
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bath Time: the Archives

We from the Winky team are fortunate enough to have never had a bath. But we do have the archives with Jan the Boar, Suus, Yaya, Lotje and Guiny. These pigtures were made when they had a minor fungal infection and had to be treated with the Gorgeous Guineas products.

Pretty Suus

First, our brave pigs would get an oil treatment
I hate you
Little hedgehog
After wearing the oil for a few hours, the bathing would start
Then our heroes faced the shampooing
Jan the Boar all lathered up
After that, they were rinsed with water again to get the shampoo out. Suus used her super jumping powers for revenge.
Finally they were taken out and blown dry
Lotje had a curly belly
Look at the pretty curls
We didn't find many 'after' pigtures, we guess our heroes were not up for smiling prettily into the camera after this ordeal.

If your slave is sniggering while watching these photo's we suggest peeing during lap time.


  1. Aaw my cute girls! I miss them...

    Do notice that Guiny got in a fight with Suus just before these bathing pigtures were taken...
    That is why her nose looks so funny and pink,
    this earned her the nickname Scarface. It did heal very nicely though, and since they had this fight they became best friends (or should I say partners in crime?)

  2. Wonderful pigtures. Whee especially enjoyed the captions, they fit quite well with everypig's long suffering expressions.

  3. The captions are brilliant. I LOVE the OMG pigture.

  4. Great post we love the archives
