Wednesday, July 22, 2009

G Force Update.......

It appears me is not the only one to have concerns about the G Force movie those guinea pig loving people at guinealynx are also concerned and have come up with 2 information flyers for the not so well informed humans.

While I am quiet happy being a super hero in my own head and virtually online, the idea of humans believing we can actually do these stunts scares me, so me is making Mummy print the guinealynx information and get it displayed in the local vets and pet shops to advise humans who may want their own super hero guinea pig what that really involves.

Me has no objection to the film in fact me is looking forward to watching and cheering along (dogs + cats have had the limelight way too long), but those simple beings we know as humans need strict supervision and good advise and its our job to make sure they get it!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Me is NOT a Hurdle

Spooky has got it into his head that when I go to sleep in the middle of the cage what I am really doing is making a hurdle for him to jump (NO Spooky I want to sleep)

It wouldnt be so bad if he could actually jump over me everytime, but no he is not that clever and he keeps landing on me or knocking me as he passes.

Need to sort him out but I am too lazy to move


Monday, July 20, 2009

G Force........

As you probably all know there is a movie coming out soon about an elite team of hero guinea pigs (Hollywood have somehow found out all about me) known as G Force (guinea pig force)

This movie is not out here in the UK yet but we have seen trailers (the cartoon guinea pigs are nowhere near as good as the real thing)

The trailers show guinea pigs travelling around in large plastic balls and while this is fine for cartoon guinea pigs we dont want the humans to get confused and think this is ok for real guinea pigs.

Unlike Hamsters, Guinea Pig spines are not flexible enough for us to be able to run in a ball, putting us in a ball can cause spinal damage.

Humans dont get confused NO BALLS for guinea pigs!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Guinea Pig Prison

Having Spooky was supposed to provide me with a useful distraction tool, he was to create mischief drawing attention away from me, so I could escape and get behind the sofa or the TV!!

The humans have cleverly stopped this idea using brightly coloured bars, they section of the end of the living room with no wires to chew (that includes my favourite headphone wires) allowing me access to only one end of the sofa (this only needs one human to watch)

Its a proper guinea pig prison (damn them) grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

But dont worry I do intend to find a way out, Spooky you do something silly while I go around and push all the bars........................

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Me Has Eaten The Bag Handle

Well fellow guinea pigs you remember I was successful in my mission to chew the strings off my pop up tunnel??

Last night daddy left its special bag on the floor, so I chewed through one of the handles.

Well what did he expect I am a guinea pig!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Mummy was Right............

Sort of.......

She said Spooky would grow up to be as big as me and then he would start humping me.

He is nowhere near as big as me and he is trying to hump me!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Boars Behaving Badly??

Or just Boars will be Boars?

Do your humans watch over you and panic over every small disagreement you may have with your cage mates?? If so this brief guide may help to reassure and let them know when it really is time to panic.

Ear Pulling- this is a form of grooming, normally it doesnt hurt the pig being groomed but accidents can occur, if the groomed guinea pig is ending up with bleeding, sore or ragged ears then you need to stop the grooming. (humans may need to seperate you and your friend) If there is no bleeding then humans should leave you alone to get on with it.

Rumble strutting- this is how us boars show each other who is dominant, there is no aggression shown with this action just a slow wiggling of the hips and bum sometimes accompanied by a rumbling noise. No need for humans to panic.

Humping- another way of showing dominance, be warned we can hump from any direction (heehee) again no aggression, no biting just a quick hump and off again, no need to panic.

Bum sniffing- boars love sniffing bums and following each other around nose to bum, again nothing to worry about but if guinea pig being sniffed starts to get fed up it could be worth removing sniffer to give him a break (me too old to keep running all the time)

Head Butts- we do this when we are fed up with whatever the other guinea pig is doing, we normally butt the backside but we can butt anywhere, no teeth are used and the guinea pig butted is not hurt, its a warning for them to stop what they are doing and behave. No panic.

Neck Rubbing-we have scent glands in our necks and like to make the other guinea pigs smell like us, so we rub our necks over their heads, no need to panic.

Nips- not bites teeth are used but skin is not broken as long as this is not accompanied by teeth chattering, things should be fine, keep an eye in case of esculation.

Teeth Chattering- this is warning sign that fight could be about to kick off, humans should keep a close eye on this in case somepig ends up getting hurt.

Showing Teeth-big yawns designed to show how big and strong your teeth are (not to be confused with yawning when tired) this again is an aggressive move and could indicate a fight is about to begin.

Biting/Fighting-this is a very bad sign especially if blood is drawn, this really means that we cant be friends anymore and need to live seperately, humans should break this up by throwing towel over the biters before somepig is seriously hurt.

The general belief is that we do this during our hormonal stage which can be from 3-18 months (thats a long time) if we both make it together passed the 18 month mark, we should be happy living together forever. (Mummy has fingers crossed for the next 2 years heeeheee)

Here is a website dedicated to us boars

I am sure there are lots of things I have forgotten to mention, so feel free to add your comments.