Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Another Agent Zeppelin Mystery

Agent Zeppelin has another mystery for you. He made his staff go to the street market to buy vegetables in a brown paper bag (FYI, best toy ever!). After eating the contents he sent us this pigture.

Which way is he facing? Get guessing!

New Agent Tortoise

Hi There,

I am new agent Tortoise!
I got this name because I like to sit under our hammock and push it up. This hammock can be moved around (because it's hanging over the side of our cage by a sturdy wire), and with me under it I look just like a tortoise... at least that is what the slaves say!

Hints for my real name, I live in a small country in Europe, where most of the land is actually below sealevel. Like my 'sisters' (2 out of 3 at least) I have a flower name, mine is in our country's native language.

I am almost 11 months old, and since I was about 9 months I already weighed a 1000grammes (1 kilo), this week the scales showed I already weigh 1050grammes!
So slave is very late sending this is, as I reached agent weight a few months ago...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Video: Secret Agent Guinea Pig

We are currently roaming the internets for secret agent videos. We found this awesome trailer of a non-existent movie (it ought to.. in our opinion)

Have a nice Wheekend!

Agent Pellets update!

       Hey guys! It's Agent Pellets, also known as Mo.

       Time for an update.No,my mom HAS NOT made us wear bow ties! Yay! Larry and my fur coats are getting way thicker! Because here in Colorado, it is almost winter! Tommorow is the first day of fall! We got to try our VERY FIRST leaf of Romain lettuce.

     How are you British and American piggies doing?

   Agent Pellets and Agent Shyness

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Announcement New Agents

Secret agent name: jaws
Why?: cause with my dark fur on the top of my head i look like a famous great white shark.
Where do i live: with my sisty (agent snowflake) in Reading, berks.
who do i live with?: with our owner, twin of mopsy bates.
Favourite food: spinach
Favourite hobby: trying to squeeze into the smallest spaces possible & hide.
Favourite toy: cardboard tubes.

Real name clues: a type of food popular in the UK and USA, in the UK its a bread based breakast food and in the USA its a sweet treat often featuring blueberries.

Secret agent name: snowflake
Why?: cause I'm beautifully snow white aaaaallllllll over
Where do you live: Reading berks with my sisty agent jaws and owner.
Favourite food: spinach
Favourite hobby: hopping around squeaking and jumping cause I'm mad as a box of frogs (so my owner says)
Favourite toy: my owners feet & legs. I like to nibble them and use them to stand on and watch telly. I LOVE telly!!!!!

Real name clues: her name is the same as a popular herb found in hay mixes from excel, there is even a famous novel and TV program where instead of grass the lawn is made from this herb.

Agents jaws and snowflake out!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Friday Video: Secret Agent Coey

Yes yes.. we know, it's not friday, and we apologize. Our staff refused to turn on the computer because of silly excuses like weddings and work. And when she finally did turn on the computer, the silly thing needed a whole day (!?!) to download and install stuff.

To make up for it, we found a very handsome agent

Hope you had a nice Wheekend!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

#Olympigs; Fifty Yard Nap Agent Sheep

Agent Sheep shows us how to use your human as a bed, simple climb onto their shoulder and settle down.

Now who is going to do yard 35??