Friday, November 1, 2024

Hallowe'en Photo Shoot Goes Horribly Wrong

 Dear Readers, if you have ever attempted to do a photo shoot with a guinea pig, especially one dressed in a very cute Hallowe'en costume (which the guinea pig may not have --- strictly speaking --- agreed to wear) and a collection of props, you may have already learned what I found out today.  

Sometimes things do not go according to plan.

Here we have a basic set for a photo shoot: the letters are all still affixed to the background (that "a" in Happy may be backwards, but who pays attention to details like that?) and we have a few basic props appropriate to the holiday in the foreground.  No piggy in sight, but that comes next...

Charlotte. the piggy model, has arrived!  Not looking too pleased, but you can't keep everyone happy, and now the "w" in Hallowe'en seems to have fallen off and put back on a bit hastily upside down...

Now we have lost a few letters from the sign and Charlotte's headgear has slipped down over her eyes...

It looks as if the Director has figured out how to turn on those little pumpkins and they are now flashing, but not quite properly synchronized...

Ah!  I'm afraid this might be as good as it gets, Readers!  We have lost a few more letters but both pumpkins are flashing at the same moment and Charlotte is in the middle, still wearing her costume and glaring at the camera.  Shall we quit while we are ahead?  Perhaps that is for the best!  

Happy Hallowe'en to all piggies and piggy people out there, and we hope no one dressed you up against your will and made you pigticipate in a photo shoot!


  1. Charlotte, you look so cute in your costume, even if it wasn't totally your idea to wear it. We think you and your mom both did a good job with Hallowe'en. After all, you stayed in your costume, we can imagine the missing letters, and the pumpkins finally agreed to light up together. Photo shoots are exciting!

  2. Charlotte, you are such a pretty girl! There's always next Hallowe'en!!
