Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Video: Food Glorious Food

Today a video with a song that we love to belt out at the top of our lungs. The original is from the musical Oliver! (Twist), but we really like the Ice Age version.


Food, glorious food, we're anxious to try it
Three banquets a day, our favourite diet
Just picture a mammoth steak, fried, roasted or stewed
Oh, food, wonderful food, marvellous food, glorious food

Food, glorious food, poached possum served flambe
Broth made from a sloth, or sabre tooth souffle
Why should we be fated to, do nothing but brood
On food, magical food, wonderful food. marvellous food

Food, glorious food, flesh picked off the dead ones
Rank, rotten or chewed, soon we'll be the fed ones
Just thinking of putrid meat, puts us in a mood
For food, glorious food, marvellous food, fabulous food
Beautiful food, magical food, glorious food

Okay.. there needs to be a vegetarian version of this song ;-)

Have a nice wheekend!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

More Guinea Pig Shaming

We made a selection of our favorite Guinea Pig Shaming pigtures.

Our sources:

p.s. we embedded the photo's (used the link to the image, instead of downloading and uploading), so that we wouldn't violate any copyrights. However, if we have offended you, let us know and we'll remove the link to your photo

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Video: the Shame Blues

Have you heard about Pet Shaming? It is a meme that started out as Dogshaming and then spread to other species as well. Our current friday video shows us Daisy the Dog with the Shame Blues.

Want more? Check out this photo collection or go ahead in Google Images to see what you can find with search terms like pet shaming, dog shaming, cat shaming or even guinea pig shaming. We'll be busy making pamplets for slave shaming. We've already got:

  • I think I'm sexy like Shakira. I'm not.
  • I eat all the strawberries
  • I clean up poo

Any more suggestions? Both slave shaming as well as (links to) guinea pigtures are welcome.

Have a nice Wheekend!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Another Agent Zeppelin Mystery

Agent Zeppelin has another mystery for you. He made his staff go to the street market to buy vegetables in a brown paper bag (FYI, best toy ever!). After eating the contents he sent us this pigture.

Which way is he facing? Get guessing!

New Agent Tortoise

Hi There,

I am new agent Tortoise!
I got this name because I like to sit under our hammock and push it up. This hammock can be moved around (because it's hanging over the side of our cage by a sturdy wire), and with me under it I look just like a tortoise... at least that is what the slaves say!

Hints for my real name, I live in a small country in Europe, where most of the land is actually below sealevel. Like my 'sisters' (2 out of 3 at least) I have a flower name, mine is in our country's native language.

I am almost 11 months old, and since I was about 9 months I already weighed a 1000grammes (1 kilo), this week the scales showed I already weigh 1050grammes!
So slave is very late sending this is, as I reached agent weight a few months ago...