"Christmas is coming and the pigs are getting fat...tra la."
Ambrose: Who are you calling fat?
Oscar: That wasn't me! Slave is singing to the girls next door. She is cleaning out their pen.
Ambrose: I like a nice fat sow, me.
Oscar: They are certainly very plumptious. Is that a word?
Caoimhe: Plumptious? Sounds like a compliment to me.
Orla: Me too!
Ambrose: Who is Christmas and why is he coming?
Oscar: I have no idea. Let us ask Mama Bonbon. She is old and wise and is sure to know.
Mama Bonbon: Christmas boys? Of course. You were only tiny piglets last Christmas and you did not live here then. I don't know where you were but you may not remember Christmas. It is a wonderful holiday and you will find out all about it in three days time! Most of all, you have to be good piggies and then you will see what happens.
Oscar and Ambrose:This sounds exciting! We can do "good". No nibbling on Slave's shirt when she cleans our pen.