
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pigs with Hats

You would think that, with all the junk she has laying around here, our Slave would have been able to find us hats for this competition. Other than the Christmas hat which has already been featured, she could only come up with a tiara, which is not really a hat but I hope that this will count.
I was not keen on wearing these but, after being bribed with some chicory, this is the best that I could do.
You'll have to excuse my wet chin. These poses needed a lot of chicory. Yummy.
Agent Firenze.


  1. Firenze you look like a bootiful princess, just dont let Lil Woop know I said that ;)

  2. Aaaww.. you are such a pretty girl!

  3. Very pretty! What a snuggly princess.

  4. Looking very regal, Agent Firenze!
