and broken at the moment...
Please take a minute to vote for them!!!
Vote here and click on the 'Steun mij' button, which means 'support me'
Thanks from all the Dutch guinea pigs
and us,
The Guinygirlz (who luckily have a forever home):
Woopy, Lily, Daisy and Roos

P.S. you can vote until the 10th of May
p.s.2 Also don't forget to vote for the caption contest!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Video: to the Guineamobile!

Dr. Trouble has stolen the lettuce from the fridge. Such evil cannot go unpunished so these two awesome guinea girls go 'to the guinea mobile' and rescue the poor lettuce

Have a nice Wheekend!

p.s. don't forget to vote for the caption contest

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Caption Contest Vote

Vote for you favourite caption to chose Agents of the months for May.

Monday, April 30, 2012


As you can see from the video we love floor time especially Roos.

To make play time interesting for piggies we highly recommend toys our favourite toys are simple and cheap to make, empty boxes!!

You can make tunnels or hideys out of empty boxes, you can stuff them with hay or hide nibbles in them or just use them to make a chicane to run around.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Videos: the Shelter Pet Project

We totally agree with the dogs and cats, humans are so weird!

Poop already! WOL WOL

Ours has the same deficiency *sigh*

The gathering of the toys.. yep. We don't get that either

Ow and we love the message that these videos are sending:
"A person is the best thing to happen to a shelter pet
Be that person!"
Have a nice wheekend!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Caption Contest

Whats in the Mail?

A Piggy Special Delivery!!

OK had Enough I'm Coming Out

Meet mystery Agent Blaze so called due to her Blaze of white. Agent Blaze lives in Illinois as part of a mixed herd and her real name in Hebrew means favourite of God and is a variation of the name Anne. For those in the UK who recall Eastenders from years ago her real name is the same as that of the actress who played Dirty Dens wife.

Get Guessing..............

Monday, April 23, 2012

An Agent Zeppelin Mystery

Our super spy is trying to improve his techniques (getting a smaller bottom doesn't seem an option), So this week he is using props.

Pigture 1. An easy one as a warmup

Pigture 2

Pigtures 3
Trying to confuse the humans by hiding in their favorite food (a wrap to hold beer bottles togethers), well done agent Zeppelin!

Get guessing