
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Repost: Different piggie breed pigtures wanted for the 2015 Undercover Guinea Pigs Calendar!

Hey all,

So I want to try to gather pigtures of your piggies of different breeds, so we can make a calendar for 2015 with a different breed every month.

This year's Desktop calendar
As always I need your help! So please send me pigtures of your piggies. Pictures that show us how they look (or differ from other breeds) are most useful of course. Any breeds will do, please let us know what breed your piggie is, and if you have pigtures of late piggies in a particular breed, feel free to send them in too!

Every month in 2015 I would like to make a post about that month's particular breed. If you have any explanation about the breed (i.e. Rexes have curled wiskers, US teddies straight), know about special traits they have (for example of rexes it is often said they are bigger then other breeds). Maybe how they came in to existence (a mix of two other breeds) anything that is interesting for us to know, let us know.

Check on the contribute tab for our email address and send us your pigtures!
Please also send me their (agent) names and breed.

Thanks, I hope we can make another gorgeous Calendar for the upcoming year, and of course make a little profit we can donate to a shelter...

You can see most of our previous calendar piggies here. or click on the labels on the right side with Calendar 2014, 2013 or 2012.

and the rest of the blogging trinity (Janneke and M)

The 2012 Wall calendar


  1. Sorry, I will not do a calendar for 2015

  2. fully understand Mikey, Sorry I never sent in any pigtures. Been dealing with health issues... Hope you are well and all your piggies are doing well too.
