Saturday, March 17, 2018

Happy St.Patrick's Day.

On behalf of all the Piggyfriends, Agent Diva 1 aka Lulu wishes everyone a happy St. Patrick's Day.
I do not mind wearing Slave's shamrock necklace but I do not think that I want to try the earrings. I am sorry that I have left some bits of my coat on your jumper but it is a small price to pay for me posing so nicely. You did not think that I would do that did you Slave? You thought that I would rush off and hide under the table!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Sunday, March 11, 2018

We also lit a candle

We also lit a candle for the Peter Gurney memorial!
What is that smell? Cookie says while sniffing the air

Raani also comes to have a look and investigate.
Oh it's a candle to remember our late friends
Like Bérke, Peaches and Tijger

Binky! Come have a look, you never seen this either
because you were the last to join us

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Candle Post

Hello This is the first time I have tried to post to the blog. I hope
this works out. Cheers, Ann of Piggyville

March 9th 2018: The Peter Gurney Light That Went Around the World

Honeydew and Squirly of Piggyville in Swannanoa, North Carolina USA lit
a candle in memory of their Hero Peter Gurney. Our slave reads to us at
bedtime. Peter Gurney's book "The Last of Their Kind" is our favourite
bedtime story. His guinea pigs actually wrote the book. We never get
tired of hearing Sarah, Iggy, Ruby, Dusty, Dennis and Free Range Jake
give their views of what life was like living with Peter. We are sure
that many slaves would enjoy a book written by Peter's piggys too.

Candle Lighting 2018

On the 9th. March at 8 pm. members of the GPDD light candles in memory of the piggies who are at the Rainbow Bridge as well as other pets and humans who are, sadly, no longer with us.

We usually ask our eldest Piggyfriend to light our candles so here is our beloved Otto doing the honours.

Below is another photo in which you can see him with his best friend Niamh. She was our candle lighter last year as our Slave was away on holiday so it was down to our pigsitter to be our photographer and he picked Niamh as he knew that she would sit still and not set fire to her whiskers.

Finally here is a better view of our candles, which were rather obscured by our candle lighters.

If any of our readers lit candles and would like us to post their pigtures, please get in touch at the usual address ( see Contribute ).

Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday video: piggy washing her slave

My sister's piggy likes to wash her slaves hands...
A post shared by Janneke Staaks (@jstaaks) on

Sunday, March 4, 2018

A Piggy A-Z. F is for Fans

We hate the winter, when the grass struggles to grow and we have to be indoors all the time because it is too wet and cold so we are reminiscing today.

It does not get hot very often in England but we do have a few days when it is too warm for us ( and for Slave ) so we have lots of fans around the house to keep us all cool.

In the pig room ( Slave calls it her conservatory but there are nearly as many piggies in it as plants ) we have a ceiling fan as the roof is glass and it lets in too much heat. Here it is.

It is nice and quiet and is also our light at night.

We also have several floor fans and you can see one of them below.
The towels stop us being in a draught but the cool air can circulate. That is me, Louis Piggyfriend, eating from my bowl. Otto and Niamh live next door to me but they are behind the towel and you cannot see them.

Slave tells us that, on milder days, the grass is beginning to grow but that it is very muddy in the garden after the snow has melted and we have had a lot rain today but we all look forward to going out to pick our own grass in the summer.