Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

On behalf of all of the Piggyfriends, I, Agent Firenze, would like to wish every reader of this blog a very Happy Halloween.
We hope that you all have lots of treats.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday Video: Open and Close

We cannot believe we haven't posted this video before. We love this video. And why hasn't anyone recruited this pig as an agent?

We also received a video tip from Pat and the Prairie Pigs (Thank you guys! We love it when people contribute). Unfortunately we're not able to embed the video on our blog, but that won't stop us from sharing the link, so here it is: Guinea Pig Fashion Show

Have an adventurous Wheekend!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

No Mystery Today

Agent Mystery here.....aka Otto Piggyfriend.
Usually I look like a black and white version of Agent Zeppelin, who posts those intriguing puzzles for us to solve and I have frequently had my veggies placed at the wrong end, whereupon they are seized by my best friend,  Agent Venezia, but I have just had a shampoo and a haircut and, as you can see, Slave will not make that mistake again. I love having a shampoo and always sit very still for Slave to trim my overlong coat so I deserve those extra veggies.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Creative ideas: Bed

A while ago, we wrote a post about our very cool pot/portable garden/tunnel and we got the idea to share more pigtures of our more unusual 'toys'; the ones that weren't initially intended for guinea pigs, but work quite well.

Very recently J bought us a doll bed, because she saw it in a video on youtube and it just looked so cool (we're so sorry we're not referring tot this video because we cannot find it anymore. Who ever you are, thank you so much for this idea!)

Let the games begin!

This is a guinea pig sized bed,
and it needs 2 humans to assemble it? Hmmokay

Putting shelf paper (or actually shelf plastic)
to piggy proof the bottom

More piggy proofing


Since we didn't immediately take to the bed,
J put veggies on top. Lucky for us,
Coco just pulled the blanket off the bed

But nowadays we all use it, and we like it a lot!
We love sitting in the bed and staring down J until she gives us veggies. Sjeuf likes to popcorn in it, Coco sleeps in it, and Bo eats breakfast in bed. Hiding under the bed was great from the start, even though it got us a new nickname (the monsters under the bed)

You probably saw in Woopy's birthdaypost that the Guinygirls have a bed like this too, so we couldn't resist adding more of their pigtures (courtesy of the Guinygirls)
Lovely Lily
Roos snoozing in bed
They've added pink shelf plastic

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Video: another commercial with guinea pigs

So. If the humans can make the house do things, why are they not making the fridge give us food? Seriously.

Have a nice Wheekend!

p.s. wheels like this are meant for hamsters, not guinea pigs. Learn the difference, commercial humans.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Agent lil'Woop is 5 1/2 years old today!! Calendar piggies October

This months Calendar piggies are my Guinygirlz:
Agents lily'Explorer, Tortoise, Wheeker and lil'Woop

AKA Lily, Roos, Daisy and Woopy

Today is also a special day because our girl Woopy turned 5,5 years old today. This also means she is the oldest piggy I ever owned! She seems pretty healthy and active for her age, so we hope for many more years with her. So a small party for as today, please join us in congratulating Woopy on her half birthday, Carrot beers all around!!

Woopy after a bath...

Because I think you already know my piggies a bit I wanted to show you their house.

Recently we got a bunkbed, we got this idea from the Cali Cavy Collective:
Here is a tutorial on how to make one.

Lily on top, Woopy below, Daisy on the right
Our new drink bottle in empty cage, see the floating carrot?
Daisy snuggling in the hay (food) next to overturned hay rack and new waterbottle

We also love boxes, this is a beer house.. with Daisy peeking out
Recently we got a doll bed, great to eat hay off the side...
... snuggle below it ...
Or sit in it of course! Roos is modeling a birthday hat for Woopy,
as she doesn't like hats, and Roos doesn't mind
Mieke of this blog and of the Guinygirlz ;)

Friday, October 11, 2013