Sunday, July 21, 2013

Revenge of the Guinea Pigs

We did a slightly different type of photo shoot. Instead of looking as adorable as possible, we got into the characters of villains (undercover agents come with evil guys, right?) And what would be more appropriate than taking it out on the humans?

We want 24/7 access to the fridge!

Accessorize this!

Lab rat
Lab rat?
P.s. No guinea pigs or humans were harmed during this photo shoot. The pig in the fridge is a stuffed toy ;-)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Friday Video: Pinky and the Brain

We're so sorry that we've forgot to post a friday video yesterday! So to make it up to you, we're posting one of our favorite cartoons this wheek

Hope you're already having a nice Wheekend!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Video: Bunny Mission Impossible

We're sticking with the buns this wheek. Apparently they are secret agents too..

Have a nice Wheekend!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Video: the Binki Returns

No, we haven't forgotten about Friday Video, we just liked the fourth of July pigtures so much that we gave then some extra time in the spotlight. But, for your viewing pleasure, here come the rabbits!
To make up for our untimely behavior, we're also posting a video with 2 humans that channel the awsome happiness that makes us popcorn. We especially like the enthousiasm in the male human (and we're laughing like the female human) Have a nice Wheekend!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth of July

Agent Yougie (Gruden von Squeakycheeks) and Agent Cannonball (Benito) are celebrating Independence Day in the USA!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Video: I'm not a Gerbil

A classic today from the infamous Bing. We've all been there, haven't we?

Have a nice wheekend!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Calendar Piggies: June 2013

Just before the month ends, the calendar piggies from June would like to say hello.

Bo, Sjeuf and Coco

(Coco) welcome to our crib! We are the Winky Team, and this is where I welcome our guests and place our orders for our waitress.

Three carrots to go please!
Our cage was bought a few years ago, and it's 140cm x 70cm (55 inches x 27 inches). We've actually bought this online since our staff cannot be bothered to make one for us (humpf). But as you can see, it is quite big and rather sturdy. When we moved from Haarlem to Amsterdam, the movers actually named it the Jacuzzi, and our slave (who is tall and squishy) can easily fit into it. Not that we like it when she does. But never mind. To your left, miss Bo Peep is taking a nap. We do most of our home decorating ourselves. We're actually kinda proud of the nest that we've built.
Sjeuf is also sleeping in our 2 door bedroom. It was built by grandma's boyfriend and has been a favorite ever since. I'll wake Sjeuf so that he can show you around the kitchen.
Sleepy Sjeuf
(Sjeuf) welcome viewers of Undercover GP. I know everybody says this, but the kitchen is where the magic happens!! Today we're having a salad of herbs. Very nommy if I may say so. Our staff grows this stuff fresh on the balcony. Yes, we are living the good life here in Amsterdam ;-)

Sjeuf having lunch
We always have a stash of pellets ready for a midnight snack (or midday.. or morning..). Today, we've made the cage extra fancy and placed 2 extra pellet bowls in the cage; one for each guinea. Although the setup of our cage varies weekly, you can see that we also have some bricks in the cage for wearing down our nails. We actually prefer this bit of high tech furniture to our pedicure lady, but you didn't hear that from me *wink wink*.

Our cage
You can also see our play pen in the distance. We play on a nice green blanket, surrounded by a big pet run. Well.. we hope you've enjoyed the Winky Team mansion. Thank you for stopping by, but we have very important business to take care off. So off with ye. Bye!!!

Nomnomnom.. very important.. nomnom