Hi fellow veggie lovers,
This is Agent Not-so-lil'Woop. Our all time favorite veggie is chicory!
Here we will tell you more about this vegetable, because we understand many piggies outside the Netherlands have never had this! What a shame, we loooooooooove it.
Some slaves eat it, it's pretty bitter, but it's supposed to be nice with ham and cheese out of the oven.. Yeah right!
According to
Guinealynx this is the nutritous value of Chicory per 100 grammes:
Guinea Lynx'
100 gram portions (Witloof Chicory)
PercentWater 94.52
Energy(Kcal) 17
Protein(g) 0.9
Ascorbic Acid (C) 2.8
Calcium(mg) 19
Phosph.(mg) 26
Ca:P Ratio 0.7:1
How do we eat Chicory?
First all gather around the edge of the cage where the veggies are distributed.
Then after you get a piece there are several options:
You either just eat it in the corner where you got it, this is for confident piggies like me!
Or you hide in the house, and this is important(!), put your butt in the door opening so others cannot get in to take your chicory.
And be sure to stretch for those veggies, like Daisy is showing us here
Do feel free to play a little tug-of-war, and steal your cagemates piece!
And don't forget to have a sip of water after if thirsty, see Chico's demonstration.
And as an extra, for you confident piggies: Eat the chicory out of your slaves hand!
I am the only one who dares to do this at Guinygirlz Mansion.
Please let us know if you ever get Chicory and show us how you eat it!