Monday, March 8, 2010

Candle Lighting Ceremony

As the GPDD is offline currently, me is posting a reminder here that tomorrow is March 9th the offficial date for our memorial candle lighting ceremony.

This year as well as honouring Peter Gurney and all the piggies who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge we will also be honouring our missing human friends Alge, Debbie, Joe and Kirsten.

Remember to light your candle at 8pm local time and to make a note to remind yourself to post the lighting to the GPDD when it is up and running again.

Lets send the light around the world!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wicked Tort and White

Agent Vroom is a tortoiseshell and white piggie this means she has black, red (tort) and white markings.

The breed standards say that a tort and white piggy should have patches of black, white and red that are as square as possible and clean cut (no blurring) the opposing patches on each side of the body should be a different colour. Is this even possible???

Lets meet agent Vroom

What would you like your secret agent name to be? and why? Agent Vroom (cause that's how car goes, get it)

How did you come to be a Munchee? Muncheemom was missing Kozmo, a tortoise with white like me, and bought me at a pet store.

How old are you? About 2 1/2

How many and brothers and sisters do you have? 5 brothers, 3 sisters.

Do all your names start with a K? If yes how come? Jimmee, my roommate doesn't have a K name but shares a name with Muncheemom's brother. Bandito's K name is Karlos el Bandito. Someone suggested we all have K names like the original Munchees, Kack and Kaz.

What is your favourite food? I really love my hay.

What is your favourite toy? Jimmee LOL

what is your favourite pastime? eating

Whats the best thing about being a Munchee? Muncheemom gives us the best hay and pellets she can buy and gives us fresh veggies for breakfast and dinner.

In case none of you worked it out the  car is a KIA!! and they live in Tennessee

[caption id="attachment_695" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Agent Vroom"][/caption]

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Guest Number 16

Guest number is another lovely lady, her secret agent name is Vroom.

She lives as part of a mixed herd somewhere in the US, me forgot to ask what state.

All the herd bar one have names beginning with the same letter.

Their group name is that of a type of chocolate, caramel and biscuit square we have here in the UK but the spelling is different.

Her real name is a make of car hence the name Vroom

This is a hard one so put your thinking caps on.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Alge's Memorial Fund

For any of you who have been asleep for the last few days and may not have noticed, the GPDD have organised a memorial fund for our dear friend Alge.

You can use the link here to make a donation if you are a non US resident if you are a US resident the site tells you how you can make a donation.

You can also view Alges memorial scrapbook here

We hope everyone can leave a message with their memories of Alge to make this a truly international scrapbook and a fitting memorial.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Hay Review Part 1

As hay should make up 90% of a piggy diet me has decided to review the brands available to me. Hay is also good for bedding so me will give it a bedding rating as well.

Due to the snow, Mummy had been unable to get out to the pet shop to get my hay.

We nearly ran out so she had to order some online from Tesco who were also delivering the human food. (Tesco were brave enough to come out in the snow Mummy not)

Mummy got us a bag of Tesco Value Hay it cost £3.57 for 1.5kg

The hay is yellow in colour and cut into short strands (me prefers long strands me can munch all the way up)

This was soft hay so good for sleeping on, me wasnt as keen on eating it, but it was not that bad about 5 out of 10 rating from me.

Mummy also thinks the price was high for a Value hay.

Better for sleeping than eating!!

Does any other pig have a comment about Tesco Value Hay feel free to add it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Silly Book

Mummy has found an old guinea pig care book from the seventies, it is very silly.

Because you are not allowed to copy what is says me is quoting, the book is called Pet Library Enjoy Series Enjoy your Guinea Pig.

My favourite quotes are "Cavies do not climb, jump or gnaw on wood"
"The Cavy is not known for its intelligence but for its affection"

Me nearly wet myself me was laughing so hard.

Me thinks these piggies must have been super heroes at undercover work,  the poor humans never suspected anything...

Any of you guys found silly books?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Goodbye Dear Alge

It is with a heavy heart that I write to say goodbye to another special human friend Alge.

Me never met Alge me only knew her virtually and yet she still managed to find a place in my heart.

In the short time me knew her (about 2.5 years) Alge has been Mummy to the legendary Jolly Rodents Charlie and Chester who have no doubt greeted her at the rainbow bridge, and the irrepressible Pirate Piggies Captain Jack Sparrow the 2nd and Barnacle Bill sadly left behind.

Alge was a great contributor of funny stories to virtual events, kind words in times of need and good advise when us piggies were under the weather.

Most of all she gave us unconditional friendship.

Me knows we are not alone in missing her presence and so we hope that all Alges friends furry and human will join us in lighting a candle all around the world and wishing Alge well on her final journey.

We would also like to send our love to the family she left behind, whose grief will be so much more than ours.

Goodbye Alge, thank you for the years of memories and friendship you shared with us.
