Monday, March 17, 2025

Padraig Sends Out St.Patrick's Day Greetings!

 Yes, it's me --- Padraig from the Prairie Pigs!  I was selected for this particular assignment because I have a fine Irish name and lots of red hair (like many Irish humans, including our Auntie Penny).

It is decidedly not green here in Saskatchewan at the moment (though we know the green is still down there under the snow), but there is lots of green inside.  Have you ever noticed how many of a guinea pig's favourite things in the world are green?  Parsley, cilantro, dandelion greens, romaine, kale, carrot tops --- I could go on and on.  (Hmmmm... I feel even more Irish, just thinking about all of that delicious crunchy greenery!)

The Prairie Pigs will be celebrating St. Paddy's Day with all of our favourite green things, and we suggest you do the same (even if it means slipping a bit of food colouring into your Guinness, just for today)!  Spring is just around the corner!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to our Readers.


The Piggyfriends would like to wish all of our readers a very happy St. Patrick's Day.

Peaches is a bit confused about wearing Slave's shamrock necklace.

Usually one of the more sensible Piggyfriends gets to do this but Slave said that not enough of our Abyssinians get to be on the blog. So, rather than have one of our good piggies. like Heidi, wear the necklace, Peaches got the job. 


This could have been a mistake on her part but, after several blurry outtakes of Peaches making a run for it, Slave managed to get this one. Not the best pigture ever but it is the thought that counts.


Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

The Prairie Pigs Light a Candle on Peter Gurney's Birthday

This year the Prairie Pig guarding our candle is Arthur Pendragon.  We don't know if you can see it clearly, but our candle holder this time is a sleeping cat.  We chose this particular one because our most recent loss here was our cat friend Hugo, who was a calm and gentle presence in our lives for many years.  

We are looking forward to seeing pigtures of all of the other piggies from our guinea pig community around the world, standing by their candles and taking a moment to remember.  Of course we never met Peter Gurney, but Pig Mum often looks up treatments and remedies for us in his books, and we are very grateful for his vast wealth of knowledge about piggies and willingness to share that wisdom for the good of guinea pigs everywhere!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Candle Lighting Day 2025 at Piggyfriends.

On March 9th. every year, the guinea pig community lights candles at 8pm. in our own time zones. This day was chosen as it was the birthday of Peter Gurney, who wrote many books about piggies, and we remember him, our pets and our humans who have passed away.

This year we chose one of our girls to be in charge of candle lighting. Here is Heidi, who is safe with a candle as she has very short whiskers.

We also picked one of our boys to light a candle and here is Benedict.

Our friends, the Piggyville Girls from Swannanoa, North Carolina, USA also lit a candle and they sent us this photo. From left to right they are Slaney, Shannon and Ceilidh.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

We Love Our Bowl !!!

Sephora:  There!  I wrote four words.  My work here is done!

Capy:  No, we have to make a post, too.

Sephora: What is a post?

Capy:  I think it is like a story.

Sephora:  I worked hard on those words.

Capy:  Mom says it needs context.  Don't ask.

Sephora.  Okay.

Hi all!  This is our second photo here, and we are honored.  We hope you can see us better, too.  I, Sephora, am on the left and I, Capy, am beside her.

It might not look like we are doing much, but we are fascinated by this bowl which is made of Timothy hay.  Our mom had just put it into our house and within fifteen seconds, we were beside it.  It is so good that we will chew it down to a very small piece which ends up being so tiny that our mom can't put pellets in it anymore because they would just slide off.  (Laughter)

That way she has to buy us another one!

It makes lots of popping noises as we chew on it, and we like to imagine they are music.

We hope you have lots of fun things to chew on and to play with, too!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day to all of our Readers!

Slave has been telling us all about Valentine's Day and how our Piggyfriend, whose name actually is Valentine, was our representative last year.

My name is Cobweb and I drew the short hay to be this year's victim for a photo. 

Slave says that I was a good boy and I had some treats afterwards which I shared with my best friend Tamworth. I wasn't too sure about having one of Slave's Valentine hearts sitting on my back but she does like to take silly photos, which are not very dignified but it happens to us all. Anything for a lettuce leaf!

Slave asks me to remind everyone that March 9th. is Candle Lighting Day when we remember all of our friends at the Rainbow Bridge so you have plenty of time to find a candle, take a photo and mind you don't singe your whiskers with the match.

                       HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY FROM US ALL.

Friday, January 24, 2025

We Came out of Hiding for a Photo!

Sephora and Capy here!  Our mom adopted us a couple of months ago but up until now, we have been pretty good about hiding whenever she wanted to take a photo.  We made sure she didn't see us at all for the first few days we were with her.  Piggies cannot be too mysterious!



After Scottie passed away (sadly we never knew him), our mom wasn't sure she would ever adopt any more guinea pigs.  That did not last long, though, and she soon began a search which happily ended with us!  We are two sisters, about a year old, who were left at a vet's office.  A kind person there took us home, knowing she couldn't keep us, but she wanted to give us a chance.  She took excellent care of us while we waited for our forever home!

We came complete with all sorts of good hay and other food, and with our names!  In the photo, I, Sephora (I'm the one who looks like I'm wearing make-up) am on the left and I, Capy (I look like a capybara) am on the right.  You can also see our green sofa and our colorful rolled cozy.

Capy: Sephora thinks the green sofa is hers, and doesn't think I should be allowed to sit on it.  She thinks the bowls are hers, too!

Sephora: A girl has to eat!  Besides, the green sofa is, indeed, mine...

We like to play with paper bags and one of our favourite veggies is romaine.  Cucumber is high on our list too!  We still run from mom (unless food is involved, in which case we crowd around her hand), but when she picks us up and gently rubs our ears, we highly approve!

Thanks for letting us introduce ourselves!  Maybe we will agree to another photo soon...