
Friday, February 24, 2012

Agent Christmas and her Mardi Gras Hat

Agent Christmas featured on the blog way back in 2010 but at that point she didn't have an agent name.

The clues to her real identity are;
She lives in New York
Her real name is how you feel at Christmas or how you wish others feel at Christmas.

Get guessing....


  1. We know the identity of this lovely piggy but we are going to give others a chance of getting it right before we have our go.

    Great pigture Agent Christmas.

  2. I think I know this piggy! It's Merri! :)

    Such a great photo, what a good photogenic piggy!

  3. Now that someone has had a guess, we can say that we think that it is Merri too.

  4. You are all so Piggy Savvy!!!!

  5. Squeeee whee love your jester hat Agent Christmas! And your lovely markings make it look like you have a masquerade mask on too, how very fitting.

  6. Awwww such a cute piggie!!!! lovely photo!!
