
Monday, October 27, 2014

Chaos at the Piggyfriends: Episode 8. Piggy of the Month

Florence Piggyfriend here.

I was so pleased to be piggy of the month in the Calendar. I can't believe that it is nearly Halloween again as so much has been happening here at Piggyfriends. If you have been following our Chaos story, you will know that our pigroom, which is also Slave's conservatory, had to be rebuilt as it was subsiding. We could not post an episode whilst Slave was away on her holiday as she took her camera with her. Then she brought it back and her computer died. Luckily the repair guys were able to resuscitate it and here we are again.

Slave has been painting our new wall green.
This colour is called Angel's Palace.
I think that it should be called Piggies' Palace.

One of our homes has been moved into the new room.
Who lives here?
"We do. This is our home and it is back where it should be!"
say Bosworth and Rafferty.

" This is my home. Please lift me in
so that I can eat that grass." says Susie
" Our home is ready for us to move back in.
Come on Otto!." say Lotte and Lola.

" Here I am." says Otto. " There is grass to share."
" My friend Angelina is being taken to our home by our pigsitter,
who is helping put our room back in order.
She is not scared now." says Florence.

"And here is Slave carrying her plants back in from the garage!
I'll show you more of our new room soon.
We don't all live in here as some of us stay in the dining room."


  1. Such a cute picture of Florence!

    Looks like lots of work on the living quarters! Piggies' Palace sounds like a happy place. :)

  2. Penny and the Piggyfriends06 November, 2014 19:30

    All finished now! There is an epilogue to come to show you the outside.
