Thursday, November 25, 2010

Agents Milk Tray and Gingerbread reporting

Helloooooo ladies! I have chosen the alias Agent Milk Tray because all the ladies love Milk Tray *winks* and my lovely chocolate fur.
I live with my brother who will be introducing himself shortly. Our human is best friends with Mopsy, slave of Dido, Agent Lettuce. I like sitting with my brother on my Mummy or Daddy and eating my favourite treats such as sweetcorn, spinach and the odd bit of carrot.
My actual name is the same as a well known fictional bear and I share his love of pic-a-nic baskets.


  1. Too right about the ladies loving Milk Tray. Our Slave is a chocaholic. Our Agent Thorntons was hoping for more choccy piggies with whom to play Piggy Snap and there you are. We just need two more.

    We guess that your real name begins with a Y but will say no more so that other piggies can guess.

    Welcome Agent Milk Tray.

  2. Ai am not guessing cause Agents Milk Tray and Gingerbread belong to mai hoomins best friend. Sometimes Ai go stay with them.

  3. we think Milk Tray might be "smarter than the average bear"

    Mummy also loves chocolate

  4. Welcome Agent Milk Tray! What beautiful coloring. I haven't heard of "Milk Tray" before, but it sounds delicious. Chocolate solves all problems!

  5. They don't have Milk Tray in the US! What a tragedy.

    It is a box of chocs with assorted yummy centres and the adverts for it feature a mystery guy who goes through all kinds of danger to deliver a box to his lady. He leaves the box in her room with a card and disappears via a rope through the window, on a parachute, abseiling down the wall, skiing into the unknown etc. The tagline is " and all because the lady loves Milk Tray"

    Too true! Delicious!

  6. Thanks, Piggyfriends, Milk Tray isthe perfect agent name for Yogi because he is a very handsome boar and all the ladies love him!
