Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Video: Pumkin does Guinea Pig Tricks

This week the lovely and clever Pumkin. Enjoy!

Have a nice Wheekend!


  1. Wow! Do we feel dumb after watching that clever piggy. Slave says that our late Miss Piggy could do circles and stand up and wave. One star in the herd is probably all she can hope for.

  2. Aww such a smart and clever piggie!!! Some of the misfits will do circle but that wave thingy is so adorable. I must try and see if any of the misfits will do that:) well done!

  3. Such a smart pig! I tried to teach my girls the circle trick, all I got were stubborn "give me the food" stares and piggy attitude instead.

  4. Oh my goodness Pumpkin is so cute! And very smart / talented. I tried to teach my girls tricks but they were already almost 3 when I got them and all I got were the same stubborn looks Cali Cavy got...Pigs will be pigs!

  5. Wow! I'm gonna show that to Jimmy and Pepper but probably without succes :-)
