Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Video: another commercial with guinea pigs

So. If the humans can make the house do things, why are they not making the fridge give us food? Seriously.

Have a nice Wheekend!

p.s. wheels like this are meant for hamsters, not guinea pigs. Learn the difference, commercial humans.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Agent lil'Woop is 5 1/2 years old today!! Calendar piggies October

This months Calendar piggies are my Guinygirlz:
Agents lily'Explorer, Tortoise, Wheeker and lil'Woop

AKA Lily, Roos, Daisy and Woopy

Today is also a special day because our girl Woopy turned 5,5 years old today. This also means she is the oldest piggy I ever owned! She seems pretty healthy and active for her age, so we hope for many more years with her. So a small party for as today, please join us in congratulating Woopy on her half birthday, Carrot beers all around!!

Woopy after a bath...

Because I think you already know my piggies a bit I wanted to show you their house.

Recently we got a bunkbed, we got this idea from the Cali Cavy Collective:
Here is a tutorial on how to make one.

Lily on top, Woopy below, Daisy on the right
Our new drink bottle in empty cage, see the floating carrot?
Daisy snuggling in the hay (food) next to overturned hay rack and new waterbottle

We also love boxes, this is a beer house.. with Daisy peeking out
Recently we got a doll bed, great to eat hay off the side...
... snuggle below it ...
Or sit in it of course! Roos is modeling a birthday hat for Woopy,
as she doesn't like hats, and Roos doesn't mind
Mieke of this blog and of the Guinygirlz ;)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pigtures wanted! Calender 2014

Hey dear guinea pig loving readers,

We had a small poll about whether we should make a new Undercover Guinea Pigs Calendar 2014. The results showed that you are all in favor and want to buy a calendar, contribute a pigture or do both!

This months Calendar Piggies: My Lily, Roos, Daisy and Woopy

So, it's time to send in pigtures again!
It would be nice if the pigtures are of a reasonable resolution, If you only have low res pigtures, you could have more than pigture on a month. That way the pigtures don't have to be that big to look okay, and together they will fill up the page! Plus it gives us as viewers more piggies to watch.
You can do (month) themes, like halloween, christmas or easter, or ,
but cute, funny pictures or just pigtures are fine too! It can be a pigture of just one pig or of a group, it doesn't really matter, so surprise us with your piggies gorgeousness...

Like previous years there are 12 pages to fill, and one to go on the front, which so far has been filled by our beautiful late Agent F, who started the idea for this blog.

Like the other years the calendars will be available in desktop and wall calendar, but if possible I would like to try to ship the calendars before the end of the year, because I noticed the shipping goes up quite a lot towards Christmas...
Any money that is not paying for the calendars itself will be donated to a guinea pig shelter. You can suggest a shelter and then can vote at all the nominated shelters.

If you have a nice pigture let us know, we have an email how to contact us on the  contribute tab (second one below the pigture of Fugly).

Looking forward to your entries!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Video: Good Guinea Pig Toys

What kind of toys do you guys like? These girls made a video and they are very concerned about our safety (which we appreciate very much!)

Have a nice Wheekend!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

September Calendar piggies: Mr Kiss Kiss, Weasel, Mirabella, Amelia biscuit & Maisey

Hello all, its Mr Kiss Kiss pigcipant of the September calendar pigture.

Sorry the post is late, whee have just come back off holiday from our local rodentologist.

I'm the boss of my herd and its a hard job looking after the girls. Whee are all rescue pigs from Windwhistle Warren in Gloucestershire where we used to live. We don't know how old we are but that doesn't bother us.

Its been a difficult year with the passing of the Weasel and Mirabella but we do our best. I'm now a dental pig, requiring regular work with rodentologists trained by the Cambridge Cavy Trust. I wouldn't be here without them, but still wriggle when I go to see them. I'm doing better now and starting to eat on my own again. Amelia Biscuit is still the behemoth of the group, stealing all the food and best places to sleep. Maisey is the more serious pig, and the biggest lover of grass.

We are sad now that Summer's over and there will be no more grass until next year. The picture shows us celebrating the bringing of the cattle in from the Summer mountains for the winter, celebrated in alpine countries.

Piggie kisses to all,

Mr Kiss Kiss, Amelia Biscuit and Maisey.

In about 3 months it will be the end of the year again. We could do a Calendar again for 2014.
So far we usually gathered about 150 euros to donate to a piggy shelter...

What do you think: Should we make another calendar? Would you contribute your pigture? Would your slave buy one?

Mieke of the undercover guinea pig blog

Friday, September 27, 2013