Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Veggie of the wheek: Chicory

Hi fellow veggie lovers,

This is Agent Not-so-lil'Woop. Our all time favorite veggie is chicory!

Here we will tell you more about this vegetable, because we understand many piggies outside the Netherlands have never had this! What a shame, we loooooooooove it.
Some slaves eat it, it's pretty bitter, but it's supposed to be nice with ham and cheese out of the oven.. Yeah right!

According to Guinealynx this is the nutritous value of Chicory per 100 grammes:
Guinea Lynx'
100 gram portions (Witloof Chicory)
PercentWater 94.52
Energy(Kcal) 17
Protein(g) 0.9
Ascorbic Acid (C) 2.8
Calcium(mg) 19
Phosph.(mg) 26
Ca:P Ratio 0.7:1

How do we eat Chicory?
First all gather around the edge of the cage where the veggies are distributed.

Then after you get a piece there are several options:
You either just eat it in the corner where you got it, this is for confident piggies like me!

Or you hide in the house, and this is important(!), put your butt in the door opening so others cannot get in to take your chicory.

And be sure to stretch for those veggies, like Daisy is showing us here

Do feel free to play a little tug-of-war, and steal your cagemates piece!

And don't forget to have a sip of water after if thirsty, see Chico's demonstration.

And as an extra, for you confident piggies: Eat the chicory out of your slaves hand!
I am the only one who dares to do this at Guinygirlz Mansion.

Please let us know if you ever get Chicory and show us how you eat it!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Squeakers in the Garden

Well you have seen the Squeakers having floor time in the shed, now you can see them having floor time in their purpose built outdoor housing.

There are 2 pens one is 8 foot by 8 foot and the other is 8 foot by 10 foot, they are fox and rat proof, little mice can get in but I dont mind little mice they are kind of cute.

Now lets see the Squeakers in action............


Friday, September 10, 2010

Agent Cannonball Weigh-in Report

This is Agent Cannonball and me has been trying very hard to pack on the ounces. Me finally achieved my goal of 3 lbs (1360 grams) and am now able to join LAPS! Here I am being weighed (me overheard that me barely fit on the scale, me is proud) and discussing secret piggy plans.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Supa Sekrit Agent Report

> Hello Supa Sekrit Agent Peegz, is me, Agent Lettuce.
> The last few weeks have been a wee bit traumatic at Peeg palace, mah
> big sisty, Irene, went off to the GP Palace in the sky. Our hoomin,
> Aunty Loosy was veh sad but seems to be ok now. This means the pod
> is aaaaall mine now and there is nobody to pee at me or steal my noms!
> Then there was a horrwid surprise, my little sistyz, Snuggles and
> Tufty came to stay. FOR A FORTNIGHT! I suppose it was quite nice to
> see them and have some company but I quite like being the only Peeg
> in the house. Snuggs kept trying to hide under my tummy, what is
> that all about? Tufty is a bit of a biter, she bites the hoomins
> sometimes but seems to be calmer. We did lots of floortime and some
> grass hoovering, they are making good agents-in-training. Aunty
> Loosy is sending me to stay with them for a week soon, I hope they
> are less annoying than they were this visit.
> Agent Lettuce out.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Piggyfriend agent's weigh-in.

All of the Agents at Piggyfriends were weighed this afternoon. Slave is tired after all that heavy lifting so Agent Minty is typing this message. Slave apologises for the lateness of my report.
Agent Badger        5 years 3 months    2lb. 12oz.    ( 1K 200 )
Agent Thorntons    3 years 5 months    3lb.  1oz .    ( 1K 400 )
Agent Big Red       2 years 1 month      3lb.  10oz.   ( 1K 640 )
Agent 101               2 years 2 months    3lb.  1oz.     ( 1K 400 )
Agent Carrot           Age unknown          2lb. 12 oz.   ( 1K 250 )
Agent Minty             1 year 9 months      2lb. 9oz,      ( 1K 280 )
Agent Thorntons has been on an exercise regime and has lost 3 ounces. He looks the same size to me. From these weights it seems to me that Agent Big Red needs to run around a bit more.
Slave did the conversions from our familiar pounds and ounces to metric so if they are wrong please blame her. She can't do metric and used the GuineaLynx chart.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Piggyfriends in the garden.

Agent Thorntons reporting.
Slave has been very busy at work and has not had the time to take up to date pigtures of the Piggyfriends in the garden but I found these in her photo album and have scanned them for you to see. She has hundreds of indoor pigtures but not many outdoor ones.
Four pigtures show the big sow pen - a big pen for sows rather than a pen for big sows ( although they are big aren't they? ). The pen is 12 ft by 12 ft and has an old garden hammock frame inside it. Slave attaches sheets to this frame to make a tent like shelter so that we are not in the sun. There is also an old oak tree to shelter us. Slave has lots old hutches, which have been given to her over the years by people handing over their piggies. Nobody lives in a hutch but they are useful as shelters when we are in the garden. Sometimes she uses boxes for us to hide in if she does not have the time to get the hutches out of the garage but then the girls drag the hay out and make a mess.
The boars have their own pens in the garden. Here is a pigture of one of them. They are folding pens, which can be put away when not in use and have a folding lid too, one side is wire and the other has a solid top to keep off the sun and to stop birds stealing from our dishes.
I will nag her to take some new pigtures before winter comes.

More floor time!

I want to share another video with you. This is agent Thunderbear, together with Lotje and Guiny.
It looks like Lotje is being mean nipping agent Thunderbear. But have a good look at what she is doing exactly and then realize that Lotje adored her food...

See what I mean?

Agent Not-so-Lil'Woop