
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Who should we donate the calendar proceeds to?

Many of you have pigticipated in the making and buying of the Undercover Guinea Pigs Calendar 2012.
Now we need your votes, who should we donate the profit to?
Read the motivations of the people who nominated their shelters, and why they should win here.

Voting is open until 30th March winner to be announced 31st March.

One a side note that are still a few calendars left, which you can still order. Click on the link in the right column to order yours...


  1. wonderful, i LOVE piggies and have 13 myself, probably small fry compared to what alot of you will have, ive adopted 4 alone in the last month,2 being from, they do a fab job :)

  2. Iv'e got three, all rescue, and would love to have more but hubby won't let me.

  3. I have 3 but hubby wont allow anymore,if set up my own rescue if I could

  4. I have 3 but hubby wont allow anymore,if set up my own rescue if I could
