
Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Video: Teddy Bear the Porcupine's Halloween Feast

And he's having pumpkin! How adorable is he?

We did some searching on the web after seeing this video, and found out that he helps to educate people, and that he did the voice of Sebastian the hedgehog in The Hobbit; an Unexpected Journey.

Hope you have a nice Wheekend!


  1. Penny and the Piggyfriends25 October, 2014 10:31

    What a wonderful porcupine! I've only ever seen them in zoos, where they were always asleep in their homes and had no idea how big they were until, at one zoo, the keeper took two out of their house to clean it and we were able to see them up close. How sweet that their hold their lunch in their paws.

    Just imagine having them in the wild!

    Thanks Janneke.

  2. Ik vond ze altijd al schattig maar nu nog meer.
