Friday, May 6, 2011

Meet Agent-in-Training Spaetzle

Our 12 year old buddy, Jennifer, is quite delighted by the Undercover Guinea Pigs blog. So much so she has dubbed herself Agent Stargirl. She also loves making videos, so this is the first in a series of six introducing us. First up, Agent-in-Training Spaetzle (aka Fritz).

XO The Nubbins Nine


  1. Cute video cant wait for more, well done Agent Stargirl

  2. Sooo cute!

    Welcome Agent Stargirl! We can already see that you are gonna make a valuable addition to the undercover guinea pigs squad, and we are very honored to have you!

    Lots of wheeks!

  3. Hello Agent Stargirl! We look forward to more of your intros to your piggies.:)
    I think you did a great job indeed.
    keep the updates coming:)
