
Friday, February 24, 2012

Fundraising Pig T-shirts

Hi there


I’ve just been looking at your blog – its brilliant!


I wondered if you might be interested in a new online shop I’ve opened selling all sorts of guinea pig t-shirts and clothing.


I noticed you have Glynneath Guinea pig Rescue in the blog hop – I’ve got a special range which I’ve designed especially for them to help raise money for the rescue.


I wasn’t sure if you were in America or the UK but I have a shop for both. The American one is here and the UK one is here

I also have a facebook page


I would appreciate it so much if you would like to mention my t-shirts on your blog. I’ve attached a picture you could use.


Thanks so much, Louise xxx


  1. Oops - sorry, I thought I was sending an email - didn't realise it would appear straight away on the blog :-)

  2. I love your stuff! I'm going to have to buy a shirt. :)

  3. Our Slave is going to want one of these great shirts.

  4. Ghost + Iron Hamster24 February, 2012 20:46

    Dont worry we love having new people posting thats why we put the direct address in the take part bit lol

    Now do you have any piggy pigtures to share?? We love new agents.

    We also love your designs and great that its helping rescue.

  5. Thanks so much everyone! I'll go hunting and dig out some photos of my agents! I have so many it always takes me ages to choose :-)

  6. Hello again, my agents have introduced on the blog!! They are Agent Peggy, Daisy, Mabel & Betty. Sorry the post appear as anonymous - I wasn't sure how to post it from my name :-) I'll get the hang of this shortly!

  7. Hi Louise, dont worry any posts you send direct to the blog will appear as being posted by me, this is because the email address is my blog email address so I can post remotely if that makes sense lol.

    We let everyone use that one as its easier and friendlier and allows people to post without waiting for an admin to do it for them.

    So far no spammers have found it touchwood

  8. Great - I thought I'd messed up again! Thanks for the warm welcome xxx
