Sunday, August 25, 2024

Slaney has a Photoshoot.

 Hello Readers, Peaches Piggyfriend here.

Our new friend, Slaney, at Piggyville had a photoshoot and she sent us some pigtures. We voted on which were the best and here they are.


The sun shows off her lovely red coat very well. Below you can see her other side, which is exactly the same.... just like me. She even has red eyes the same as mine.

Her mum was going to take her outside to have her pigtures taken but there was an evil hawk hovering over the garden so it was safer to stay indoors. The hawk was after the baby turkeys but they ran away. Can't be too careful out there!

Friday, August 16, 2024

A New Piggyville Girl!

"Hey, Ceilidh, is that our Pink Piggymobile?" asks Shannon.

"Yes, Shannon, it is!" replies Ceilidh. "And there is a copy of the Journal of the American Cavy Breeders' Association right next to it!  Maybe Mum and Dad are going to a guinea pig show?"

"Oh my gosh, Ceilidh!" cries Shannon. " A piggy must have arrived in the Pink Piggymobile!  We have a beautiful new red satin sister!  What do you think we should name her?  What about "Slaney", after the River Slaney that flows into the Irish Sea near Wexford?  She looks like a lovely Irish lass!"


Dear Readers, please welcome Slaney to the piggy blog. 
