Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Harlequin

Yep as you can see from the pigture Agent Bumblebee looks just like a bumblebee a good example of the harlequin markings.

The breed standards for a harlequin say the the head should be half black half yellow and the body should have equal distribution of black and yellow and black/yellow mixture.

Any white means you cant win (no fair, nothing wrong with yellow and white me says)

Agent Bumblebee joined her herd from a Pet Co shop where her Daddy feel in love with her spitfire attitude, she was smallest pig and yet the bossiest (way to go Bumblebee)

Me thinks she was the inspiration for the giant Bumblebee guinea pig in South Park.

[caption id="attachment_480" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Agent Bumblebee"]IMG_0881[/caption]

Monday, November 23, 2009

Guest Number 9

Agent Bumblebee (all will become clear)

Agent Bumblebee lives in Illinois with her 14 brothers and sisters.

She is definetely the boss pig, loving to have her own way no matter what.

Her real name is the same as the Greek goddess of Wisdom and War and the main city in Greece is named after her.

Get your guessing hats on

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rainbow Bridge Disney Dog

Sad news report today.

Yesterday Mummy's parents had to help their dalmation dog Disney over the rainbow bridge.

They adopted Disney when he was 1 year old and he has been with them 14 years, me is told that is a very good life span for a large pure bred dog.

Disney was a rubbish guard dog as he loved everybody who ever visited, when he first met Daddy he jumped up put his paws on Daddy's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. (Daddy is 6 foot tall so that is a big dog)

Mummy says he was very silly as Dalmations are bred for stamina not intelligence (they used to run alongside coaches so they are very muscular dogs)

For the past year or so Disney had been suffering with dementia but in the end he developed stomach cancer and it was kinder to let him go to the rainbow bridge.

Goodbye Disney Dog now free of all problems

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This Himi is a Her-i

Agent Thunderbear is a Himalayan guinea pig.

She is not show quality as she has a white heart shaped smudge on what should be the dark part of her nose, she passed this onto her children, because of this her breeder found her a new home with the computer nerds.

Breed standards for Himalayans they have a white body with black or chocolate coloured points.

The points are found on the nose (known as the smut) and the feet the ears should also be dark coloured.

Himalayans are born white and then the points develop as they get older.

The points can also fade due to bright lighting and become lighter when warm and darker when cold.

They have ruby eyes.

[caption id="attachment_487" align="aligncenter" width="510" caption="Agent Thunderbear (what a cutie)"]AgentDsmall[/caption]

Monday, November 16, 2009

Guest Number 8

Agent Thunderbear (after her olympig running team)

Agent Thunderbear lives in the Nederlands with her brother and sister and 2 human computer nerds.

She hates being lifted up but has devised a clever way to get her cuddles, she gets in a tube or cuddle cup that can then be lifted.

She loves all food (way to go)

And enjoys a good chin rub (me bites anyone who goes near my chin)

Ready go guessing

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stormy Weather

Here in the UK we are being hit with nasty storm, the weather humans say we have winds of up to 85 miles an hour and we have lots of rain.

It has been very noisy over night keeping us piggies awake as the wind howls down the chimney and made the letter box flap (me kept thinking me had surprise visitor)

Me hopes all the other UK piggies and their humans are OK, we have no damage (touchwood, why silly human superstition)

Me also hopes our international friends are not suffering with bad weather conditions.

All agents please provide weather reports for your area, this is important information in case any piggies wish to go travelling.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tricking Mummy

We made Mummy feel really guilty.......

During the night we dragged the food bowl into our bedroom area underneath the mezzanine floor, we then emptied it on the floor.

To really confuse Mummy we then dragged the empty bowl back to where she had left in.

When she got up in the morning we stood round the bowl looking sad.

She felt so guilty she got us a new bowl of pellets and extra fresh food to make up for it.

When she changed the fleece in the evening she found all the food................

We are in the dog house (which means Daddy got out)
