Showing posts with label Meet the Agents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meet the Agents. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New pigs

Agent Custard Cream
Amelia Biscuit when I first got her, she is a lot bigger now!
Amelia Biscuit and the late great Edna in the garden
Agent Stoat
Weasel being Weasely
Maisey - all these pics were taken while they were in quarentine
Maisey and Mirabella

Hello there,

Following the loss of Edna I was hoping I could put some new pigs on!

Here is the post I have sent to the GPDD:

Following the loss of the great Edna in December, we decided to have a quiet Christmas with just Weasel and Amelia Biscuit. However, it was noted that Weasel was becoming more nervy, not eating as much and being more fussy with food. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with her (she bit the poor vet) and thought she was missing Edna (as Edna was a great lover of mealtimes). Amelia was also getting very upset if she couldn't see Weasel so I was starting to get very worried about them.

So, off to my local sanctuary to find some more companions and we cam back with Maisey and Mirabella. They are 18 month old mixed Dutch/Agoutis, who like to be in the same pen but do not sleep together. I bought a second hand cage for quarentine and then gently introduced them. They are all together now and seem to be getting on okay (lots of noise and bottom wiggling at first), all (including Weasel)  are eating plently, with mealtimes such noisy fun so I am hopeful they will all become friends!

None of them are agents so maybe they could join (Weasel would like to be agent Stoat, Amelia agent custard cream). Maisey and Mirabella may need feeding up.



Gorgeous Golden Hoping for a Piggysnap

Well try as we might we couldnt think of any other golden agoutis that we know so this is an appeal on behalf of Agent Acorn would any other golden agoutis please send us your details so we can find her a piggysnap.

Agent Acorn

I’m Agent Acorn, the fastest pig in the West. I am a golden agouti with red patches on my neck and tummy. In my collective, I’m the most athletic – even though they are fast, I can still run circles around them all! My favorite activities are running laps, popcorning, and jumping up onto ledges of various heights. I also love to eat, especially timothy pellets. Sometimes I eat so much, the other piggies complain that they don’t get enough! My agent name is Acorn because my owners think I look like an animal that likes to eat acorns.

PS just to make this really hard her real name is Russian for the animal that likes acorns get guessing.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Introducing Agents PorkChop and Smudge

Hello fellow pigs, we have been told about this website by our cousin, Agent Lettuce. We are a pair of 4 year old sows who live with our Mummy (the twin of Mopsy, slave of Dido). We don't like doing very much apart from being cuddled, destroying toys and screaming for spinach. You may call us Agent Porkchop (sister is chunky and Aunty Mopsy threatens to cook her) and Agent Smudge (I have a little black smudge over one nostril).
Onto guessing our names, my real name is inspired by one of my gorgeous features (let's face it, I am a stunning pig), namely my ears and is a colour.
Sister has a two word name, the first word is a rank in the armed forces (mummy was thinking of joining the army when we came to live with her). The second part of her name is a barnyard animal and part of the name of our species name English, Latin, French and German.

Thinking up clues is hard work so I'm going for a nap as demonstrated below by Porkchop.

Another Awesome Abby

Agent Speedy

Secret Agent Name : Speedy
Favorite Foods: all fruits and veggies; I love them all!
I run very fast! I love to run in and out of tunnels and
jump into my corner hanging hut. I'm not great at hiding
as I don't stay in one place for very long. If you see a
pig running at the speed of light, it's me.

Agent Speedy is the latest addition to a mixed herd in New York, her real name rhymes with that of a famous elephant.

Get guessing

Monday, February 14, 2011

Piggy Snap; Awesome Abby's

Agent Incognito

Agent Gingerbread

Back in November Agent Gingerbread promised an introduction to follow the photo, we havent had one yet, so Agent Gingerbread please add your introduction and clues to real name in the comments section (wink)

Mystery Agent Java

I am Agent Java, a tricolored Abyssinian with patches of white, red, and golden agouti fur. My favorite foods include green bean, watermelon, grapes, dried corn husks, and carrot tops. I particularly love alfalfa hay and beet leaves (along with other pig foods that I am not allowed to eat very often because my slaves/”owners” are very strict with my diet)! My favorite pastimes include enjoying grass under the warm California sun, snoozing in my cuddle cup, using other piggies as my personal pillows, and finding ways to outsmart my slaves. This is because I am nearing six years old, and am very smart and mischievous. See example below, when I startled them by stealing a slice of delicious watermelon off their fork!

Mystery Agent Magician

I am Agent Magician, the newest addition to the Californian Collective. I am also a tricolored Abyssinian who has patches of white, cream, and lemon agouti. My absolute favorite foods ever are dandelion greens and corn husks. In my spare time, I love to munch on grass outdoors and jump in tubs of fresh hay. I also enjoy getting my chin petted. My agent name is Magician because it is a clue to my real name and because I like to disappear in my cage (by hiding underneath the layers of fleece, but shh don’t tell anyone).

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Girl in Town

Igor and Coco
It is I, Agent I, and I would like you all to meet my new cagemate Coco. She looks like chicory on legs (yum) and is only 6 months old. I selected her personally from a group of 4 lovely ladies at the shelter in Haarlem (if you click here you can maybe still see her pigture together with her sisters Yaya and Bibi.. yes, you read that correctly; sister of a Yaya..)


Her hobbies are popcorning and chasing me around the cage. When she sits on J's lap (the human) she really enjoys being petted and she stretches out sooo much that she looks like an enourmously hairy piggy puddle. She has red eyes and is a white and lilac coloured coronet guinea pig (a coronet is a longhaired pig with a single rosette on the top of her head).

 Without further ado, I give you mademoiselle Coco!! *drumroll*

Photo Coco:
Photo Igor and Coco: 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Piggy Snap; Even More Crested Piggies

Its an invasion LOL

Mystery Agents Addytude and Tiny

Addytude's favorite food is any food that her cage mate Amanda has first! LOL her favorite toy in the double hut in their cage as she likes to drive it around the cage. she weighs in at 1064 grams. She is a sweet heart and has a tude!! so her nick name we call her is Addytude!!

Tny's favorite food is carrot. His favorite passtime is taking the hay out of his bin and making a lovely bed out of it. He was the smallest pig when he first arrived here. I gave him the nick name "Tiny". He now weighs in at a hefty 1500 grams!! He is a very very gentle pig.

Addytude and Tiny are part of a mixed herd living in Illinois, Addytude's real name starts with an A and the first part sounds very similar to Addy the name is English in origin and means noble.

Tiny's real name is the same as the first part of a type of quilt made from little squares, you may remember I mixed him up with another agent a while ago ooooops.

Get guessing

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Agent Porkchop here, as you can see I am a stunning crested Guinea Pig, so I thought I would include my lovely self in the crested piggy snap!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Piggy snap: More Crested pigs

The black and white pig is Zoe.  She was adopted from the Medfield Animal
Shelter in Medfield, MA.
Tucked inside her was June to be born to much excitement at our house.
They are both crested piggies.

Monday, January 24, 2011

call for piggie pigtures!

I've been waiting to contribute and when I saw the call for pictures,
I knew it was the right time :) I've attached some pigtures of my
boys, here is some info:

Names: Kip (white one with brown on his face & crested hair) and
Baxter (tricolor)
Age: About 1.5 years
Favorite pastimes: Besides eating hay, Baxter likes to hang out in
his igloo and Kip is very curious, so he likes to keep a watch out for
anything exciting going on!
Favorite snacks: We try to limit the sweets (they love oranges &
apples!), so besides that the boys scarf up red & green bell pepper,
kiwi, and their greens.

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to know!


Abbie Mood
Freelance Writer & Editor
Twitter: @AbbieMood

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Introducing 2 new Agents: 'little' Guinygirlz reached agent weight!

We were weighed last friday and are happy to announce we have reached Agent weight in less than 8 months!
We will be eight months old on the 12 and 13 of January, and now weigh 1060 grammes (about 2.33 lbs)

Cause slaves loves to share baby pigtures with you here are some pigtures of us, one of baby size, one of current size of both of us...

Lily a few weeks old
Lily now, next to Lil'Woop

Daisy a few weeks old
Daisy now with agent Valentino

New Agents Lily'Explorer

and Agent Wheeker

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Agents Milk Tray and Gingerbread reporting

Helloooooo ladies! I have chosen the alias Agent Milk Tray because all the ladies love Milk Tray *winks* and my lovely chocolate fur.
I live with my brother who will be introducing himself shortly. Our human is best friends with Mopsy, slave of Dido, Agent Lettuce. I like sitting with my brother on my Mummy or Daddy and eating my favourite treats such as sweetcorn, spinach and the odd bit of carrot.
My actual name is the same as a well known fictional bear and I share his love of pic-a-nic baskets.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Meet the Sheep

Well as promised Agent Incognito has managed to get the sheep to stay still for a photo.

He appears to have red eyes like me, but mine are a much darker red, of course it could just be the silly camera changing eye colour, we will wait for Incognito to advise us.

The Sheep

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lets Meet Agent 7

What is your special agent name and why did you chose it? I am Agent 7 cause 7 is a lucky number

Where do you live, which state? I live in Oregon USA

Who do you live with? I live with me mommy slave Sandy

What is your favourite food? Romaine! Romaine! Romaine! organic and dripping wet and crisp

What is your favourite toy? I luv driving my piggloo aroun, I can put it over my food dish when its too cold out.

What is the best thing about being you? I am a pirate and I was a good bruder to da late Manny da Boar, and da very Best is I luv my fiance Jodie Da Pig, she is soft an cuddly she make me happy

Any other comments you would like to add? I like to go each spring on secret agent trips to guard da swimming leatherback turtles and I belong to a group dat guards da nest of turtle eggs and den wee keep away da birds so dey can get to da ocean when dey hatch. Last year da oder secret agent pigs went wit me but I cant say who cause it's a secret.

Welcome Agent 7.

See Agent F I kept my promise


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Guest Number 25

Agent 7...............

Agent 7 is the least Secret of all the secret agents having already revealed his identity several times tsk tsk.

Your clues are he is a lone pig who lives in Oregon with his Mummy, his real name is alliterative and double barrelled (who says piggy's dont know big words)

Get Guessing

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Introducing New Agents

Greetings fellow supa sekrit agent peegz!
My name is Irene, a character in the hoomins fav Handel oratorio. Sistys name is Dido, she is named after an opera character too! We iz veh cultured peegz.
My sekrit agent name is Thumper cause I am a bit naughty sometimes and thump my sisty. My sisters is Lettuce cause she likes to nom lettuce.
We live in Northumbria with our hoomin, her flatmate and a number of gerbils. The hoomin and the flatmate are both scientists. We used to live in Scotland and have a Scottish tint to our wheeks.
Our fav dry food is Gertie and our fav greens are parsley, spinach and lettuce. Carrot iz teh sux.
My fav hobby is projectile peeing at my sisty but our hoomin gets cross with me. Dido likes to go for runs. We also enjoy chewing everything and going to visit our aunties what live with our hoomins twin.
Our fav toy is our Chewube, though when we were little we ran in from opposite ends at the same time and got stuck once.



Us with our baby sisters who live with a little hoomin next to our house.

Welcome Thumper and Lettuce to the world of secret agent piggies we look forward to more reports from you


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Honourary Agent

Fugly the chinchill was named after our beloved Agent F and so it is only right that he join us as an honourary member of the Undercover Guinea Pig Society.

He Even Likes His Greens Like Agent F

Looks Like Time For A Nap

Friday, July 16, 2010

Marvellous Momma

Agent Momma, has agreed to take part in a little friendly competition, the Agent who can guess correctly the number of mini pigs and the sex of the mini pigs in Momma's tummy will win the honour of being Agent of the month.

Here are some pigtures to give you a clue.

How Many Mini Pigs?

How Many Boys and How Many Girls?

We think Agent Momma is gorgeous we love her little stripes

We are guessing 3 mini's 2 girls and a boy

Dont worry you can use the same guess as us, we will just have multiple agents of the month if more than one of us is right ;)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Guest Number 22

Agent Momma

Agent Momma is the latest addition to a mixed herd in Illinois, she arrived recently bringing extra surprises for her new family.

Her real name comes from the Greek for pure/chaste

Her agent name is a real give away

Get guessing...................................

Monday, July 5, 2010

Agent Valentino reporting for duty!

Just a quick report.

I am agent Valentino,
a ginger, chocolate and white US Teddy boar,
reporting for duty.

Real Name? Chico (or actually I used to be Toby, but slave confused me with Toby (or previously Chico))
Secret Agent Name? Valentino
Why did you chose your Secret Agent Name? My slave was allowed to adopt me and my mate Mr. T as a valentine's present on valentine's day of course.
Where do you live? The Netherlands
Who do you live with? Woopy, Lily and Daisy
You can see us during the (european) day, on our own TV channel: Guinygirlz
Favourite Food? Super Trio pellets, brand is Hope farms
Favourite Hobby? Rumbling at the girls
Favourite Toy? My House

Agent Valentino