Saturday, August 8, 2009

Me Broke Free....................

actually Daddy moved the bars out of the way so I could visit him in his half of the prison.

Spooky stayed in bed.

Me and Daddy laid on the floor for cuddles.

Mummy if there are any wet patches it WASNT ME

Friday, August 7, 2009

Wrongly Accused.........

me and Spooky came out for floor time and when we went to bed Mummy found wet patch on carpet.

She gave us this evil look like what one of you peed on my carpet.

Then she put her finger in it (humans are weird) and then smelled her finger (very weird)

Turns out Daddy was to blame, the wet patch smelt of cider

Thursday, August 6, 2009

We got bored.............

of staying in, so we are back out running around attacking the piggy prison bars.

We will escape (evil laugh)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Reverse Psychology........

For the last few days me and Spooky have been lulling the humans into a false sense of security.

When Mummy opens the cage and sets up our ramp for floor time we have refused to come, instead we chase each other round the cage.

We plan to do this until Mummy starts to relax and not watch us as closely and then we will attack (me means escape heehee)

Its always good to have a back up plan!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Daddy says you now need 2 hands and to bend at the knees to pick me up.

He says me needs to diet............. NO WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK

Stupid Human

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Me Glad Me Got Clear Nails..............

Mummy cut me and Spookys nails yesterday, me went first and me was bribed with romaine Mummy cut my nails fine although she did say they are getting thicker and tougher to cut.

Spooky was bribed with carrot and Mummy only managed to cut his back claws and she cut 2 too short and they bled... she was too scared then to do the front.

Me can report Mummy was more upset than Spooky

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thistle Cavies

Hey guys just thought I would tell you about a guinea pig rescue here in the UK (they are actually in Scotland)

They are called Thistle Cavies (who would have guessed) and through their website humans can get piggy treats and human treats (what more could a human want)

Humans in the UK can also help by recycling their old mobile phones (hands off my phone humans) and printer cartridges.

All they need to do is visit the website and ask for some special posting bags to be sent and start recycling.

Mummy even recycles the cartridges from work to get even more and of course she pesters her work colleagues, friends and family to give her their old cartridges.

So any piggies in the UK whose humans are not already recycling for charity, get your humans helping those piggies.