
Thursday, March 9, 2023

Happy Birthday Peter Gurney


Hi Peter,

My name is Ceilidh and my blonde sister is called Shannon. Our Mum has been telling us how she learned to care for cavies from your book, Piggy Potions. Your book and the lessons she learned changed her life.

It led her to the CCT, the Cambridge Cavy Trust, where she studied how to provide healthcare to piggies using both conventional medicines and herbal remedies. You taught her how a little bit of honey helps the medicine go down. It is yummy too!!

You also taught her that there is often more than one way to go about solving a health problem. That advice set her off on a journey to learn from rodentologists and other lovers of guinea pigs from around the world how to provide the best care. She has all of your books and often sheds a tear when reading them. She explained to us that you have gone over the Rainbow Bridge and that you are looking after all the piggies until we can join them one day.

Happy Birthday from the Piggyville Girls of North Carolina, U.S.A.

1 comment:

  1. Piggyville Girls, your photos and note to Peter Gurney are lovely, and it is wonderful to hear of how Mr. Gurney inspired your mum to embark on a long and happy journey of learning. From your friends Scottie, Coke, Fitz, and Cindy
